Key Sounds Label - Music Discussion

Wonderful, I’ve got a gut feeling about Little Busters and some other Key VN. Thanks a lot!
I’ll take a serious look to Love Song (the album) since it looks certainly underrated.
The songs from Jun Maeda et all are very catchy and well composed.

side note: another little thing that may have been was used on purpose (imho) was the bassline from The Matrix (the elevator scene). I know It’s a different song but the bassline is very similar, like a parody.
I’ve recognized it immediately and made me laugh the first time I’ve heard it, since it fits the moment so well. :slight_smile:

By the way guys, after some talking we’ve lifted the restriction on posting links to Key music on Youtube here. As long as it’s on Youtube, you can share it~ But at least take a moment to decide whether or not sharing a link here would be harmful or not.

…wwait, so it WAS illegal to post youtube link of Key music here?

Mhm. But we’ve lifted that rule, heh.

Stick to fair use rule if you want to be safe. :slight_smile:

On the topic, how I ever overlooking a song as good as Orpheus? Just (re)listening it recently after my random playlist playing it, and it’s awesome!

Anyone want to identify the singer of each line? :smiley:


Oh! … Along the lines, I didn’t knew/forgot about that. Glad to know that it they are allowed now, since I like to follow the rules in a place where I’m a guest.

I know what you mean: May it be that posting with a good purpose, and having that always in mind may benefit (at least not harm) Key’s creations in the long shot. For example, take the people who where working very hard in the unofficial translations… we are all talking about, and it is (in part) thanks to them Key now can expand overseas (wee!).
Yeah, it is a grey zone sometimes, that we should keep an eye on always.

I always hesitate a bit before posting YouTube links of any kind, anywhere, since it may (or may not) damage something that I like to have success, call it Key, a forum, or even myself. Even worst, I hate spoilers, I don’t share YT links to my friends (that I want to introduce to Key’s world) because of the “related videos” “feature” from YT.

Yeap, we’re all on the same side here. No doubt.

P.S.: The other way I can think of would be to talk about those songs without posting links, just naming the track and album.
Finally, something very important here is that we are not making money from this.
On this case in particular, it turned out that now I was to buy that “Love Song” album, heh.
It’s a grey topic that, besides legal stuff, we don’t really know if we are doing the “right” thing sometimes.

…wow, a long post.

@ArdWar “Stick to fair use rule if you want to be safe. :)” yeah, that’s my guide. Even then, I’m careful…

I tried man, I really did ;_; I can only identify Chata, Lia, LiSA, Mami Kawada, Rita and Tada Aoi orz

News at 11, Maeda samples the crap out of Love Song constantly.

It’d be easier to find a song in Love Song that he didn’t use for something else.

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Wawawa?! I’ve always been so disappointed that this was an unused track. I think the level that Im excited for whenever I watch the anime just went way up XP

Really, you can’t identify KOTOKO’s voice? I thought her voice is the most unique one.

My guess is:
First part (chronological order)

  • Lia
  • Tada Aoi (?)
  • Kawada Mami (?)
  • Shimamiya Eiko (?)
  • Tada Aoi (again) (?)


  • together

Second part:

  • Utatsuki Kaori (?)
  • Chata (?)
  • Rita (?)
  • LiSA

After instrumental:

  • Shimamiya Eiko (?)


But again I’m not very familiar with most of their voices.

That is definitely Tada Aoi in the spots where you have her. And, to confirm your guess, that is indeed the order that they are listed in the official track info.

See, the problem is, I have no idea what KOTOKO sounds like. I haven’t really listened to any of her songs…

Funny thing about Orpheus, BTW. I just learned yesterday that the lyrics were written by Takahiro Baba himself. Fun stuff.

KOTOKO has sung primarily for the I’ve division of VisualArt’s though she has sung some non-affiliated Key soundtracks such as ‘World Link’, ‘Teller of World’, ‘Shooting Star’. There’s a chance you may also recognize her as the singer of the now defunct Ai Sp@ce theme ‘U Make Ai Dream’.

World Link was used for KeyRaji (Key Net Radio - internet radio show hosted by Shinji Orito and Hinoue Itaru and Chiro- someone you don’t know) so maybe it’s Key affiliated.
Teller of World, in the other hand, was used for VisualArt’s mana VN, Yumeiro Alouette! (ps: Kai wrote the scenario)
Shooting Star is not even for VisualArt’s. It’s for Onegai Teacher anime - though it is included in Shinji Orito’s album Circle of Fifth.

I see that your examples for KOTOKO’s songs are from CoF, but seriously she sang more than that. Examples would be Shakugan no Shana anime OP/ED, Hayate no Gotoku, Kannaduki no Miko, Accel World and so on. I can go on forever.

Or the Motto To LOVE-Ru OP

Obviously the most important one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Oh, wow. While I already regard Loop-the-loop as the best OST of the series, I never realized that she’s associated with I’ve.

I’m aware KOTOKO has sung a large number of songs. I simply wanted to provide Pepe with some examples of tracks she sung which were affiliated with Key Sounds Label / projects with a Key focus.

By the way, does HOLY BREAKER! have soundtrack CD or not?

It does! The OST came with the game.

@Clannad_Man @Hirato well uhh… It just so happens that I haven’t heard any of those before, so you can excuse me for not being able to recognize her voice in Orpheus XD