Introduce Yourself!

You are either my greatest friend, or greatest enemy. Only time will tell.

Welcome here DMB, the meaning of your username is pretty awesome :smiley:

Reminds me a Tenacious D song, I don’t know why !

[quote=“Bizkitdoh, post:988, topic:49”]You are either my greatest friend, or greatest enemy. Only time will tell.

No. Only some fresh beers will tell.

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The beer will tell all.


Welcome, @DMB. It is my hope that we get along as well. :slight_smile:

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Welcome @Conk3r and @DMB!
I hope you enjoy the time with us :p.

Oohh, there is A LOT of hype going on here.

Nice! If you ever feel like talking about music, please feel free to join our music topic and share your favorite piece of music ;D.


Salutations, @Conk3r, and @DMB!

You should hope over to the Yuri Nakamura Character Discussion. We were talking about her compared to Haruhi not too long ago.

Woo! Preference for seven string or six?

No no no no, Kanade is best girl in AB!.

Huh. I guess Pokemon was also my first anime then. Say, were you ever into the Yugioh anime? I used to enjoy playing the card game when I was younger.

I used to look that way. In fact, I was walking past a Starbucks a few years ago and a man came out of it and walked up to me. He said: “You know… They’re saying you look like Jesus in there.” Another time, a car was driving by and some girl yelled out “You can save me!” For unrelated reasons I later changed my look, but yeah. How’s it working out for ya?


Welcome, Gypsy. To my secret lair…
–Whoops. I, mean…

halooo~ selamat datang di, Sensei~ (´▽`)

waaah awesome! Just outside Jakarta, eh~ ^^

It’s really great to see someone who’s interested in our language, Bahasa Indonesia! I’ll be happy to chat with you. Feel free to send me PM(s)! I might not be able to give you fast responses, but I’ll definitely reply your messages. (^v^)

Enjoy your stay!

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Looking forward to getting in on the skype convos! I’m mostly browsing, since I haven’t played a Key game since LB was finished and that’s most of the discussion. Hard to bring back the memories. But the content of discussion here is great. Good reads.

Looking forward to joining the skype chat.

Terima kasih, Akito-kun. Kalau nggak bisa jawab pesanku cepat, tidak apa-apa!

It’ll be nice to talk. When did I become a gypsy? Lol.

You missed the gypsy initiation ceremony

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Howdy there @DMB! Just wondering, what is your Key repertoire? XD And what Key anime/VNs have you watched and are willing to discuss?

Welcome who ever is new for I am too lazy to go through all the 50+ new updates that I have not enough time to read through. Been too busy with classes so just have been skimming through news anyway enjoy your stay and have fun.

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[quote=“NotKyon, post:993, topic:49”]
Woo! Preference for seven string or six?[/quote]

Preference for six strings, in particular the RG models. Most of the time, I play on a GRG250DX.

And it was the beginning of an endless MOE debate …

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I was never really into the YGO series, I play the game online though (playing madolche). However, the movie the pyramid of life is a huge part of my childood.

Looking like jesus is prety great, everybody is friendly towards me and say how fabulous my hair. I also get compared physically to john lennon. my girlfriend is Asian and the other day I was in the metro with her and a random guy walked to ts and told us how we looked like John and Yoko. funny stuff


I have Clannad, a part of little buster (should finish it), angel beats and rewrite in my repertoire. I am willing to discuss anything you are willing to talk about and am planning to read more Key VN for future conversations.


Hey there Conk3r, I hope we’ll get along well :).

Nice to meet you conk3r, I’m a francophone too so yeah, freech. :slight_smile:
I’ve seen you like music and play guitar, I play guitar myself and am passionate about it so I think we’ll meet again in the music topic.

It seems that we are the two new blood, arriving a few hours apart. according to my experience in anime we’ll become the bst of friends. but oe of us will turn evil to seek power. however the good one will be victorious because of the power of friendship; lets see how things go, I’m looking forward to talk again. :slight_smile:


Alright, great to know! Feel free to resurrect any old topic if you wanna discuss anything :smiley: We don’t mind it at all!

Also, instead of replying individually to people, it’d be easier to highlight their messages then quote the text instead :wink:

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thanks @pepe, I will be careful from now on. :slight_smile: