Poll results are out!
Angel Beats! ~1st beat~ won by a large margin (almost everyone voted for it), while four other VNs tied for 2nd (Leyline, Flowers, Little Busters! Ecstasy, and Harumade).
We were also split on when (50/50 between ASAP and much later). The only thing we agreed on is the absolute, infallible supremacy of Angel Beats! above everything else.
With that, here’s the plan: with the Clannad Bookclub running, we’ll just take it easy and enjoy the bookclub until it wraps up. For those eager to start, I’d advise reviewing grammar, learning more vocab, and trying to read simple sentences like you can find in the NHK Easy News or try a free trial of one of these easy works: Hanahira! (ridiculously simple sentences); Yozora (most recent one on this list); Axanael; or HoshiMemo. There’s also planetarian on steam already, which can be switched to full Japanese. You can also play Battlefield 4 in Japan, which is surprisingly popular over there, from what I’ve heard. Or not surprising, since everybody loves explosions.
As for our precise start date: let’s shoot for beginning the Angel Beats! ~1st beat~ Japanese community reading program on March 1st! This may be adjusted as we draw closer to that date.