Key Sounds Label - Music Discussion

We disabled smilies because they were ugly. Not sure what’s going to happen with them. I don’t know if they can be replaced with custom ones or something.

Yeah @Aspirety said there will be custom emotes at some point.

On topic, I’m really looking forwards to being able to have access to a keyboard on a regular basis, so I can get good and hopefully play some Key songs!


So I was reminded of the song “Country Train” from Clannad’s OST and I just remembered how it sounds so eerily similar to another song that I am familiar with:

I looked it up, and apparently Country Train is composed by Jun Maeda and, as we all know Maeda being the music nut he is, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was actually his inspiration for that track as Maeda gets his music inspiration from pretty much everywhere!

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You forgot Today is Okay

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Everything is right with the world


This is just posted on Visual Art’s Channel.
Our based Lord Maeda composed and wrote this, plus he’s also the VOCALIST!

This is supposedly a song about hikikomori/ shut-ins. Hopefully someone is good enough to translate it!

My understanding is that Maeda has been wanting to write a song like this for a while now, in part drawing from personal experiences. His voice sounds different from how I’ve heard him speak previously… then again, I’ve never actually heard him sing before! xD

Fearless Prediction: This song will eventually end up being associated with Noda’s backstory. We’ll see…


That is exactly how Maeda should sound singing. Umu umu.

I’m a fan of short animated stories told in song, so I do hope for a translation.

Woah, considering the AB thing at the beginning, it’s making me think (AB Drama CD spoilers) this is gonna be Noda’s song. Well me and @Clannad_Man thought the same thing xP

He sounds like some of the niconico utaite I’ve heard before, though

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This was TLed by SANchipinchi on twitter.

Noda is the only character that I GUESS it’d fit, but he doesn’t strike me as an aspiring musician- Unless this track is meant to not be specific and be more general about the idea of becoming hardcore introverted. That’d be quite the surprise. I’d love to see Maeda use this as an ED. :smiley:

I’m #RampantSpeculationing SADU MACHINE and Maeda self insert >:3

All that said, I LOVE this song! Goddamn Maeda is my HERO. So much of what he does spells out what I aspire to be.


I think I’m gonna try and sub this and chuck the video on the Kaza channel. Would be great publicity!

Quick question. Is there any word on if this song will be sold anywhere, or is this video all we have right now?

I’m really hoping it’s on Million Star either as-is, as a Sad Machine song or by Marina. I want to give Maeda money for this and I want him to do more!

As far as I know, that video is the only thing we have on it, really >_< Kinda sad to know

That would actually be pretty damn awesome, yeah.

Yeah Rewrite Ost. is one of my favourite lol

State of nirvana achieved.

[carnation] and [koibumi] is really lovely
i love koibumi lyric

Just got the AIR Original Soundtrack in the mail today. I was glad to have the opportunity to get it, and as I listen to it right now, I can see why everyone likes it. It’s so diverse and well-composed, with each track bringing about a particular emotion and bringing back near-vivid images from the VN. I’m definitely going to be listening to this for a while. :slight_smile:

Natsukage best character theme. <3


How’s the booklet? Is it just plain, or did they add some pretty art into it?

There’s no special artwork to speak of in the booklet. However, it does contain the lyrics and sheet music for the three vocal themes of the game, as well as some composer notes for each of the songs in the soundtrack. Whether or not that’s something you like, it doesn’t matter. I can’t read katakana or sheet music, but I wanted the soundtrack for the music anyways.

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You forgot to mention that it’s your MVP prize, hahaha. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hello folks,

I’ve noticed a similar music pattern (or leitmotif) among these 2 songs, specially in the intro piano:

Tomoyo After - Love Song
Angel Beats - My Most Precious Treasure

Maybe it was made on purpose, I’ll try to figure out why…

I’ll keep searching for more of those musical crossovers.

— Reference videos: (possible spoilers because of some pictures…)


If you know another “music crossover” or leitmotif, please share the information.
I’m pretty sure there are more…

Actually… the BGM love song from Tomoyo After is from this piece.

(Love Song - track 13 of KSLA-0019 : Love Song, a very very underappreciated album)

If you want to know about leitmotifs, actually there are a lot of songs in this album which serves as samples for Key’s VN BGMs, e.g.

(Hyakunen No Natsu - track 05)
with this

(Natsukage - Air Original Soundtrack - track 04)
which is so suspiciously similar with this

(Unused Track 3 - Little Busters! Original Soundtrack - Disc 3 Track 13)

this track became overused in the anime though

Also this one

(Hashiru - track 04)
with this

(Kakeru - Saya’s BGM from Little Busters! Ecstasy Tracks)