Siglus Hacking

That kerning.

How about using Ocean Sans?

Hmm okay so if I were to help translating, how do I do this? For some reason I thought there was already a dedicated translator(s), but thatā€™s not the case? Unfortunately, I know nothing about Github and related things. Iā€™m totally willing to do simple translations like choices/names/short sentences (scanning the scripts, it seems AB has a lot of short lines, so I miiiight do more than I say), but while I donā€™t have the confidence or dedication to do a significant amount, I guess every bit helps, no matter how small, right?

Ah yeah, thereā€™s no way to differentiate them without following along with the VN. Thatā€™s a bit annoyingā€¦

Great. Canā€™t unsee. Where is that i going?
That font looks nice. I was thinking of looking for a font similar to Linux Biolinum, but shorter.

Nope. Itā€™s pretty much a chip-in project right now.

If you donā€™t already have the scripts, you want to visit
You can view all of them here, and save a copy.

The most simple way of doing it is to just save your edited version of it to pastebin and sharing it here.
You could also make a Github account, which would let you interact with the github project (adding files and folders.) That requires some more time though.

There are lots of names and nicknames. Iā€™m not even sure what some of them do yet, but they are there.

I think Ocean Sans match with in-game font used on settings and similar with the kanji font for location texts etc.

The second font is harder to guess, I think itā€™s Bodoni family, but a little more curved and stretched.

I also believe that this font also used for TKā€™s name.

Why donā€™t we just use the font used for TKā€™s lines? Or is that just the same font using Roman characters? (idk a lot about this kind of thing lol)

For TLs, hereā€™s my little contribution, some amateur translations up to the first choice in the game I did in my stream with the help of Bizkitdoh and Papa Peeps.

Also, whatā€™s the deal with choices in this game? When I was running VNR (and apparently when Biz was running Chiitrans), the software was unable to hook the text of the choices. Are they actually images?

Simple enough, but the former sounds too inefficient as far as keeping translations up to date, especially if there are a bunch of people contributing tiny bits at a time. From what I understand, Github facilitates centralized documents that others can edit (correct me if Iā€™m wrong), which I much prefer, so Iā€™ll make an account.

ITHVNR will hook the choices but under a different hook

This different hook also reacts when you open any of the menuā€™s or when the music changes

I donā€™t think VNR hooked the choices in HF either.

Looks pretty close to Bauer Bodoni or Didot I think.
More to the former imho.

They are text, but from my experience with VNR, itā€™s rare to get translations of anything that isnā€™t within the text box without telling it to. IIRC it looks for text from a specific location, so the dialogue references must be used in a different location to the choices.

Yup, itā€™s pretty nice. The software you can get is pretty handy too. It always updates before you push something, so unless two people are working on the same file at the same time, thereā€™ll be no overwriting. Which is also why Iā€™d like for people to move the file they are working on into their folder while they work on it.

Even if people update the same file, as long as they arenā€™t writing over the same line, there wouldnā€™t be overwriting either :wink:

Also, no need to put it in a separate folder when you can just make your own branch and merge it later with the power of git~~~~~~~

But thatā€™s a bit too advanced stuff, heh

Cool. Looks fairly simple, hopefully Iā€™ll get used to it soon enough. For now, Iā€™ve updated a file with @Aspiretyā€™s translations. There are a few lines I proposed my own changes, some very simple changes, but a couple I used a bit of creative freedom. I also noticed the problem of American vs European spelling. We need to decided on one way and be consistent, or at least keep it in mind during QC.

Oh shit youā€™re right. Iā€™m Australian so Iā€™m used to British English.
Personally I vote British English for international awareness! 8)

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As if I havenā€™t gotten tired yet of seeing stuff spelled like ā€œmumā€ and ā€œbumā€ after the AIR bookclub lol

Oooh, I didnā€™t know that.

Iā€™ve been avoiding mentioning that :stuck_out_tongue: Itā€™s an extra step, and we just want to be accessible.

We can definitely fix that up in QC, but itā€™d be nice to establish a standard.

I think I did this instead of making a separate folder because I had no idea what I was doing~

Okay to clarify to a dummy like me, itā€™ll basically only overwrite lines I made changes to? Currently, I have my branch Iā€™m making edits to. The master branch, however, is slightly different from mine because it was edited after I copied it. So like, if I edited lines 50-100, just as an example, but lines 1-49 are different due to the master branch being edited but my branch being left alone, is it safe to merge? It wonā€™t think I changed lines 1-49 too? Sorry if Iā€™m just making it overly complicated because Iā€™m a newbie.

Hi Kaze, when you started editing one of the files, GitHub created a fork for you. Basically, a fork is a copy of the original branch at that point in time for you to change. From the point on, any changes you make will only affect your fork/branch until you submit a pull request to sync yours with the original. The pull request tells the owner of the original branch (the branch that you forked from), ā€œHey I made some changes to my fork, please pull these changes back into yours so weā€™re back in syncā€ When the original owner sees the pull request, what happens is that he will merge back in your changes. You can see all the progress of the forks by going back to Takafumiā€™s branch and click on the number next to Fork near the top of the GitHub page for the project. Or you can click here:

Next to your name, youā€™ll see a timeline with each dot showing all the commits/changes that you made to your own copy. Forking and branching is what allows people to work to work on the same files at the same time. If you click on the dots in your timeline, you can see that Git tracked which lines where deleted (-) and replaced (+). Git will use what it tracked when it comes to merging between two branches. So to answer your question, yes, if you edited only lines 50-100, then 1-49 wonā€™t be affected in the original/master branch. Instead, your fork/branch will need to have itā€™s line 1-49 updated with the master because Git recognizes that changes were made in lines 1-49 on the original branch. This can be done by pulling the changes from the master branch. Usually, if everyone is editing a different line, no problems will appear during merging. The tricky part is when sometimes people will edit the same lines. If that happens, there will be merging conflict in which case then youā€™ll have to tell Git how the conflicts should be resolved. In a project like this, the guy doing the merging will have to decide which lines to use from which fork. A way to minimize conflicts is to keep your fork up to sync with the original branch as often as you can, so you can have the latest updates in your fork as well. This can be done by creating a new pull request on your forked branchā€™s page (in GitHub, thereā€™s a button for this in the right side menu under the exclamation icon), which will merge back in any new commits (changes) from the original branch back into yours. While doing this wonā€™t completely eliminate conflicts, keeping the branches synced and updated as often as you can, will make resolving the merging conflicts easier if they appear.

EDIT: I shouldā€™ve mentioned that GitHub has the ability to compare two forks/branches by clicking on the <> (Code) icon on the right side menu. With this you can check to see if your branch will merge safely and automatically with Takafumiā€™s. Iā€™ve checked your branch and it looks like it can still be merged back safely:ā€¦TakafumiSakagami:master You can see, by looking at the red/green colored lines, that if you did a pull and sync/merged your branch with Takafumiā€™s, your branch will be updated with the newer changes in Takafumiā€™s branch.


Thanks for the clear and simple explanation, @tanuki! It helped a lot.

Welp I ended up translating the entire file for day0 of AB. Definitely had a few places I was unsure of the original meaning so I marked those places with TL checks. Through a combination of laziness and forgetfulness, I left a lot of speaker names alone, so those will need to be fixed eventually. As for all those other names, I have no clue what to do with them at the moment. Proper nouns I kind of just went with whatever, so those might need to be reconsidered or discussed.

People can QC as they see fit but a couple things to note:

  1. Some lines/phrases are repeated in the script. I tried to use the exact same wording in these cases but I may not have caught everything. If you change one line, it may need to be changed elsewhere, but this was not very common so donā€™t stress about it. However, the most common example is ę­»å¾Œć®äø–ē•Œ, and Iā€™m almost 100% sure I made mistakes in consistency here. I believe we are going with ā€œthe world beyond death.ā€
  2. For Tenshiā€™s lines, I wanted to make her sound overly serious or ā€œmechanical-esque.ā€ To accomplish this, I purposely avoided the use of contractions. For future work, Iā€™d like to maintain this manner of speech (with a long term potential of using more contractions as her personality changes?), unless people just donā€™t agree with this method.
  3. A specific note is that at script line 652-655, there is some coding to allow furigana above SSS. I assume we can delete lines 653-655, but Iā€™ll leave it to the more technical people to figure out what to do with it and similar examples that may pop up.

Finally, even though I did all this work, I promise nothing! My Japanese is not good enough to commit to anything, and I only got so far because almost all the lines are so simple.


This might be a long shot, but could we theoretically use the furigana coding as a way of including alternate translations? For example, when Tenshi is first introduced, you could put ā€œAngelā€ where the furigana would usually go. I think I remember the Sekai Project planetarian TL doing something similar, with ā€œWish Upon A Starā€ going above her name ā€œYumemi Hoshinoā€.

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Yeah, I noticed that while comparing the lines to their appearance in the VN. IIRC they did the same thing with LBEX in some places. Pretty annoying.

Iā€™m all for that if others agree.

Iā€™ll give it a try. I do remember it being used in one of the planetarian TLs.