Introduce Yourself!

Oh geez, so many new members! Hope you are enjoying our community! A warm welcome to @Jordan1992, @Madekuji_san, @Skyforger (where do I know that name…), @Razor_TD, @mogaoscar, @niles_wali, @Kyou-taku , @Jin, and @kawaii-is-justice! I’m so excited to finally have our first African member! And of course, @RockmanDash12, great to have you on board!

Once you achieve dango rank by using the forum for a few days, you can access our discord chatroom. Hope to see you all there!


Yeah, most people I talk to don’t even know of Little Busters!, so it’s kind of sad, but anyway, necrobumping is promoted here, so you can bump any dead thread, really.


Good to see so many new members! Welcome all, I hope to see you around on the forums!

@KomariKamikita Thank you for the welcome :masgrin: I actually just started a blog too here. Please do share your blog with us when you start it up, I particularly look forward to reading your piece on the Spiral of Happiness Theory!

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Ah, hi everyone.

as my nickname, i am rushman, from Indonesia.

as per what i have read/watched of Key, i only have watched charlotte and angel beats, and read rewrite, while rewrite being my first time of reading Key’s work.
Well between those three, my favorite is Rewrite, and a pretty huge fan for it, you could say. (My avatar says everything)

After knowing Rewrite, i tried to know more about it, hence leading me to this forum where i get all the latest info of Key’s works. I found it from the facebook page.

For now, i’ve been trying to insert “Playing Key’s games” into my daily schedule, but it’s still a bit hard for me since i’m still in my 3rd year of college. I hope i can play/read/watch Key’s works, especially not through the “pirating” ways.

At first, i was kinda reluctant to join a forum, but ultimately, i decided to, so kazamatsuri is my first time joining a forum, so… i look forward to have fun together here, thank you.


For those I have yet to greet, welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay here! :smiley:

To those I haven’t yet officially welcomed (pretty much everyone after me), a big hello. I hope that you have a great time with in this community! Also, I’m pretty excited about the new people here which haven’t read all KEY’s Visual Novels.

@rushman_ad I’m really looking forward to seeing your reaction when you read or watch CLANNAD. :kyogrin:

Also, don’t forget to join the Kazamatsuri’s discord chat once you reach the “Dango” status, which you should already have or will shortly have.

Have a nice time discussing!

Welcome @rushman_ad and everyone who joined the forum since the past few weeks. Glad you could all make it here. :blush: [quote=“rushman_ad, post:1940, topic:49”]
For now, i’ve been trying to insert “Playing Key’s games” into my daily schedule, but it’s still a bit hard for me since i’m still in my 3rd year of college.

As someone who’s in college and taking Summer classes, I know that feeling all too well.

Nice to meet you @rushman_ad. Welcome to Kazamatsuri. I hope you have fun here and enjoy your experience with us. :smile:

Thank you for the welcome, nice to meet you all. :smile:

@Mogaoscar everyone that i know that has played or watched CLANNAD also says that, hahaha :sweat_smile:

@Inuconandoyle well i guess, good luck for the both of us, haha. :grin:

@DMB thank you, i do look forward to that, hope we all get along. :grin:

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To all who have joined in my prolonged absence; welcome!

@rushman_adI look forward to hearing of your experiences with the rest of the Key works. It’s always fun seeing someone read/watch them for the first time.

@rushman_ad Welcome! It’s always exciting to meet someone who’s very new to Key.

If you have time, you should definitely jump into the Kanon Bookclub we’re hosting! It will give you a chance to see where it all began for Key and discuss the visual novel with lots of people here!

Ah, Thank you @Aspirety @Gnashes

Yeah, i myself have been looking forward to it as well. :grin:

Ah, i will then, thanks for the invitation. :smile:

Welcome! I hope you have a great time on your first forum! I know how you feel with school preventing you from reading VNs. I rarely had chances to read Little Busters! and after like 6 months, I was able to finish it. Planetarian too. 5 hour visual novel took me probably 3 months. It’s a real struggle hehe. Welcome again!


Treima here. 26 years old, USA born, got into VNs when I saw a 4chan thread discussing Katawa Shoujo. Since then out of all Key products I have read CLANNAD, Little Busters!, Planetarian, and Rewrite in that order. Rewrite is my favorite Key work, and Kotomi is my favorite Key girl.

Also enjoy many other VNs, with Fate/Stay Night being my favorite of all-time. Currently working on reading Kanon at the bookclub’s pace.

Very happy to be here. I enjoy this medium in all its bizarre splendor, and discussing it with like-minded people.


Welcome @Treima and everyone else who has joined recently!

I think I can safely speak for the entire forum when I say we hope to see much more of you around here!

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Welcome Treima, glad you could make it here. :slight_smile:

You and I are going to get along really well. :heart:


Nice to meet you @Treima. Welcome to kazamatsuri. I hope you enjoy your time here! :smile:

I’m a huge fan of Fate as well. If you wish to discuss it, here is a topic that might interest you: Fate Series Discussion:

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Well, I have been lurking around here for a time already and I think it may be time I start posting.

Hello everyone, you can call me Vier.
I’m kind of shy and I don’t tend to post too often at forums given this trait, and that sometimes I feel like what I have to say is really not that important, but I do enjoy the conversations.

I have watched the CLANNAD, Little Busters! and Charlotte animes.
And I have read CLANNAD, Little Busters!, Rewrite and Planetarian VNs.

I don’t really know well what else to say…
Well, I’m also a fan of Higurashi and Umineko, works of Ryukishi07 (but I’m actually not good at horror related things)

Nice to meet you, everyone

EDIT: English is not my first language (Spanish and Valencian are my native languages), so I would like to apologize in advance if I mess up whenever I write something and it makes no sense.


Welcome to the community! You’ve probably noticed but we try to treat people like family here. I hope you can become an active part of the community, and if not, just lurking and giving likes is a good way to show support.

Thanks, but since I introduced myself and tried to start posting I’ll try to give my thoughts every once in a while, aside of just reading and voting.

Plus familiar places always make people feel more comfortable, so that’s the kind of place that interests me.

Right, also, english is not my first language (Spanish and Valencian are my native languages), so I would like to apologize in advance if I mess up whenever I write something and it makes no sense.