Key Games Translation Status Updates

Chihaya becomes Sayuri in the Kotori route?

Ohhhh that seen >3< so sweet~ I remember watching it on youtube only to get more hype afterwards

Lucia route in HF is 100% TL’d.

Just a small update!


But Shizuru is now at 0%. Seems like that update was a mistake.

Why did you? I think they are translating it, just not posting updates, like they did last year (they hadn’t updated for a long time, but then they updated it, now the translation is at 98%. I think they didn’t give up. If they really did, they would’ve announce it).

It’s been going for 3 years or something. It’s less frustrating to just read it myself.

Do you know japanese, then? Because if you don’t, I’ve already tried reading a VN with machine translators and it’s terrible to understand.

Both me and @Aspirety have read routes in EX (I have read all of them) using machine translators and it’s pretty good in my opinion. Saya’s route especially was very easy to understand and get the gist of what was going on. We both used around 6 different machine translators, so if you combine all the translations it’s pretty easy to get what is going on most of the time.
Also obviously helps if you know some basic Japanese.

Whoa, but it must have been really tiresome to be checking every line in those 6 different dictionaries. Also, you can’t read with full screen. Did you guys read Kudwaf too, then?

It’s done automatically using a text hooker and a translation aggregator. It’s probably quite difficult to set up this again though, as the program we used stopped being able to connect to the good translators quite a while ago. I’ll probably look into it at some point.
I really dislike playing most VNs in fullscreen anyway so it doesn’t really affect me.

I used one machine translator for HF that automatically got me the translation, and having to look to it was a drag. Having to do that six times would just make me give up on the VN.
It completely ruins the pacing of the story, and makes it feel like a chore instead of a form of entertainment.

Full screen was awful on most VNs until a few years ago, and even then, some companies are still playing catch-up.

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I don’t care if it’s awful or not (LB! full screen wasn’t very good, but I still used it), I just play with full screen. It’s more enjoyable for me. If there’s no full screen, I don’t play it.

I was talking about those. It’s still a pain to look every single line in those 6 dictionaries, even if they are together. I agree with @Takafumi, it ruins the pacing.

GaoGao finished their AIR translation. It contains a torrent link, so I don’t know if I can link it, but it’s easy to find.

Eh, I just lower my resolution a bit. It’s a nice compromise.

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I played Little Busters stretched on my craptop, it was still great.

The other tl of AIR has finished!!! 
What’s the difference?

It isn’t British :stuck_out_tongue:

Steady progress on Shizuru’s route in HF. Ixrec has been posting commits daily for it.

Here’s a fun note hidden in the scripts after a Yoshino monologue.
//The best thing about Yoshino’s lines is that they’re supposed to sound stupid, so I don’t have to try making them sound good ~IX

Actually, can anyone help me make sense of this line? (Nothing spoilery, just doing it for posterity’s sake)

//<0563> ă‚ąă‚€ă‚łăƒłă‚żă‚Żăƒˆă«ăŻæ„›æƒ…ćșŠăŒæœ€ă‚‚é‡èŠă ă€‚ă‚†ăˆă«ă‚”ăƒƒă‚«ăƒŒăŻè–„ă„æœŹăŒć€šă„ăŁăŠă°ăŁăĄă‚ƒăŒèš€ăŁăŠă„ăŸă€‚
<0563> Love is vital to making eye contact work. An old lady once said that’s why most books on soccer are so thin.


Because you can’t describe love in words, and soccer requires a lot of eye contact

Old lady and books of soccer?

That doesn’t quite make sense.

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Who wrote this sh**!? Oh wait Tonokawa did.
I don’t get it. It doesn’t make any sense.

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Anyone think that it’s just wrongly phrased?