Little Busters! - Minigame Discussion

Well I stand corrected that. Final baseball game is totally random, fuck that shit

At least itā€™s not too difficult to win, and the guide on tlwikiā€™s walkthrough page seems to help as well.

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I think I managed to win it once after reloading multiple times, but I didnā€™t play with Masato much. That might have been my downfall. I had no idea what I was doing when the game happened though, so I was winging it.

A good field players layout is vital in improving your chances to win. A decent batting order is preferable too. Other than thatā€¦ well just donā€™t bother trying it before you get Kengo, for your sanityā€™s sake.

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Oh no, I had Kengo and I did everything the tlwiki said as well. It still took me over an hour to get a victory. Iā€™m only mad that it didnā€™t really feel that rewarding as all I got was Kyousuke screaming that we won in the pancake party. The reward was definitely not worth the hour of torture.

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Lol I won on my second playthrough. But trying to beat the Unknown Lifeform, that I may have spent at least a half hour on.

What makes me the most angry whenever I go through the baseball game is that the Little Busters treat a tie as if it were a loss. So everyone is just as disappointed if you tie and still act as if you were beaten.

I won the baseball minigame on probably at least half my playthroughs, including the super-important first time you get Kengo (when you get the scene with the photo instead of the pancake party). Maybe Iā€™m just good at the batting practice?
On the other hand, the unknown lifeform I beat by savescumming once (and it has two harder forms in later playthroughs? Screw that!), and Mask the Saito Iā€™ve never beaten at all. (apparently heā€™s easier if you get lucky and get a trade for a certain item, but oh well)

Total opposite for me. Went through the lifeform plot and Saito multiple times with no problems.

Am I the only person that still plays the baseball mini-game (does anyone remember backyard baseball?)

I understand that items donā€™t affect the outcome of the baseball game, but surely individual stats do right? They change in response to your progress through the routes.

Also, I thought the group photo CG was a reward for completing the baseball game.

Sometimes when Iā€™m feeling stressed, I come back to the batting practice minigame. Itā€™s therapeutic!

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A true man has a save file for each time of day practice.



Individual stats make a huge difference in the game, as shown with later playthroughs.

Also if you apply stupidly high stats, say 9000 for all the Little Busters, the opposing team doesnā€™t get a chance to leave the pitch, and are basically useless on the field.

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I must be really boredā€¦

Little Bustersā€™ minigames are simple and not very deep, but theyā€™re harmless. To me, the most enjoyable one is Baseball Practice, mainly because itā€™s always interesting to see how big a combo you can get (I think my high score is roughly around 20, but I have no way of proving that), or who you end up hitting depending on which direction the ball flies. (Poor Komariā€¦ :frowning: ) No one baseball game plays out the same, and the background music is icing on the cake. :3

The battle system is surprisingly more barebones than Dragon Questā€™s battle system (as if that was even possible to begin with), with almost everything being reduced to RNG. The only two things under your control are a roulette of weapons that may either help you or hurt you, and a choice of buff and debuff accessories. Itā€™s alright, although it kind of loses its appeal after you unlock everything related to it. The battle themeā€™s good, though.

The rest of the minigames are event-specific, with a heavy tie to Rinā€™s antics in the common route. Theyā€™re not bad, and the riposte minigame reminds me a bit of Sakura Warsā€™ LIPS system.

Itā€™s funny that you brought up Backyard Baseball, because thatā€™s exactly what I thought of the first time I played the Baseball minigame- I played that game all the time when I was younger. It got me interested in baseball for a while there, lol.

The first time I played Little Busters I turned the baseball and fighting minigames off after the first playthrough, but now that Iā€™m going through it without the constant ā€œBUT I HAVE TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT, NO TIME FOR BASEBALLā€ feelings, Iā€™m taking my time and enjoying them. Watching the titles for the battle minigame show up is a lot of fun; I forgot just how out there some of them really were. (The best one so far was probably ā€œLoves Kyousukeā€ for Riki.)

I also never knew that Mask the Saitou existed until after I finished the game. Same goes for the Mysterious Lifeform sidequest. Whoops.



If the Little Busters baseball was too easy for you, I was shown this today:

Itā€™s official.

I remember beating the final LB Baseball match one time, and then on another playthrough I wanted to beat it again for some extra scene or something. Never been able to do it again though.


Oh, the fabled Dark Souls of flash games. So funny to watch people just swear at that game.

I beat the final Litbus one once I thinkā€¦ I definitely got a draw once!

Same thing for me. The only time I could beat it was in my final playthrough before Rin2.

Was this Pooh game based on LitBus? So many ugly words, this definitely doesnā€™t match the Pooh atmosphereā€¦

Doubt it. Itā€™s just a generic baseball game, but due to lazy game design, is a lot harder than the childrenā€™s flash game it was marketed as.
I think this was when it got big.

basically anything Haruka said was pretty funny