Topic Proposals

How about favorite Key anime character trait/powers?

@cjlim2007 I know absolutely nothing about mahjong. Judging by the lack of response… Im guessing most people are the same. If you wanna just make the topic and try to get people into, that sounds fine by me.

@Totoro_Futaki What would be the purpose of that topic? I dont see a need for a topic just to leave a couple pictures in. If you wanna discuss them, I think that would fit within the realms of @therationalpi’s awesome new CG and Official Art topic, unless someone else disagrees?

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I was originally thinking of putting it there, but then for Hinoue’s art that she puts on her page, only 1/12th of them are Key works. If I remember correctly, there’s 1 Komari picture and 1 Fuko picture. There’s also a Haruka picture from Holy Breaker, but other than that, the rest of the CG’s she did aren’t Key-related.

I think Hinoue’s artworks are as-good-as-Key already (as is Holy Breaker) so if you have some elightening discussion, you could post it there, and if it grows even further, then we can think about making a new topic :wink:

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I have not been able to find a Topic about the animals of Key. Like an appreciation thread.

I mean what would the shows be without Potato

or Piro


You’re missing the bigger ones
Like Kotori’s pet
And Sora from Air
And the Cat that Misae has from CLANNAD

But yes, we need a topic for those beautiful creatures of the unknown abyss :hugs::hugs::hugs:

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Use the search function please! That goes for everyone.

And guys, you really dont have to ask here first unless you are really unsure whether your topic fits the community’s standards and guidelines. Otherwise, please just go ahead and make the topic.


…I wonder if there can be a topic on the character leitmotif soundtracks. I thought it might just simply fall on the KSL Music discussion, but I personally thought that it might be a good idea to have a topic focused on music that are associated with the characters? (or maybe debate on whether or not Sanka is actually Sakuya’s theme?)

On another hand, what do you think of a “possible dub names topic,” as in “If Key anime dubs/VN translations actually named the characters different from the original, what would it be?” kind of topic? This was just inspired by a Love Live post I saw circulating around the net recently. XD

Could probably fit in either the KSL discussion, or the individual character topics, but if you can think of enough to discuss about the character themes and how they relate to the respective characters specifically, then go for it. I was certainly proved wrong before about the character design stuff, so I can see where you’re coming from.

[quote=“BlackHayate02, post:172, topic:715”]
On another hand, what do you think of a “possible dub names topic,” as in “If Key anime dubs/VN translations actually named the characters different from the original, what would it be?” kind of topic?
[/quote]To be frank, at first I raised my eyebrow at this. But when I thought a bit more about it, is actually sounds pretty interesting. A lot of things go into a name, and it would be an interesting exercise to try to translate those things into English. I can already think of some good ideas.

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Honestly I just put it here since I do not have the option of creating a key discussion page yet.

@Aspirety Since you made the other Fanart threads… Harmonia Fanart Thread ???

Sure, is there much Harmonia fanart yet?

@Aspirety I think there might be a couple. But I guess not a lot, so I guess waiting might be better.

On other stuff, is it okay if I create character discussions for other characters in the Key universe. Such as (Komari route) Kojiro & (Mio route) Midori from LB for example, or even (Yuzuru’s past) Hatsune ? Or would it be better to just keep them in the route threads along with their respective route owners.

And would it be okay to do a “Key Mothers Appreciation Thread” ? I saw one for the Key fathers, but didn’t see one for the mothers. But it’s okay if you don’t want one created until Mother’s Day.

Not only is it okay, it is highly encouraged! For the sake of spoilers, you might want to make the topic name a bit more vague (like not putting in their last names or something). Also… well, not sure about (Mio route) Midori, since it seems like the same case as Yusa/Misa, and we put them in the same topic, so she might be an exception

Having it made on mother’s day would be pretty cool! It’ll definitely get more people to post in the topic once the day comes along :slight_smile: But hey, if you want to discuss it now, there’s no problem in making it now either

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The others are fine, but I question the need for these Charlotte character topics… Even creating topics for the brotherhood members was a bit of a push. But these are barely characters; they’re just stand-ins that have two scenes tops and nothing to discuss about them… Why did you feel the need to make so many topics for characters that, not only does nobody care about, but have virtually nothing to discuss?


As for Charlotte characters, my reasoning for Kazuki from Charlotte being discussed is because Kazuki was the only person introduced in the series to have been dissected, resulting in what happens to ability users. I think the “what if” scenario for people is a important thing to show

But of course, if you feel like those other middle school children topics should be changed, then I can just edit them and change them to a Rewrite character topics, since there’s others from Rewrite.

I’m still sceptical that there’s any discussion that needs to occur in Kazuki’s topic that can’t just occur in Nao’s topic instead. There’s nothing wrong with making new topics, but please consider whether a topics existence is necessary first. Is there lots of potential for discussion exclusive to that topic? If not, reconsider.


Let’s put a little condition on these character topics: If you have substantial discussion that you want to bring up about the character specifically, then sure, you can go ahead and make a topic. But if not, then you shouldn’t bother, because it’s likely that other people won’t have anything to contribute to the discussion either.

All of the topics you have made so far was just you introducing the topic, but providing absolutely none of your own thoughts to contribute to the discussion. If anything, it at least kickstarts the discussion in a good direction.

P.S. So if you want to justify the existence of the topics you have already made, you should go and post discussion-worthy ideas in them


So I was wondering, why isn’t there a topic to support the artists members of Kazamatsuri (even if they draw/make something other than key) that allows them to share their works.
I mean, since we are a daikazoku, we have to support our family members right?


I’m not sure what you mean. We have an entire category for fanworks.