League of Legends General Topic

Provided we’ll be playing LoL, which server will you choose? We’re definitely not all in the same region. I’m playing on EUW, and even though I have an NA account, the lagg I get on that server makes it really hard to play anything else than a marksmann (against intermediate bots).

HOLY! People still use the rpgmaker? I know I’ve been playing around with that program, but that was almost a decade ago! Wow, that brings back memories…

Im mostly playing on EUNE, my main and smurfs are there. But I also have accounts on EUW too, not that much high levels but i can play yeah why not.

Yep mate, and it still rulez and is really awesome if you are into that ;d. Tho Last Scenario was made in 2008 i think.

well in an ideal scenario, we will not be playing LoL because the idea behind the events is to get people into new things. that said, if almost everyone that’s interested wants to play LoL then that’s what we’ll be playing. if that happens we’ll most likely be on the server that has the most of our players already on it, or a server that no one is on (forcing everyone to make a new account). that said, I wouldn’t plan to have people play anything more than bots or customs anyways, so lag shouldn’t cause any serious problems.

If there would be enough people, why not just have fun in custom game 5v5, like a Kazamatsuri showdown or something like that :).
I understadn the fact a lot of people woudl have to create a new account, but those that are on the same server would prolly join the party I guess.

there are some really core problems with that idea… while I would love to have a 5v5 custom game with just people from these forums, everyone on here will be on a completely different level; I’m pretty sure that Takafumi said he mostly plays bot games, and I wouldn’t doubt it if there were a few other platinum/diamond ranked people here. not to mention there would be a lot of new people too. considering all that, I think bot games are the way to go, even if it is less fun for some of the more serious players.

side note: if there really are that many people, maybe we can take some of the more experienced people into a custom game or matchmaking if people are up to it, but that would entirely depend on who is willing to do so and would only come after most of the newer players have left.

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True, it wouldnt be balanced, but yeah bots may be fun when you have the right people to play with :).
Im a serious player of LoL but dont mind bot games. I am up to anything, but you have a point.

I used to a lot, but the computer I have right now gets random lag spikes, and I wouldn’t want that to ruin other people’s games… so now I just bot game every couple weeks. I found it through Shurelily’s videos (RIP) and slowly became a fan of LilyPichu’s videos. She interacted with Dyrus a lot, and eventually the cypher led me to his channel, which then led me to watch some tournament (I think it was IPL?) and settled my place as a TSM fan. I eventually made an account when they were showing off Syndra and Rengar at Gamescom.

EUW. I have an NA account… I think. Never really touched it though.

I’m a lowly 17. I think I played around 50 games through 2012 and 2013, and then I stopped when I got hit by double-homelessness and lost my computer.

I mained Teemo, who is pretty versatile. Top, Mid or Bottom. Whenever Mid was left open and Teemo wasn’t fitting I’d take Katarina, Veigar or sometimes Lulu (this was back when a Lulu out of support was considered a troll pick, so I got some hate for it.) Right now I’m learning Gnar, and despite how top-lane suitable he appears, I really enjoy playing him in Mid Lane. Maybe it’s just because I used to use mid lane champions a lot though. I’m not sure how ideal he really is in mid lane though. I’ve never tested it in a non-bot game x.x
I’m still experimenting with item builds (not sure whether to focus on mini Gnar or Mega Gnar, and I was too lazy to look stuff up) but my favorite build so far was Ninja Tabi, rush BotRK, a Deathfire Grasp, a Frozen Mallet, a GA (just for that final push into the base) and a Warmog’s. It was a very situation build since I was having so much fun messing around as Gnar that I managed to get enough gold for a BotRK at ~15 minutes, and then I just figured I may as well get some Deathfire ready for burst damage since there was an overfed Yi that I needed to get rid of quickly and the bots weren’t focusing him in team fights (stupid bots.) Frozen Mallet seemed perfect for catching up to enemies just before Mega kicked in, and the Warmog’s was for some much needed health and regen.

Gnar, definitely. Lots of fun to play as. I liked Katarina for a while before the year hiatus, but it was very number county. Roam about, look for someone out of position, check if I had enough damage to kill them instantly, and repeat. If a teamfight starts, show up late and clean up.


As long as you eat those oranges, it’ll be k.

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GP is actually not as bad as some people think he is. Funny story though, did anyone play him in one for all? INSTANT WARZONE OP!


Gotta love the Yordles. Haven’t heard any of their songs at all this year, but I’ve sung them =w= #rammusswag

Well, I’ve been playing League for almost a year now, on the LAS server, still unranked, my main role is Support and my favourite champs are Sona, Karma and Malphite. Sometimes I play Jungle as well. I try to watch the LCS (and Worlds, even if it’s at 5:00am here in Chile lol) as much as possible. Team wise, I like TSM and C9, and my no. 1 streamers are PhantomL0rd, Qtpie, Trick2g (THE CANE!) and Cowsep :slight_smile:

<3 Cloud 9. Good luck to them and hope you’ll wake in time to watch them, since it’s in 20 mins, ahaha~

TSM ;~; Possibly the best they’ve ever been, but I’m still sad…
Good luck C9.

Recently I’ve been trying to relearn the champions I could play (decently) before I took the year long break. I think my Teemo is fine now, and Fiora was free for a week so I picked her up and figured her out. Fiora made me want to get back into what was my second favorite champion last year - Katarina… and… ugh, I need to learn all the damage numbers and armour/magic resist numbers again… Hard ;~;
So my champ pool has gone from Teemo, Katarina and Veigar to Teemo, Katarina, Gnar and Fiora. Unfortunately I don’t have the last two bought… Still have those IP boosts from when the servers went offline in summer 2013 though~
I’ve noticed that coming back into the game, I have become less focused on mid-lane and am picking up top lane quite a bit. Still a bit fan of standing at the sidelines and killing everything though.

Aw man, I was so sad when TSM lost to SSW :/. Hope at least C9 will win against SSB. Gogo <3.
Also I take my words back about azir, even if he gets really good early game, hes still a trashp champ imo. He needs some buffs to be one of the prior picks, hes hard to play and also he does like so little dmg early its ridicolius ;_;.
Now im pretty excited about the new Sion rework, that might be fun :3.

The match was on 2:15 AM, but I fell asleep lol

Fun game ^^

  1. Yes! Friend got me into it in 2010.
  2. NA, Piemanmj
  3. 30 --> D3
  4. All of them! But I like bot lane the best.
  5. All of them! But I play Caitlyn and Alistar the most.
  6. Yep! Mainly into the competitive scene, but I’ll tune into another random streamer once in a while.
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Caitlyn was the first champion I enjoyed playing as! At the start, melee characters were really difficult to use, so I chose to play as the longest ranged character.

As an extremely aggressive player who always ends up choosing glass canon champions with no recovery, an Alistar on the team is very reassuring; nice heal, and amazing initiation for team fights.

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Guess I’ll join the talk again.

  1. I’ve been playing LoL for several months now.
  2. I’m playing on EUW. While I do have a level 3 account on NA, I don’t play it due to the lagg.
  3. I’m level 30 and I’ve only played like 3 promotional games so I’m still unranked. My team is currently Silver 3 on Twisted Treeline and I’m slightly below their level skill-wise
  4. I’m not sure which one I’ve played more, mid or jungle. In the very beginning, I used to play ADC.
  5. Definitely Kha’Zix (though I have yet to play him mid)
  6. Yes, I’ve seen most games of the EU LCS and almost all world championship games.

I spent most of my time in bot games (over 700) and Dominion. I’m not very specialized, so I can’t say there’s any one thing I’m really good and confident at. I usually buy a new champ (or play one that’s currently free), get used to him, then play him in dominion until I get bored and switch to a different one…

I mainly do custom bots or co-op vs. AI too. Not big on Twisted Treeline or Dominion (mainly because they give me 5-10 minute lag spikes and crashes, but also because I like the pacing of Summoner’s Rift more than the others.)

Looking forward to learning the new jungle? Looks kinda scary~ I always end up being put as Support or Jungle in online games, so it’s gonna be daunting! >A<

Im personally looking forward to the new jungle, finally something new! I think most of the new or unskilled players will have trouble to decide wether to jungle or gank ;d. Still im really excited when it comes out.

Yeah, definitely looking forward to the new jungle.
What worries me though, is Kalista. I’ve seen a few full game videos of her and I gotta say her kiting is insane. A melee champ without gap closers has no chance to even land a hit. I know it takes a lot of skill to do the kiting properly, but her kit is insane. It’s like she’s the bot lane Yasuo. I definitely don’t like that…

Speaking of Yasuo, I’m doing ok with him in bot games but I’m really bad in PvP. And I really wonder how many matches I’ll have to play with him (while getting flamed from all sides) until I can truly mastered this crazy dude…