Rewrite Animated PV Published!

As promised earlier this week, aniplex have at long last published an animated PV of the upcoming Rewrite anime! Finally, we get to see the characters in motion after all these years. The series is due to première during the summer season; that's around June! Be sure to let us

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

That looks better then I expected! I am so happy that the vision of the anime is accurate to the VN.

I can definitely tell which scenes had the better budget and some didn’t. Although I am relieved that we only saw common route scenes in the PV it gives me hope that the common route will just be the first cour.

Still holding on to hope.

Going to say though I love Kotarou runnning away from you know who with a baseball that was funny! XD

I personally find that the faces in the PV lack a lot of depth :x like with other anime, you have a bit of shadowing around the cheeks and the collarbone, but the faces here just seem… flat…

That aside, the animation quality seems pretty good! The movements are very fluid and natural and everything~

My prediction based on the PV is that with this animation there will be some cool fight scenes that might look really badass imo.

Edit: Shizuru looks ultra cute and I have a feeling Kotarou will be as good as in the VN.



I am so torn on if I should try and power through the VN before this. I know if I read it I will be a lot more critical of the anime. But my hype is alive!

The art style is probably going to take some getting used to after being spoiled by the detailed, HD CG from the game, but the animation looks fluid if nothing else. I’ll remain cautiously optimistic.


FINALLY for a moment I thought we’d never see Rewrite animated and the anime was a flop.

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When I saw PV, I though J.C.Staff did this lol
Dont be J.C.Staff, that will be fine.

Oooh, nice!! The colors felt off to me at first (but that’s probably because I first watched the PV at low resolution lol), but it grew on me after watching the PV like eight time already at this point (I should do my assignment now). The animation is really smooth, I don’t know why people call it low-budget. o.O

Chihaya and that table tho.

Wow, I love the way that the characters move! It’s so cute and meandering, perfect for their personalities.

I need to finish a few more routes in the VN before the anime starts, so I’ll get to work on that right now…!

I hope this isn’t a what the anime sounds like. They must have rushed this out or forgotten to check for mistakes.

Can someone translate the quotes to english?

It’s the same ones from the first PV. Rewrite - Anime Pre-Release Discussion & Speculation
That post could use some minor fixing but it’s mostly fine.

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I’ve only recently started the VN.

But I will say, this looks great so far. Especially Shizuru. Absolutely adorable.

Looks subpar honestly. And this phrase “Tanaka mentions that the early part of the series will closely resemble the original visual novel, but toward the middle of the series it will begin to deviate significantly from the original story.” is extremely disturbing. But knowing how bad Studio 8-Bit is, it might be better this way. If they’re gonna do it wrong, might as well make it more original to tarnish the original less. My only hope is that this doesn’t give the game a bad reputation like the Little Busters! anime has done to more casual fans. Game is easily my favorite from KEY…I really wish I could be more excited for this adaptation but seeing news about the story being “significantly” changed and the subpar animation in the PV leaves me underwhelmed.

I will fully agree that Shizuru looks cute as hell though.


Why does 8bit have this poor reputation? I don’t understand it; Grisaia’s length was hardly their fault.

Also, the soft art aside, this is crazy well-animated. Like wow. My only concern is them showing off Kagari so early…


They haven’t really done anything good yet, so people are skeptical.

EYYY ! On the good side, at least we can expect decent animation. I would have preferred brighter colors, like what KyoAni usually does nowadays, just because Rewrite’s common route is definitely a show that would be good with it.

It’s ironic that Charlotte’s 2nd PV was released on the same exact date, 1 year ago.

The designs look kinda, moe-blob. I know the original characters has it too, but yeah…

So, are they not gonna do any lighting for the hair ? Actually, Grisaia animation looks better than Rewrite… :frowning:

Hey, but that last Kagari picture is absolutely gorgeous.


There is a decent chance the animation will get cleaned up more by the time it airs. PVs are often kind of rushed, and they clean up what they can.

Yeah, I understand :slight_smile: They’re probably still also working on their Shounen Maid series, which is airing sometime this/next week. So their animation wouldn’t be the best.

I hope we get a PV3 at least, if they do have time.