Angel Beats! - Yuri Nakamura Character Discussion

Discussion of Yuri’s character in Angel Beats! and Angel Beats! Heaven’s Door. As of now all known information about the Angel Beats! anime and the Heaven’s Door manga may be discussed without the usage of spoiler tags, so be wary if you’re not familiar with them.

Operation, start!
The Hype Train loves you.


So I’ve said this before and I’m going to say it again- This is my Fem-Kyousuke and I love her. This character was one that I didn’t quite get at first but she grew on me in Track Zero and Heaven’s Door to become extremely admirable. I know there are a lot of comparisons folks make with her being similar to other characters, but I often find them to be rather broad points of comparison without them actually being all that similar… At all!

She’s pretty best-tier.


inb4 she jumped

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I always found intriguing the character change she underwent during the last episode of the anime. Her strong, reliable (albeit a little sadistic sometimes) personality is what I remember most fondly. But, as Track Zero/Heaven’s Door, she didn’t started like that

I’m coming for you, God.

I feel like all of the remaining cast went through an immense maturation in the final episode, however we just missed out on everything leading up to that. ^^;

Some call it stubborn, I call it limitless determination in the face of insurmountable adversity. There’s an inescapable frustration due to the nature of her situation that makes many of her decisions pretty understandable.

So this is a sack of shit in the cartoon.
Frankly don’t care for what I hear of her in Heavens Door either.

Oh I’ll give her a chance in the VN, I gave Tomoyo After it’s fair chance afterall, but what I’ve seen of her so far has jumped off a very steep cliff and she’s gonna have to climb that to get me not dislike her.

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As a person who didnt read Heavens Door, I will say my opinion based on the anime.
Yuri is an interesting character with a leader elements. But what I really like about her, is that she can be serious but loving at the same time. Her actions are fast but well structured.
I personally like Yuri and I cant wait to see how shes gonna turn out in Heaven’s door. Something tells me Im gonna admire her even more :p.

I must be really bored…

Yuri is the leader of the SSS, and her charisma is a big reason why. She’s very social, no-nonsense and proactive, all of which are characteristics of a strong leader. Her past is also a huge factor in her decision to overthrow God. I will not deny how strongly-written a character Yuri is, and I’m sure Maeda had a lot of fun writing her.

But I just don’t like her.

Her bossy attitude towards her fellow members borders on hardcore tsundere. She is very forceful and often has her teammates do all her dirty work while she spends time doing something ‘safer’. Her egocentrism is up to eleven, and it pisses me off. I hate to bring up Haruhi again, but her decisions and attitude are very reminiscent of said character. Now, when she actually decides to pull her weight, she does some incredible things, but I suppose every great leader has their Achilles’ Heel.

When I watched the anime, I wanted to like her. But it’s really hard for me to, and I don’t know if the VN will change my mind. :confused:

Personally, I like Yuri. She reminds me of Haruhi (as in The Melancholy of). She might not be a pleasure to deal with IRL, but the setting of the show isn’t even in the normal world to begin with. Nobody can actually die, so there’s nothing to be afraid of. (Getting erased / turned into a NPC is more of a problem as far as she’s concerned.)

I haven’t read through all of Heaven’s Door yet. I suspect some unexplained aspects of her will be resolved once I do.

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I have to say that this simply isn’t true.

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Yeah @EisenKoubu, I know they dont show it too much in the anime, but you really need to read Heaven’s Door before you make that kind of character judgement. Because she’s really, like, the opposite of what you described.

Now see, I agree with that statment, and you know what, balls to it, imma read Heavens Door just so I can shit on Yuri without getting the whole ‘BUHT MAW HEVERNS DAW’ argument thrown at me every single time.

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Can I just come in so I can leave this here:

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Oh yes definitely. But she still reminds me a lot about Haruhi, even if they are different.

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Look at all that having not read the Haruhi novels and cherry picking.

She has traits that will call to mind Haruhi for sure; however, they are still two very separate characters.

For instance this is way more on the Haruhi side of things that Yuri. Even without having Heaven’s Door to lean on you can see the genuine care to Yuri has for her teammates. There are times when its downplayed a bit due to the knowledge that no one can actually die, but you do have those reflective moments where she realizes that if it had been a different situation everyone would have died…and honestly I have no clue where the part about her doing something safer comes from, she straight up throws her self at angel to buy Guild time to relocate.

I did see an interesting what if theory though that was something along the lines of (Angel Beats and Haruhi spoilers) Yuri accepts the offer at the end of Angel Beats to become the god of that world and then cue Haruhi timeline…even if the later Haruhi LN chapters kill that off its still a fun theory.

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I definitely agree with the downplaying bit. I’m still very curious about how she might have done things if there was that fear of death still there. In defense of Haruhi (novel spoilers) She has definitely shown a strong level of care for her brigade members. Especially with Yuki’s illness. Likewise, we see that the brigade members genuinely care for Haruhi. (Well, except Yuki doesn’t have emotion, supposedly. But that aside.) Especially Koizumi’s rage, and when Kyon jumps.

But yeah, Yuri definitely has a strong not-Haruhi personality, and I’m not denying that. But there are still fun similarities there if you’re a fan of both series.

(Is there a better topic to discuss Yuri and Haruhi than here? I feel like this is a bit off topic even if it does involve Yuri.)

Ok so first off.

She was a colossal unkawaii pig dog in the early chapters, I will not accept any defense of her actions in those early chapters, she was awful.
The one scene where she goes ape on Kanade after Hinata tells her ‘stop being a unkawaii pig dog’ is the pinnacle of it all her early chapter unkawaii pig dogery

And that’s the point. Character development, she gets to realize she was being a unkawaii pig dog and tone it down, that’s good writing, I am fine with her being an unkawaii pig dog early on because it’s the point and she does something about it, good writing bravo Maeda pachi pachi pachi

“But Kanon”, her white knight brigade might cry, “It was all planned, she isn’t really a unkawaii pig dog, it was all an act”

Believing that is actually insulting the character more than praising her, it’s saying this development wasn’t real. She DID break. she DID have a tantrum, saying it didn’t happen to make her seem perfect is idiotic and insulting the writing while you’re at it.

So do I like Yuri now?
Eh, not really.
Feel the same about her for the most part. She’s still a bossy and egotistical, but these are character traits, not ones that shiggly my diggly, but they’re not extreme ‘actively make me dislike her’ things, just ‘I don’t care for this’ things.
The ‘cares so much about her group she’s like kyousuke with girl parts’ is blowing it out of proportion, she does care about them, so does Hinata, and Chaa, and Ooyama. It’s standard, I don’t see why you give her excess praise for it.

tl;dr: Meh.


No I was saying the roof kicking specifically was training for the destruction of the Boss! It makes it even more clear in Track Zero, but it’s pretty clear here too.

That said, fair post. However I still highly disagree in her not being admirable because she literally throws herself in harms way time and time again for the betterment of her team. The root being the feeling that
“her teammates do all her dirty work while she spends time doing something ‘safer’”, which like I said isn’t true.

“Yuri planned for Shiina to be there 20 chapters later and trained Hinata for this situation”