Key 15th Anniversary Letter Project

What even happened to it? Did it just fizzle out and die? o.o

Oooh, Kinniku project was you? I found that through Wafuu~! Thinking back, it definitely had that weird Aspirety vibe about it…

My understanding is it’s currently on life support. It took a fatal blow after the whole clannadman thing. I haven’t checked in in a while, but last I heard is that nobody was actively working on finishing it, but there were people who still wanted to finish it. Maybe @Oriko knows more than I do?

New Project: Take screenshots of Aspirety commenting on every big Key thing, put a black&white noise filter over it, and make it look like he is dotted throughout history wherever Key is mentioned!

Aaah, that’s a shame. It’d be nice if everything was at least put together and sent off. Just knowing it has been sent to Key is good enough~

Oh… could this all be moved into a Key 15th discussion post?

Might be a good idea. I dunno how much we can talk about a dead project, but we are definitely getting off topic~[quote=“Takafumi, post:115, topic:49”]
Thinking back, it definitely had that weird Aspirety vibe about it…

I’ll take that as a compliment :stuck_out_tongue:

Bumping this quote from the first post to continue discussion, aha.

The project isn’t dead, and it is progressing slow and steady as far as I know. I’m sure the project staff will make a big announcement when it is complete and sent.

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… That sounds veeerry familiar! Ahaha~

That will be a nice surprise~ Kazamatsuri will have news again!

I’m not staff member so I can’t say for sure, but that’s what I think anyway. The letter project was an awesome idea from the guy who thought it up, I hope we hear from them soon!

Don’t sweat the details~

Oh yeah, I remember writing a letter for this.

Hmm what exactly is left to do? Just compile the letters and send them, right? How do they plan to send them?

OMGs I also sent a letter there. It seems like the wiki isn’t active anymore

Ahaha, I was too lazy to submit anything~ ^^; I’d just accidentally click on the link of it on my bookmarks bar every 2~3 months. Quite a cool way to stay updated~ =w=

This is a silly question!

This happened last month. Bit of an update on the situation.

Ohh, good to see. Shame about the lack of translations though. I’m curious why they aren’t including them.

Lost contact with the translators maybe?

Well, I suppose I’ll talk here a little bit. To be honest, the translations we have aren’t really all that nice (though I guess that’s to be expected when they are not translated into Japanese by natives), and that’s basically the main reason.

Contributing factors include how some of the other members felt how we should forego the translations to make the global aspect more apparent (and under the belief that there’s ought to be people over at Key that can read English anyway). The last part, frankly, is that it’d drop the cost by a little.

At any rate, here’s another status update:


First, as much of a shame it is, I completely understand your reasoning for abandoning the translation. As you said, there’s bound to be people at Key who can translate the letters into Japanese if necessary; it’d probably be better than a sloppy Japanese translation done by us.

Second, OHMYGOSH SENPAI NOTICED US <3 I’m blushing~

Third, holy crap this is all amazing news. I kinda feel like interviewing you @cloud668 or something, I’d love more information about Sekai Project’s involvement with the letter project and how you came in contact with them.

Well, the translations will still be available, so I wouldn’t just say it’s straight up “abandoning” it. As for talking to Sekai Project, honestly there’s not that much to it. :confused: It was pretty much a I talked to them and they talked back thing, and they agreed to help us bring the book to them.

I also don’t think you can get that much out of interviewing me, lol, other than how I made a lot of bad decisions over the course of the project.

@cloud668 So, how exactly are they assisting the project? Is it mainly just ensuring that the anthology gets in Key’s hands, or is there more to it?