Show Off Your Goods

Totes jelly. Clannad is the only Key anime I do not have, excluding the Toei adaptations because Kanon was never released in the west, Air was meh, and as for the Clannad movie, that shit can burn in the fires of hell. Unnecessary rant was unnecessary, but oh well.

yet you gave it a 7/10 on MAL. =P

Joke aside though, it was half the price you would normally pay on Right Stuff at the time I purchased it. Planning to get S1 sometime this year.

That was ONE time. Besides, I’ve fixed it.

Also, why did you give that a spoiler tag?

So I just got this in the mail today:

It’s the memorial edition, BTW, and it is super cheap on Amazon right now:メモリアルエディション-全年齢対象版/dp/B003H9MM0M/

Kind of funny that when you open it, all it contains is this:

Would’ve been more efficient to just simply ship the DVD case as-is. Ah well :stuck_out_tongue:


Nice, mine’s probably gonna be send out tomorrow. I think I’ll post all my stuff after it arrives.

The glorious C87 Key goods in all it’s entirety.

Brought down from the skies by BASED Pepe. In all seriousness though, how do people use calendars like this? The dates are so small and hard to read and have no room for marking up important dates. And what are the small cards with calendars on them used as? I can’t think of any applicable use for them.


The big calendar, you hang on the wall and squint to read the dates :stuck_out_tongue: Though I guess that’s not the point of the calendar haha

The small calendar, you keep in that plastic tray and put it on your desk or whatever. Basically whatever is the current month, you keep as the front card then you can write on it to mark dates. When the next month comes, switch to the next card

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Excellent! 8D

I wanted it to get some extras, though.

My little collection not much to it but I do have the legendary no-con!


Haven’t seen that figure of Rin before. Was that made after the LB anime?

It was before for sure. I myself got that one too and I got it shortly after I started reading the LB VN, which was about 1 year before the anime.

Thanks for the info I wasn’t to sure exactly when it came out since I bought it second hand at a local con last year and I have no idea how to read chinese date codes. lol

Just realized I never shared my prize for being the MVP of the planetarian Bookclub:


Hooooly crap I want that Rin. Where did you pick it up?

Well, I got mine on ebay. You can get many figures for a pretty good price there.

I got it from a dealer at a local con.

looks at his wallet
I have the money right now.

This Saturday the C85 Key Set arrived home :smiley:

Thanks, based @Pepe


I’ma post my swag when I get home tomorrow. Too tired today.

After collecting two, I almost want to get the whole set! :stuck_out_tongue:

(Apologies for the poor photography~)