[quote=“Naoki_Saten, post:37, topic:499”]
I spent most of my time in bot games (over 700)
[/quote]haha, I know how that is. when I first started playing that was basically all I played. I kinda got tainted by high level play though, so I can’t really enjoy bots anymore : (
[quote=“Takafumi, post:38, topic:499”]
I always end up being put as Support or Jungle in online games, so it’s gonna be daunting!
[/quote]It’s probably no coincidence that those are also the two hardest roles to find in teambuilder. I don’t see why though, those are two of my favorite roles right there. I actually mained jungle last season because that seemed to be the only role I could consistently get and apparently I was pretty good at it.
[quote=“IkaCZ, post:39, topic:499”]
I think most of the new or unskilled players will have trouble to decide wether to jungle or gank
[/quote]to be fair, that’s always been a bit of a problem with the jungle. I definitely agree though, I’m hyped for the new jungle, but I’m also really interested to see how it plays out in lower levels of play.
[quote=“Naoki_Saten, post:40, topic:499”]
What worries me though, is Kalista. I’ve seen a few full game videos of her and I gotta say her kiting is insane.
[/quote]first things first, never trust a full game on PBE; the players there vary vastly in terms of skill, so she could look really good because the person playing her was plat/diamond and all his enemies were bronze/silver.
also, one of the beautiful things about League is that there is always at least one way to counter a strategy. The enemy can kite really well?
- don’t pick Sion
- dashes/gap closers
- hard CC (or even heavy soft CC)
- burst damage
- seriously, don’t pick Sion.
Personally, I think Kalista will launch a bit like Lucian did, but won’t peak quite as high. As it stands right now, I honestly think she’s pretty weak.
Yasuo, on the other hand, needs a nerf. he’s basically at the point where if you know how to play him and you have Shiv+IE you win the game. I commend you for trying to learn him though, he’s really fun but he has a really high entry point. I really want to learn Azir, but he’s kinda really hard to get down.
[quote=“IkaCZ, post:41, topic:499”]
[/quote]It hasn’t even been that lo… holy crap that tease was almost a year ago, wasn’t it? damn I feel old now… Honestly though, I’m more interested to see how he’s changed since they teased him than I am for the actual champion.