Angel Beats! - Yuri Nakamura Character Discussion

That’s what’s written, homie. You don’t have to like it lol

“Just now, the ghost named Yurippe was staring at me- Otherwise, I could never in my life feel such chill down my spine.”

Yurippe read a terrifying incantation.


Just think about how perfect the set up is. We’re talking about a person who’s been here at least 3 years, Shiina being there for like 8 or something. I think it’s quite clever.

She’s a bullshitter man, I’m saying she made that up on the spot to motive him, I’m practically praising her here man, she used wits to convince Hinata to get into it, you don’t have to defend it.

Saying she planned this is nonsense ages ago and just making her out to be way more than she is, she’s not some supercomputer.

Sides, she threw him of the building exclusively during the unkawaii pig dog stage, that’s her reason for doing it then, because she was being an unkawaii pig dog.

Sorry biz, I’m gonna have to agree with Kanon on this :stuck_out_tongue: I highly doubt she planned that thing and I think she is just using Shiina to justify her whole kick-off-the-roof thing.

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This goes hand in hand with my vision of Yuri. We will discuss this in detail at a time, my friend!

Yuri always plans things out and lets on less than she truly knows- As such she’s almost an antagonist in how much she keeps hidden. I think she knows a lot more than anyone thinks. She’s a veeeery interesting character in how we don’t know what she’s seen or how long she’s been there.

Example: I find the entire Shiina arc as a planned expedition for her. Yuri knew Shiina was in there, knew those caves were there, and simply required a force strong enough to get in there and liberate the territory. She then lures out Shiina and brings her to where she knows Kanade will step in. So on and so forth. See where I’m coming from?

Stopped reading there.

You’re literally making her out to be some kind of perfect being who’s so amazing she can predict things with perfect precision with no evidence, there was no evidence of Shiina until they ran into Noda.

Yeah she knew she could use Kanade as a weapon, she already did against Chaa, that part is fine and legit, but no, I won’t accept ‘Yuri knows every single tiny detail that will ever happen’ in the slightest.

I definitely called it an antagonistic trait, but okay.

COUGH (Little Busters!) Kyousuke COUGH

I don’t see how you can’t humor the possibility that a person who’s been making a mess for 3+ years wouldn’t know more than someone who’s been there a few days.

Three years? At the start of Heavens Door? That was her third year?

COUGH (Little Busters!) Is literally the god of the world with eyes and ears everywhere and even then still doesn’t know everything COUGH

At the very least, yes.

Well then I find this even more believable, heh.

Wow Yuri way to accomplish nothing in 3 years.

It’s a possibility, sure, but it’s just so hard to believe something like that without any solid proof about it.

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Yuri XD my favorite character in the anime! She has her qwerks… You sound like a villain… But in the end her type of character is the ones I like best! Even if you give me her worst points I still think she’s the best XP (to blind to see her flaws)

Harumi Sakurai hype!

Yeah, I had to start like that. Yuri is overall a really good character and a really good leader. Also probably the best executed character in the anime in my opinion.

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She’s pretty much my second favorite.

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Your the bastards that dare insult yurippe wanna die? Hmm should make my profile picture noda or takumatsu… XD

But in all seriousness I like Yuri better then kanade in the anime she has a better character then her.