Fate Series Discussion

Let’s talk about the Fate series. Fate is a world in which magic users known as “magus” summon heroic spirits known as “servants” to fight a battle known as “the holy grail war”. These servants are the reincarnations of heroes of the past such as King Arthur or Alexander the Great who became servants after making a deal with the world: they will obtain power during their life time to fulfil their heroic deeds, but in exchange they became heroic spirits who can be summoned to serve masters in the future wars. The goal of this war is to obtain the magical device known as “the holy grail”: an omnipotent relic that will grant any wish to the master and servant who win the war.

This topic was created to discuss the animes, visual novels, mangas, role playing games and any other works of the fate series. Feel free to discuss about any of those.

Regarding spoilers:

Anything from Fate/stay night and Fate/ Zero that has an anime adaptation can be discussed without [spoiler] tags (which means you need to tag Heaven’s Feel spoilers). Due to the humongous span of the series, all other Fate series content must be tagged.

Please feel free to discuss any, but not limited to:

-Fate/stay night
-Fate/kaleid liner
-Fate/Hollow ataraxia
-Fate/Grand order
-Fate/Extra CCC

Now enjoy the topic and discuss respectfully.


This is gonna be @Aegair’s new favorite topic, I just know it^^

Anyways, my Fate experience is the following:

  • read Fate/stay night VN
  • read Fate/Hollow Ataraxia VN
  • watched DEEN’s FSN anime but didn’t finish (god was that awful)
  • watched Fate/Zero
  • watched UBW (TV)
  • watched Fate/Prototype
  • played Fate/Extra
  • played a little bit of Fate/Extra CCC
  • know about Fate/Apocrypha but haven’t actually read it (yet)
  • know about Fate/kaleid… but am not watching it

That’s that for the Fate series, as for other TM stuff I’ve read Tsukihime and Kagetsu Tohya, watched Kara no Kyoukai, played Melty Blood and am waiting for a TL of Mahou Tsukai no Yoru, and that should be all

edit: forgot to mention Carnival Phantasm, I should be ashamed of myself

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What’s everyone’s favorite Saber? I think Saber Extra is best by far, but I know there are a lot of wrong people in the world too.

Red Saber > Saber of Red > Saber
Not saying that FSN-Saber is bad, just that the other 2 are better^^

While the deen anime was absolute garbage, I have to thank it for getting me to read VNs since I was pretty intrested in the setting.

Best girls aside

Will tsukihime and other Nasuverse stuff be allowed here or kept seperate I guess? If we’re spreading into spinoffs like extra and GO we’re pretty far away from the base fate universe anyway.

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I read Fate a few years ago and really liked it.
But (unpopular opinion time) I think the hype behind the series is… wrong? Bad?

I can’t really see how it can be “good” without being read as a VN honestly. It’s not even a matter of 1st person vs 3rd person (something I think Ufotable handled well) but more of a matter that all 3 routes need to be read together and in the same context in order to truly appreciate. The game is about ideals, with each route being an exploration of how Shirou pursues them (my favorite route is Heaven’s Feel, I consider it the “message of the game” – when Shirou discards the superhero concept and focuses on protecting Sakura). The current adaptations are just really incomplete. I might be in the minority but I think Fate should be experienced together – not with year-long breaks between routes. That really kind of ruins the “point” of the game, I think.

EDIT: The positives: the universe is just literally amazing. Based Nasu for putting so much thought and detail into the world and the ritual. The concept is really cool and Shirou despite being annoying and, well, Shirou was a great protagonist. Heaven’s Feel was really great too.

EDIT EDIT: To clarify an earlier point (CLANNAD references ahead) Imagine if KyoAni released Kotomi’s route as a movie and we got movies for the other girls every 6 months or so. (Maybe OVAs, whatever.) All of the routes in CLANNAD focus on family and seeing them in a disjointed fashion sort of muddles the central theme of the game. Or if After Story was released in 3 movies. I guess Fate is a bit different because the three routes are very naturally separated – but the game, even though it’s divided, is still a cohesive work, not three disjoint stories. Just my two cents.

I think my 5 Artoria figurines answers this question pretty well; She is without a doubt the strongest saber, and she is in my opinion the most interesting and lovable of the sabers; at least the ones that had important screen time. (I include saber lilly with Artoria, because she just is young Artoria

I also like Sakura saber a lot, she looks the best in my opinion with her red kimono, even though she isn’t the most remarkable character.

Saber of black or Siegfried is also one of my favorite characters, he has an interesting personality and is a strong hero.

The male ones from Fate/KOHA-ACE are forgettable but still, they are sabers so I like them. However, Sakura Saber is so cool it’s hard to judge; she steals all the attention.

Fox-tail saber is, as her name hints to, a fox person, which makes her quite remarkable in comparison to most other sabers, so she’s cool.

Even though saber of red is an ass, I really like this character because of what she means in the story.

The saber from Fate/Prototype really confuses me because he’s a male version of Artoria.

I won’t talk about the ones from Fate/Grand order because they do not have a story yet so I can’t really judge yet.

Huh… what to say? I really hate her. She’s such an asshole. I mean, her real identity is emperor Nero and this person was an asshole. She reflects the personality of that character pretty damn well and thus I can’t really like her. However, I like her design a lot. She has a nice dress, it doesn’t cover up her undies properly though.

This is an argument that has been rehashed for many many years, but I don’t think Emp. Nero was that bad of a person. Sure he eventually went insane due to his country’s distrust, but Nero was carefree, kind, fun, loved his people, and had good-intentions… And hey, I live in England - The country wouldn’t be what it is today without groups of people unfairly prosecuted in the pursuit of more power for the empowered. His biggest downfall was deciding to start a war with what would become the largest religious group on the planet.
There was a lot worse at the time.
I think you have to be understanding of their ideals, and that is part of what makes them such a polarizing character.


Fair enough, however it is funny if you use english patriotism as a reason for red saber being your favorite since artoria is literally king arthur

It was a half-joke. English leaders have done worse things at a more recent date :stuck_out_tongue: I never really cared for the King Arthur stories though. I might if Ufotable make a Fate/ adaptation of those stories… But that’ll never happen.

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Now this is a thread I like. Been waiting for this to come about.
I’ve read the Fate/Stay Night VN, plan to read HA very soon, watching the UBW anime right now.
Also watched Fate/Zero, arguably one of my favorite animes of all time.

This series is really amazing. I like how all of the three main routes in F/SN are considered canon in some way or another, because they were all a pleasure to read.

Unlimited Blade Works is my favorite of the three by far. That whole story revolving around Shirou and heroic spirit Emiya, Archer. A clash of ideals between a future self and a young guy who just wants to save everyone. Also, the song that plays during their battle, Emiya… So good.

That being said, Archer is pretty solidly my favorite character.

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could you censor the identity of archer please?

No need:

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His identity was confirmed after Fate/ stay night.

You know, I’ve heard people talk about this song year after year. I’ve probably heard it hundreds of times…
I don’t know what the song is from the name “Emiya” though.

It was confirmed in UBW right? Heroic Spirit EMIYA.

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I understand what @DaBackpack meant. When I finished the VN, I remember how amazed I was to the experience overall, especially to what NASU did with Shirou’s character and what each of the three girls would mean to him in the end. My favorite girl would be Saber because I think she’s the most fully developed character among the girls. Her ending in Fate was just perfect and quiet and it was a huge contrast to her depressing failure during F/Z.

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Alternatively, the Extra version, the (unused) Zero version and the Kaleid Liner version

I honestly don’t remember, I’ve been following the fate series for so long that I tend to forget this kind of details. If I remember correctly it was in another story that followed fate/stay night, but I could be wrong.

Literally the entire conflict of UBW is Shirou and Archer being the same person and trying to best the other.


Huh, I don’t know what I was expecting, but that’s certainly not it. I don’t recognize it either. I thought I’d at least know the Extra version, but I skipped Archer, so maybe I missed it entirely.