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8/8 m8 i need this voicepack in my LoL…now!

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With the amount of failed attempts I’m getting out of this, there’ll be a bunch of HILARIOUS outtakes and bloopers! Ha ha ha… cheesy fake laugh
and http://vocaroo.com/i/s1Lo3Y3DuT73
but better.

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Did everyone get their free skins yet? I just got one on my main, and got one on my old original account this morning.

Pretty happy with them. I don’t play Alistar often, but with the new visual update his Infernal Skin looks like the best.
I love playing as Poppy, even if she’s a bit clunky, and I was seriously thinking about getting the Scarlet Hammer skin because unless you are a Lollipoppy fanatic, it is the best skin by far for her. She’ll be getting a visual update once the Trist and Alistar ones role out, so it’ll be interesting to see how it looks then.

Speaking of visual updates, what do you guys think of them? I’m pretty glad I didn’t get a Trist skin because that Riot Girl skin is beautiful~ I used it before anyway because of it’s name, but now it looks good! I talked a bit on /r/girlgamers about how it’s nice to see some of Trist’s personality come through now. Hectic and playful, but with a strong set of morals!

well…uhm yeah, I got mine.

so yeah. Vancouver Amumu.
Not only is he like…bad, but I also already had little knight amumu, so yeah.

Stoked as hell for Firecracker Jinx tho.

I’m not exactly happy about my Commando Garen. Then again, I own 24 champions, and I only use like one third of them, so it was kinda obvious that I’d get a skin I have no use for…

But speaking of Poppy, I’m also looking forward to her rework. She’s currently rather weak in the early game and I never managed to master her. Don’t even know what the “correct” itemization for her would be even though I played with her a lot at a certain point in time…

Build Trinity Force and then one shot their carries. Then kill the rest of their damage because you don’t give a fuck.

Seriously though, Poppy late game is pretty stupid if you can get there. I’m interested to see how they change this in the rework.

Well, mine was ok even though I dont like the skin. I got Bloodmoon Kalista and well it had to be that skin out of all those skins, I dont owns, since I own every champion, there are so many possibilities.

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I… didn’t even know that was a skin… Knight mumu is cute tho~

Best Garen skin! It kinda sucks getting a skin for a champ that comes with a free skin though. Trying to be positive about my Alistar…

She has a weak early game, but she’s incredibly powerful for the rest. I played her top mainly, but that first 3 or 4 levels can ruin you. I just tried playing her as a Jungler to remedy this and it went pretty well. We won the game in less than 25 minutes even though we had an afk and had to play 4v5.

Machete + Two pots. Clear Red, Wolves, Blue, and Gromp. Back. Get Ranger’s Trailblazer + 5 pots. Do dragon. Gank. Clear Red + Raptors. Back. Get Devourer, then rush Trinity Force.

Game ended before I could complete Trinity, but after that’d I’d have gone either IE if we’re winning or Bloodthirster if not. Hydra if you want to just keep farming or pushing lane.Then Thornmail.

Runes - Marks: Flat AD, Seals: Flat Armour, Glyphs: Flat AP Quints: Attack Speed

Masteries page is 21/9/0 making sure to get Bladed Armor and Tough Skin.

I want to see her all shiny and new, but I don’t want her abilities to change much… They said it won’t be Sion levels of rework, so if they change any abilities at all it’ll only be one or two.

I don’t play her but that skin is beautiful. The Bloodmoon skins are my favorite groups of skins.

yeah I got mine too and I was super happy, but then … ice drake shyvana :/, too bad I already had Championship Shyvana, but still awesome! Havent cheked my other 2 smurfs and a west account, maybe there is something too.
I was actually gonna ask if anyone got it too but @takafumi was faster :p.

@Endofrefrain omfg man bloodmoon kalista is so fucking good Im jelly!
@Naoki_saten man I was reading some things on PBE forums, and they said that poppy is looking good, and that she is in testing phase. I am actually looking forward for her rework, because I feel an op alert coming in after rework (shes pretty op in late tho cuz ult duh)

Shyvana has so many good skins it’s unfair! I’m umming and ahing over getting the Ironscale skin… but I don’t play her, so I’m holding out. Variation is nice though~ It’d fit for ARAM as well :stuck_out_tongue:

Poppy is OP late, but that solo dragon! So fun~ I don’t remember seeing anything about her on the PBE though.
Really excited to play the new Trist tho (have you heard her new VO lines!? So cool!)

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Thanks for the advice. I tested the build in a bot game and it worked pretty well. However, her mana is depleted disturbingly fast >_<
Also, should Poppy’s masteries be AD or AP? Attack speed or cdr? There’s all kinds of builds for her, both AD and AP, which confuses me even more. And I’ve never actually seen a pure offence build such as yours.

Devourer gives Poppy some neat attack speed which is a lot of help. Should I consider giving her Blade of the Ruined King at some point?

Mana can be a problem, but generally, leveling Q>W>Q>E for the first 4 levels is the way to go. Be very careful with W and only use it before engaging. As long as you are in combat it’ll never run out. Q whenever possible just after an auto attack.

For Masteries I focus on a mix of AD and AP with no CDR.
AP is more important, but her Q is very reliant on AD, and it’s the main damage dealer of her kit. CDR is dangerous because it encourages you to spend mana - something Poppy is lacking in. Both Devourer and TF are crucial to the mid game, so the only CDR you’ll get is from leveling up. Stay safe and farm the jungle, collecting kills whenever possible, usually around Dragon. If you were laning, then Botrk would be nice after TF and maybe Hydra, but as a Jungler it doesn’t work out well compared to Bloodthirster. The attack damage is less than BTs, and the attack speed, after getting devourer, is too little too late. I find attack speed only helps Poppy when clearing the Jungle. The E>AA>Q>AA combo should be enough to kill your intended target anyway. BT has better lifesteal than Botrk for most of the time, and the shield it gives is very nice.

You can go tanky on Poppy, but I think it ruins what she was intended to be. She kills squishies and makes tanks scared to engage. She is naturally tanky, and as long as you don’t overstay your time in teamfights you should always survive. Kill the carry, if your ult is still up cause chaos, run away, bait any chasers, and trust your team to win the 4v4 while you’re doing all this (or if someone was stupid enough to chase you, the 4v3.) Living is the most important thing. You will mostly always get a kill on a squishy, so if you run away after it’s a positive outcome.

I don’t know how you can pair those words with that face. Ice Drake Shyvana is amazing! nothing wrong with changing up which skin you run on a champ, assuming they’re about equal value. Heck, I have all the Shyvana skins (excluding boneclaw, because its shit) and I cycle between them every time I play her.

I got Glaive Warrior Pantheon, but I already had Dragonslayer from one of the Riot events they did(don’t remember which one). Not that I mind though, I’ll still take it out for a spin every once in a while.

I know what you mean, Im grateful for such an awesome skin, but in my case I like to have 1 skin per champion if possible (ya kno what im saying?) So basically that face was only because I had Championship Shyv already, if not omg man i would so play the sht out of that skin. Still its nice that I can choose between them, if im in a championship mood ill go with that or frosty mood i can go with the other skin so ye.

Side note: Ika is lying because he has 3 skins for katarina and uses all of them and is happy for every single one lololo

I also have that skin, I bought it immediately when it was released for 975 :3

You got Kitty Cat three times then? o.o

lmao not exactly 3 times but yeah I have her on like 2 accounts, including my main. The main account has 3 different (because she is one of my mains… or rather was, now i could say everything is my main lol) skins on kata - slay belle, kitty cat, mercenary

Did someone say too many skins on one champ, because I got all of the Annie skins. Yes, even the legacy ones. I really enjoy rotating them on her, because every skin has it’s own special thing on Annie.

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I like Annie, but I don’t like any of her skins… The Chinese splash for the goth skin is cool, but none of the in-game stuff seems worth the money ;~;

And I have all Kennen skins except for MD.
And the 2 Ahri skins I like.
I just get the skins I like, regardless if it’s the same champ or not

I hope one of those includes the new one that just came out. that skin is GLORIOUS! (and only available for a limited time)