Chihaya’s route wasn’t good at being serious, or logical, or consistent with the rest of Rewrite. As a result, it made Rewrite as a whole somewhat less depressing, which is kinda good. But any more of that would be bad. Rewrite is serious business. It doesn’t work well in a constant half-comedy setting.
(pre-moon spoilers)
When a guardian “eye” agent or a camera spots things others cannot, they conclude it’s a familiar and attack it. If it’s shaped like a girl, they conclude it’s the Key. But that can’t be all. Whenever Kotarou sees Kagari, he can feel she’s special. He’s instinctively terrified. It should be the same for all “eyes”. If Guardian did not have the ability to ascertain the Key’s identity, they couldn’t have possibly have postponed salvation for such a long time.
Gaia should be even better off. Not only do they have familiars capable of sensing the Key, they are also led by the holy woman, who knows more about the Key than any other human, except for maybe druids. So they should know damn well what she looks like, especially since (not sure if Akane route or Moon spoiler) one of their factions actually succeeded in secretly capturing Kagari a few years ago!
These two organizations, whose main objective revolves around the Key, can’t possibly be so sloppy about it! If there’s some kind of explanation to it, it has to be something along the lines of [quote=“nemoma, post:9, topic:3131”]
my headcanon is that by Episode 8 Kagari ceased being “the Key” when she can be observed by everyone, Kotori in this episode also commented on her being “more human”, hence in their eyes it’s just some weird girl following Koutarou around.
which, however, seems pretty cheap to me.
Putting aside whether not giving a solitary fuck about things is a good thing or not…
I’m not a fan of ALL of Rewrite’s seriousness myself, which is why I didn’t like Terra. But the serious parts are those that make Rewrite special. They give the reader a lot of to think about long after they finished the game. The game’s central topics must be conveyed in a serious and realistic fashion or else they would lose their impact. Without those things, Rewrite would be just another decent game that does little more than provide some entertainment and produce waifus.
You’re calling the serious parts a joke because you can’t take them seriously, thus you miss out on enjoying Rewrite for what it is. With episodes such as this one, the anime is forcing all viewers into that situation. It’s hard to enjoy unless we stop taking it seriously.