Oh yeah, if you can’t remember how to type an emoji: hover over one! :kgoha:
Also, typing :
in a reply box will open a menu that will auto-complete them, so even remembering kind of how to type one is usually okay.
Oh yeah, if you can’t remember how to type an emoji: hover over one! :kgoha:
Also, typing :
in a reply box will open a menu that will auto-complete them, so even remembering kind of how to type one is usually okay.
New emoji!
They’re all broken!
Oh god why, hold on here…
EDIT: It’s a Discourse bug. Irie got the new emoji, Sekine never did D:
EDIT: And… copied them over myself, until this bug is fixed :komue:
@uppfinnarn and I just pushed a fun little update to the forum: unassigned avatars are randomly assigned one of 9 silhouettes. Recognise them? You can see a bunch in action here: Introducing the CLANNAD Bookclub! Win a copy of CLANNAD on Steam!
Since our email provider went down this morning, I said screw it and switched to one that’s apparently what Twitter uses. Should be solid enough, right?
You can now reply to stuff by replying to a notification email.
Latest Discourse appears to have broken spoiler tags, so I quickly hacked in a… less glamorous version while it gets fixed.
(Next time I’ll properly test spoiler tags before pushing an update live, everything else is working, but not that >.>)
Lots of little updates happening. Changing some of the text content around so trust levels are now customised. They are as follows:
Level 0 = NPC (Formerly New User)
Level 1 = Recruit (Formerly Basic User)
Level 2 = Dango (Formerly Member)
Level 3 = Buster (Formerly Regular)
Level 4 = Leader (Unchanged!)
We’ve also added some more benefits for forum Busters. Together with VIP Patrons, they now have access to an exclusive forum category and discord channel titled ‘Clubroom’, its main intended function being for Kazamatsuri staff to consult our most valued members on important website decisions. We want our community to have more say, so we’re giving you guys more power. And it also incentivises active forum use a little more!
We’ve also renamed the FAQ (aka the Rules & Guidelines) to the Code of Conduct. Finally figured out how to do this! It was never really an FAQ so I’m glad we could change it. Can’t change the URL, but eh, that hardly matters.
What else… Discord has been getting pretty crazy with all the bots coming in, but we’re still figuring things out, so bear with us! Music playback in voice is totally a thing though.
And a huge thanks once again to @kyuketsukimiyu for meeting my demands and creating an AWESOME forum theme for the Kanon Bookclub just in time. You’re the real MVP (oh wait, you actually were!)
And while I have your attention, we are currently looking for new moderators for the forum! If you think you’re suitable for the position, then please consider applying! Forum Busters, looking at you!
A big Discourse update is imminent, but we’re just making sure the forum is ready for it (and spoiler tags don’t break), so stay tuned for that one!
Dat Discourse update though!
We’ve been adding a heap of emoji to the Discord server, and I just now pushed them to Kaza!
:emotionless: :lucky: :sayaaa: :kotohino:
:keepsake: :KyoGlare: :shizuflust: :gaijin:
And of course @cjlim2007’s very own
We are now trialing @cjlim2007 as a moderator of the community! He’ll be here to babysit you kids while Pepe and I are asleep.
All hail one of the best shitposter along Kanon. May Kaza become a place with a bit more shitposting and memes!
Congratulations Cjlim2006!
Oh also, we’re recruiting @Khsellhu as official translator for the Kazamatsuri staff team! I look forward to putting him to work on translating articles and other such projects~
Emoji update! Some redundant emoji removed, lots of new ones added, and changed the names for most so they represent actual emotions. Most of them.