Key Game Tech Support Topic

Even the ones I own the disc for, I don’t install. That’s just how I’ve been doing it, and I have yet to have a problem.

All my issues were always the same as this. Just fixed it manually and all was good. Not a big issue, but it at least happened to me each time. Then again maybe it’s because I’m on Vista.

I’m on Windows 7 (Vista and XP previously) and I always install them to the external hard drive through whatever installer is put on the disc.

Fuwanovel confirmed.

Also, moving Little Busters! ME to my new hard-drive would have to be one of the first times doing so didn’t result in losing all of my save data. It’s all still in place :3

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Is it bad that I had to look up what Fuwanovel was? Because I hadn’t heard the name until you mentioned it…

Hello guys, I’m sorry for posting this here, but I’m really not sure where else to post my question:

Tomorrow I want to re-install my Windows and I will backup some data on an external HDD. I finished the whole Rewrite visual novel, but I want to keep this data. Is it possible to backup this game on an external HDD without losing my game progress?

Thanks in advance for replying, and again, sorry for posting here.

In my “Documents” folder (on Windows 8.1 BTW) there’s a folder called Key in that there’s “Rewrite” and in that there’s “savadata” I’m guessing if you back that up and put it back in “Documents” it will work but I’m not sure as I’ve never had to do it before. Maybe test if that transfers data on another computer (or user).

Could be the trick! I’ve found that map, and also ofcourse the Rewrite “main” map: [Fuwanovel] Rewrite.
I will back them up both. What do you mean at the end of your post? Do you mean that I could try to put both folders on another computer to test if the game works?

yeah, as long as the computer has no relation to Rewrite. I’m not the best with computers but what I think you’d be basically doing is seeing how a different computer (as you’re essentially making a different computer software wise) would react to it.

Seems a good idea. I’m doing it right now. I’m copying it to my USB right now and I will place it at my laptop after that. Could take a while. I will let you know!

If it won’t work, I guess it is because something regarding to register keys. After I setup a new windows version, it will delete the older register keys. And I thought Rewrite saves had something to do with those register keys. But we’ll see soon!

Ah, this is great! It worked! Everything is the same on my laptop as on my computer. Thank you very much for your (fast) help. Really appreciate it. Now I can always look back the pictures, songs and routes on my new Windows 8.1 haha :wink:

no problem, glad it worked.

how to unlock region?
i don’t get it ><

i have a problem with the VNR i followed every step when installing but when i run the game nothing gets translated …

I’m new here, so sorry if I’m doing anything wrong :3 but
I dragged and dropped the SiglusEngine.exe to the AlphaRomDiE and got the message you posted but also got this one:

Angel Beats! -1st beat- Trial Edition

[2015/06/07 10:23:54.0251]

フォントファイル font02.ttf が見つかりませんでした。

[ サポート情報 ]
このメッセージは Ctrl+C でコピーできます。

which Google Translated to

Angel Beats! -1st Beat- Trial Edition

[2015/06/07 10:23: 54.0251]

Font file font02.ttf could not be found.

[Support Information]
This message you can copy Ctrl + C.

Do you know what this means?

Hmmm just curious, but have you set your language for non-unicode programs to japanese?

Do you move/change the installation folder?

Try installing the font file manually (in the dat folder).

Not currently. I did try it, though, but nothing happened.

I didn’t move/change the installation folder, I’m pretty sure. All I did was do the AlphaRomDiE thing, which created a shortcut for SiglusEngine.exe
I did that, and then it said the same thing, except font02.ttf changed to font01.ttf. I got font01.tff, and then it says a bunch of images and frames and stuff not found, then loads. Yay?
EDIT: It works, expect for a bunch of pop up boxes. Although I can’t get VNR to work…

A note for those having problems with unlocking region for Angel Beats! ~1st beat~ Trial v.1.1: look for “SiglusEngine.exe” (in StartData/gamedata/) and apply that to AlphaROM. You should end up with a “SiglusEngine.exe” shortcut beside the “SiglusEngine.exe” file. Click on the shortcut to play the game. It will launch both SiglusEngine and the AlphaROM region unlocker.