Kaza Movie Night!

Dammit exam week…

At least please consider text based chat, not everyone feel comfortable speaking in English.

I think this is a fantastic Idea but I do agree with Pepe this would be better suited as a separate event.

I’ll be advertising it through public channels regardless of whether it’s a movie night event or not, so I don’t really see the problem.

Sounds like a great idea though I already watched the anime not too long ago. Still, I guess it’ll be a new experience since I watched the series dubbed during my last watch.

I agree with Aspi that this would be a great way to cap off the Commemoration Week. I also agree with @Pepe that this doesnt need to be part of Movie Night, but as long as everyone is OK with it, I dont see any actual problems with attaching the Movie Night name to it. We should definitely “advertise” outside of this topic though.

This does however bring up a point that has been brought to my attention a few times now: Why don’t we watch full series?

When we first started movie night, our original goal was simply to get people to come and to make it successful, especially with having all that pushback from Ian. Part of making sure of this was making it so as many people as possible could come, which is part of why we decided on movies.

There are some reasons other than schedule for why not as many people would show up for watching a series. For example, the discussion thats been going in the anime topic about watching series all at once vs spread out.

That said, now that Movie Night is on its feet, I am open to changing our original philosophy and structure.

I would like to take a informal poll of everyone who thinks watching series as well would be a good idea. If we get enough "yes"s. I will start to organize and schedule.

For now, as long as no one has any objections I think we should make this AIR TV viewing official. Please let me know if anyone has any problems with it.

@ArdWar A text based chat is only hard bc watching and looking at text convo at the same time is distracting. Im sure you could type in the mumble chat while we watch, but it would be difficult.


I’m not so suppportive with watching a series as opposed to a movie. Firstly, you’d have to make a pool of participants which would more-or-less join regularly. If they can’t attend one session, they’d have to bear the responsibility to watch the episodes before the next session, which some people might be lazy to do, causing them to drop out.

Then if, suddenly, a new member wants to join in, they can’t unless they either have watched it before, or are willing to rush all the previous episodes before joining.

There’s also the possibility that a person would not want to watch the said series for personal reasons. That causes him to be inactive for more than one session, whereas with movies, he could be active one session, then gone the next.

This movie night is, as far as I saw it, something you’d do if you just wanna hang out and are free at the time. Making it a series watching would make it feel like a commitment, IMO.

That being said, I would still participate. I just don’t want it to fade into oblivion like the last time we did something like that


So I haven’t been to a movie night yet mainly because I forget and when the days rolls around I don’t have time to get the movie. (on me 100 percent) The idea of running through the series as a community to cap the bookclub seems cool and I don’t see a problem even if you do it only as a one time special thing. On the other hand the concerns about shifting to watching series instead of movies is also a valid concern so let me ask the question…why not both? Keep Kaza movie night the way it is for people that want to be able to jump in and watch a movie without having to worry about keeping up or having prior knowledge. At the same time make something different ala Kaza watches (insert series name here) where if people want to get in on the idea of watching an entire series and feel like they can keep up then they have that option. Just a thought.


First, I was not necessarily thinking this would have to be instead of the movies, but that would be something we’d work out after we decide how we would do this (EDIT: Pretty much what @Bowiie said). That said, I agree with all of your points, which are hugely part of why we strayed away from series in the first place. Currently, I can think of two solutions:

  1. We just try it out and see what happens. Sure, those are all problems the could (and some of them, will) happen, but we dont know to what extent they will affect the event as a whole until we just do it. The AoT watching was underadvertised, and more like just a group of outliers who hadnt seen it yet and thought it would be cool to watch it together. This is a fullscale community event.

  2. We could try something a bit different. Instead of actually watching the series together, like, on mumble, we say: “We are watching ______ series, episodes 1-4 this week.” Everyone watches by themselves, and then discusses in the thread. This would be much easier on people’s schedules, allowing people to come in late if they want. People can also watch at whatever speed they want (I know we were discussing this in the general anime topic).


So, is the AIR TV viewing official? I’m happy to start spreading the word publicly if you give me the OK.

I can do the AIR TV viewing! Woo!

Was pretty sad I wasn’t able to get the AIR movie in time, so this is lucky for me (if we do it). :slight_smile:

Yes, indeed, since this seems to be the only way this is gonna happen lets make it official.

We will still be keeping to our usual schedule as well, so please vote for what series we will watch on Saturday, May 30! As of right now, we will be sticking with the 23:30 UTC time, but we still have time to change it if we get enough people saying they want a different time.

Also, I’m still looking for thoughts on if and how we should watch whole anime series as well!

Also also, I’ve completely rewritten the OP. Please go read the whole thing, I’ve updated several things.

I say we go with option 1 for this week’s viewing of AIR TV just to see what are the pros and cons of this particular option. Then maybe for the next viewing of a series, we go with option 2 and see what are the pros and cons of that option. After that we can decide which is better suited for us from those two events.

Thats another thing. I guess I’ll put all this out there right now (I’ve already pretty much sunk my entire evening into this).

If we do decide to start watching series together, how would we watch them? Since @Aspirety wanted AIR TV to fit in with the AIRBC commemoration week, he suggested we watch in two, long sessions. But we could also watch it more spread out.

There are pros and cons to both. Some people won’t be able to commit to long session, well, because they’re long. But other people won’t be able to commit to spanning it out over several weeks or whatever. Personally, I’d love to do it like once a night for like 12 days or whatever, but that would never work due to time zones.

I honestly think the second option would run much more smoothly, and then we would never have to worry about it interfering with the movies. But I also think that it kinda takes away from what many people like about watching things together in Mumble.

But you’re right, the best way to decide (especially if I can’t get anyone to give me any solid opinions) will be to just do a test run of both.

Well I think option 2 is no longer Kaza Movie Night, but something else entirely. It’s more comparable to a bookclub than a live viewing. Not to say it’s necessarily a bad idea, but it goes against the aims of this particular event. It’s something I’d save for Key series’, like maybe an Angel Beats! Rewatch.

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It’s saturday of that week or May 31? May 31 is a Sunday.

-_- Welp, at least someone corrected me. It is most certainly Saturday, May 30. Thank you for catching that.

[quote=“Aspirety, post:96, topic:1096, full:true”]
Well I think option 2 is no longer Kaza Movie Night, but something else entirely. It’s more comparable to a bookclub than a live viewing. Not to say it’s necessarily a bad idea, but it goes against the aims of this particular event. It’s something I’d save for Key series’, like maybe an Angel Beats! Rewatch.
[/quote]I agree, which is why I’m asking for people to share their opinions. Thank you for sharing your opinion. If anyone else, you know, wanted to share their opinions, that would be great.

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I prefer second option, as long as it’s always in the same schedule.

Just a reminder, the voting for next week’s movie will close in about four hours. RIGHT NOW THERE IS A FOUR WAY TIE. Please vote if you havent yet. Thanks guys!

OK guys, three things.

1) There is currently a tie between the CLANNAD Movie Dub and Grave of Fireflies. You have a little under an hour left to vote if you haven’t voted yet. If you have voted, after midnight EST I will allow anyone who didnt vote for either of those movies to change their vote until I go to sleep. If there is still a tie when I go to sleep, I will simply choose the movie myself.

2) Someone(s) keep submitting a response to the poll without actually voting. I dont know whats going on with that, but its happened like 5 times this poll. Just letting yall know.

Also this brings up another good point. Please don’t vote twice, and please type your actual username (or a nickname that everyone knows, or your name in Japanese, or whatever) in the box that says username. I shouldnt think I should have to say things like this, but I do. I am not including anyone’s vote that either does not have a name or had a name that is not on the forum, or I do not otherwise recognize. We include that box for a reason. Thank you for understanding.

Oh yeah, and 3) Here’s the recording for episodes 1-7 of AIR TV. Im just gonna let you know ahead of time: its shit. My internet decided to screw with me tonight, so there are 3 places where things got cut off and I spliced them together, and the whole recording is crackly and stuttery.

But if you really want to put yourself through all that anyway here it is:
(Currently uploading to puush)

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