League of Legends General Topic

Well I played yasuo since he was on PBE, and I played like … lets say 300 ranks with him, and finally mastered him, its really fun to outplay the enemy with jukes and mechanics, knock ups and such, you get that really good feeling.
Imo you cant master such a hypercarry swordsman just in bot games, we people are unique because we improvise in danger, and thats why you cant get that experience in bot games.
And yea I like kalista’s kit, definitely going to learn her mechanics :3 looking forward to her when shes released. Not gonna play her on pbe because I borrowed my pbe account to my friend hue

but then there is the question… WHERE IS AO SHIN ;_; ?!

…who’s that? Am I stupid for not knowing?

He was teased like forever ago, before Yasuo and Jinx, but due to some technical difficulties(?) never ended up being released. Dunno if it’s gonna ever happen at this point.

[quote=“Naoki_Saten, post:37, topic:499”]
I spent most of my time in bot games (over 700)
[/quote]haha, I know how that is. when I first started playing that was basically all I played. I kinda got tainted by high level play though, so I can’t really enjoy bots anymore : (

[quote=“Takafumi, post:38, topic:499”]
I always end up being put as Support or Jungle in online games, so it’s gonna be daunting!
[/quote]It’s probably no coincidence that those are also the two hardest roles to find in teambuilder. I don’t see why though, those are two of my favorite roles right there. I actually mained jungle last season because that seemed to be the only role I could consistently get and apparently I was pretty good at it.

[quote=“IkaCZ, post:39, topic:499”]
I think most of the new or unskilled players will have trouble to decide wether to jungle or gank
[/quote]to be fair, that’s always been a bit of a problem with the jungle. I definitely agree though, I’m hyped for the new jungle, but I’m also really interested to see how it plays out in lower levels of play.

[quote=“Naoki_Saten, post:40, topic:499”]
What worries me though, is Kalista. I’ve seen a few full game videos of her and I gotta say her kiting is insane.
[/quote]first things first, never trust a full game on PBE; the players there vary vastly in terms of skill, so she could look really good because the person playing her was plat/diamond and all his enemies were bronze/silver.

also, one of the beautiful things about League is that there is always at least one way to counter a strategy. The enemy can kite really well?

  1. don’t pick Sion
  2. dashes/gap closers
  3. hard CC (or even heavy soft CC)
  4. burst damage
  5. seriously, don’t pick Sion.

Personally, I think Kalista will launch a bit like Lucian did, but won’t peak quite as high. As it stands right now, I honestly think she’s pretty weak.

Yasuo, on the other hand, needs a nerf. he’s basically at the point where if you know how to play him and you have Shiv+IE you win the game. I commend you for trying to learn him though, he’s really fun but he has a really high entry point. I really want to learn Azir, but he’s kinda really hard to get down.

[quote=“IkaCZ, post:41, topic:499”]
[/quote]It hasn’t even been that lo… holy crap that tease was almost a year ago, wasn’t it? damn I feel old now… Honestly though, I’m more interested to see how he’s changed since they teased him than I am for the actual champion.

I’m actually liking the new Jungle. Remembering just what all the bonuses do is annoying, and getting used to the Smite cooldown will take a bit of time, but I feel like there’s more to do. Fail a gank? Take the crab thing or maybe even invade the enemy Jungle, get that true vision buff and clear out those wards.
The Dragon changes are fun too.

ULT! Ah, I missed. Q! Ugh, nevermind… W aaand they’re gone. E HAHAHA I GOT YOU N- oh wait cooldowns ._.
I’ve been playing Sion a bit lately, and I’ve found that E > Q> AA> W > R > W is pretty good. Slow, stun, AA a bit and shield up, ult to gap close, and then explode the shield. It’s more of a tanking team fight strategy than the popular long range ult and dish out damage strategy.

I think she’s easy to shut down, and depending on how the game goes her ulti can be rendered completely useless. I’ve only seen footage of her though, so I can’t be too sure~

Btw am I the only one having a lot issues with the new map?

Issues? What type of issues exactly?

Performance issues… My FPS are always going low on lane and in teamfights it’s impossible to play. The funny thing is that I used to run the old map without any problems and this new map was going to run even better according to RITO so yeah… -_- I’m hoping this is just from the beta.

that’s odd… it really should be much easier to run on most computers. is there anything in particular that stands out about your computer? (old operating system, running on old drivers. stuff like that)

it’s entirely possible that it really is just the beta, but you should still probably report it if you cant find anything.

Well my pc is a laptop but it’s not outdated at all so I’m not sure wtf is going on with this…

Mine struggles to run the current SR, so the new one sounds like it’ll be impossible to run. Lots of people on reddit are noting FPS drops.

The map is still in beta so it might not have been optimized entirely. That’s usually the last step when creating stuff like this.

So the new Dragon uses skillshots to attack. If you have been playing enough Dark Souls, and enjoy either math or trial and error, you can solo the Dragon really early on given enough time alone. It’s easier with some champions than others.

Dark Souls? Dark Souls where? Someone mentioned Dark Souls? Why don’t we have a Dark Souls thread here?

Ok, now that I’m back to normal… I’ll definitely have to try this out when I get home, but I don’t really think it’s a problem. The amount of time it takes to solo a dragon will give a pretty big window for the enemy team to react. Even with my hyperclear Shyvana I rarely get to solo dragon without a reaction. The only place I could see it being a problem is low level play, where maybe people don’t react properly; but even then I doubt that people at that level would be able to make very good use of the dragonslayer buff.

Of course it’s not serious~ It’s pretty cool to watch though. The only time I can see it working practically is if both mid and bot lane die, but then surely you’d just group up for the dragon?

… I literally screamed “WTF” as loud as I can when I saw what her ultimate does (yes its a she…).
I mean… this is insane ._.

If we go by what the leaker who talked about this some weeks back said, a new ninja champion should be coming down the pipeline.

It’s pretty crazy that they spend 6 months - 2 years on a champion, and manage get them released within rapid succession. We barely get any time with the newly released champs before a new champ/rework is announced.

Well yeah, true. But rito is considering us nolifing every minute of our lives to play LoL XD… so that we can learn all the mechanics of all the champions.

True that some of the champs needs a lot of times to master them. But skillful people just plays the champ for the first time and rulez all the way. (what im saying is that you can also improve only watching some videos and then apply that into the game. It really helps trust me)

Yay, finally a new void character! Interesting mechanics, balancing can be easily done by adjusting the tunnel skill and she’s not nearly as op as Kalista…

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So I have come to my milestone 1k wins on normals (finally) and I screened the 999th win. I tought that would be cool. But overall it says I have won over 1100 games … pretty weird.

Since I love myself so much, and since announcers are the trend of the week, I’m jumping on the bandwagon~

Just a few recorded lines~ None are cleaned up or edited yet though.

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