Little Busters! - Minigame Discussion

Trying to disrupt the girls while they’re having a tea party is always fun!


Oh yeah I loved that part the best! Fun to see their reaction, Komari’s especially XD

Or was that the one where Kurugaya catches it before it can hit them? I forgot Dx

I love it when I manage to hit the picnic (especially since it’s so hard to hit)

One time Rin dodged the ball when it came back toward her, and it hit a cat behind her. She actually asked if it was her fault with a shocked face (though she still had the furious sprite) It was hilarious.


I do remember one batting practice where my ball seemed to home-in on Komari. I hit her upwards of 5 times in one session. I felt like such a bully afterwards XP

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Requesting Aspi have his title changed to ‘Bullies cute girls’


“Admin Who Turns Girls’ Smiles into Tears”


Does anyone have a favorite line (exclamation, catchphrase, etc.) from during the minigames?

I think mine is

Riki, why don’t you turn into a cat sometime too?

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“It’s clear from the way you bat.”

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Oh I have one.



Holy crap?!!?! 10 times?!?! I just spent 1 hour and 30 minutes of my life today, trying to win 1 match. I, for the longest time, thought it was impossible. I honestly think I did it 100 times. And I got nothing but the crew being super happy. No extra CG or any other accomplishment. But worth it.


Well… It’s easier to do oncw you finish all the routes and get a few power-boosting items :wink: you can actually trade those items with komari, kud, etc, to increase their stats lol

Wait, the items buff their stats for the baseball game? I thought they can’t realistically use the items and they go off on their base stats, so items are near pointless. Well if only I realized this sooner.

Pretty sure they do, and the items that the characters hold boost their stat.

I could be wrong, though, as I find my memory is usually unreliable :stuck_out_tongue:

Unreliable memory

OH NOES! Midori is doing her mind tricks again!

You mean Mio, right?

Which Mio? The one that uses glasses. Like this?


That was rude. Get out. D:<
I don’t think the items boost their stats in the baseball game itself, but given their stats are never shown in the game it could maybe go either way.

I don’t think items are used in the baseball game, while playing around in cheat engine, I found the value for Kyousuke’s in battle Body Strength (As the minigames use a different Memory Address than the Base Stats). Whenever there is a battle sequence, Kyousuke’s item would get applied and the value would increase, but during the baseball game (Both minigames use the same value) this value doesn’t change.

Also when you compare the stats before the game and during the game (on the status panel on the left, they’re unchanged)

So this leads me to believe items do nothing for the baseball game




Why? ;v; Don’t hate on the messenger. It was Key who decided upon that