Key's Self-References

200 years was the number given I believe. She’s muuuuch older than Yuri and Ooyama.

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I personally don’t believe the key worlds are connected, sure there are some references here and there but that’s just some sly humor, not a major indication, or at least that’s the way I look at it. And as of yet I’ve never heard any compelling arguments that make me feel otherwise. Slowdive had some very interesting ideas but they were all just speculation, nothing solid.

When Yuri asks her in Heaven’s Door (I think it was like chapter 24 or something) she says she’s been there for around 3000 days

This one is obvious but no one posted it so here:

Nice name for a cafe.


Someone already stated the Key coffee in Charlotte, but without the pictures. Also


I wouldn’t call that a reference. They are just scenes that look vaguely similar. Since a lot of anime don’t include parents, the brother looking after the sick sister is common~

I changed it :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: Doesn’t it mean that they’re in the same timeline as the timeline where Masami was alive ? It could be wrong though. Since the Angel Beats picture has it at the store and the Charlotte picture has it in his bedroom, making it different.

Good thread, I know a lot of references, but now I know more thanks to this thread. Related question! (fanfare sounds)… Does anybody know a self reference in Key’s music? VN/Anime.

It may be a simple leitmotif re-used or something along these lines. I’m scratching my head and thinking while I listen to Lia’s Nostalgia album…

What do you mean by that? Songs typically don’t reference other songs, do you mean by lyrics or by reusing a melody?

Life Is Like A Melody references a Clannad track I think. Roaring Tides maybe?

I think there’s a track in the Little Busters anime that sounds quite similar to Natsukage aka Summer Lights from AIR. That’s the only one I can think about at the moment.

Hello folks!

@Glenn_Irish Oh yes Glenn, I was thinking about music (but your idea about lyrics is a good one!)… There are countless (sometimes hidden and sometimes purposely evident) insertions from one previous melody into another composition, variations, sometimes they re-use same complex chord sequences that references previous works.
Take for example music from the composer Mike Oldfield using secretly melodies of “The Songs of a Distant Earth” in his album “Amarok”; or Tubular Bells I, II and III and Music of the Spheres; or Enya’s compositions “On my way home” and “Sail away” (there she re-uses both melody and lyrics).
The extreme of this technique would be things like the direct “self-sampling” like Michael Cretu did on most of his albums, in his electronic project called “Enigma”, if we talk about the electronic/pop music genre. And the list goes on…
Also non-copyrighted music is often used, in the style of Tchaikovsky (he included parts of the beautiful “La Marseillaise” on his composition “1812”).

Self-reference may be a valuable artistic resource, and it is quite often a very effective one.

@Takafumi I’m not sure about that one, it certainly has many similarities… but let me tell you that a couple of times I’ve confused (in my first days listening to Key’s music) music from Tomoyo After with music from Clannad/After Story. I will re-check them later…

@Inuconandoyle Thanks to your commentary I will have to relisten the entire OST of Little Busters (I’m serious) :slight_smile:

Anyway, it is good excuse to re-visit good, memory trigger, music. Isn’t it? :slight_smile:

Well I know natsukage from air and unused track from little busters have essentially the same beginning, but I think that was just lazy composing lol. Also of course there is the use of the “chorus” in dango daikozaku also used in nagisa warm piano arrange but that’s far more intentional

I always saw it as a full-circle attempt. The story comes to a close, so it loops back around to Clannad.

Actually, “Boys Be Smile”'s lyrics reference “Little Busters!” directly, which is kinda brilliant when you listen to it. I think it could probably elicit a whole discussion kinda thing in the KSL topic.

[quote=“Inuconandoyle, post:51, topic:694”]
here’s a track in the Little Busters anime that sounds quite similar to Natsukage aka Summer Lights from AIR.
[/quote]Yes, yes. Unused Track 3. We’ve had this discussion a billion times in the Key Sounds Label discussion thread. Both of them also sound like some track from Love Song.

Actually @zetaFairlight, you’re the one who brought this whole subject up over there a couple months ago; did you completely forget?

Honestly though, composers just tend to sound like themselves. Maeda sounds like Maeda. Orito sounds like Orito. I wouldnt call it self-references, its the same thing as a writer often using the same themes, etc.

Hello @Yerian, Yeah, I’ve forgot about that thread from time ago while writing this, maybe because it is a bit old (but even so I can remember many interesting posts!).
Ergo, feel free to move the music parts if you feel is right and place a link there. As a musician it just came to my mind this while I was reading the thread. Thanks.

It is a nice topic to talk about, because there are always new findings and opinions, and new fans, along with new music from Key Label. — It would be fun to find a nexus between Angel Beats and Charlotte.

Yes indeed… I wonder if there’s a reason or maybe the reason was that they sound too similar.

That’s a very interesting point of view! I can certainly feel it on Clannad and After Story, but we could easily say the same things about Clannnad and Tomoyo After. Interesting…

Indeed, but sometimes… we can find symbolic bridges and references. Specially when you are both a musician and a writer. Just like the images from this thread imo.

Since we’re talking about music references… well I wasn’t the one to notice this, and many other people know it already, but the lyrics of Hanabi are essentially Rin2 route

And Hanabi came out 4 years before Little Busters :wink:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Key Sounds Label - Music Discussion

I know we all saw this. But just for the sake of it. Here’s the reference of Angel Beats. From Charlotte - Episode 7. And this scene on the computer, seems like a re-modified version of episode 12. Since I can see 12 on the upper right of the link.


I like how it’s 2525 channel, pronounced nigonigo, instead of niconico. There’s also a comment about the game version: "ゲーム化おめ, not 100% sure what it means though.

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