Key 15th Anniversary Letter Project

Well, the translations will still be available, so I wouldn’t just say it’s straight up “abandoning” it. As for talking to Sekai Project, honestly there’s not that much to it. :confused: It was pretty much a I talked to them and they talked back thing, and they agreed to help us bring the book to them.

I also don’t think you can get that much out of interviewing me, lol, other than how I made a lot of bad decisions over the course of the project.

@cloud668 So, how exactly are they assisting the project? Is it mainly just ensuring that the anthology gets in Key’s hands, or is there more to it?

Cool, thanks for filling us in~
The decisions make sense. Honestly, it’d be kinda cool to go through and see the language of messages changing.

Huh, the website redirects to now. Not sure when that change happened. is redirecting me to the wiki now.

Ah okay, server switch.
It was just strange how it randomly started linking to all of a sudden @A@