General Anime Discussion

Oh man, phantom thief shows are great. Have you seen “Magic Kaito” (no 1412)? It was done by the same animation studio as Detective Conan. (The name of which I’ve completely forgotten right now.)

One of my favorites for “phantom thieves” would be Nijuu Mensou no Musume (The Daughter of Twenty Faces). It’s not quite the same level of fun as Kaito, but it’s still pretty interesting in its own right.

Didn’t even know he had a dedicated series before 1412 I’ll have to look into it.

[quote=“NotKyon, post:218, topic:27”]
(The name of which I’ve completely forgotten right now.)
[/quote]TMS right?

[quote=“NotKyon, post:218, topic:27”]
One of my favorites for “phantom thieves” would be Nijuu Mensou no Musume (The Daughter of Twenty Faces). It’s not quite the same level of fun as Kaito, but it’s still pretty interesting in its own right.
[/quote]I’ve always been a big fan of DNAngel and Jing: King of Bandits

Hmm… I wonder how to categorize it really. It was kind-of like a side project that aired in place of a few Detective Conan episodes, iirc. Hummingbird lists it as its own thing though, and Conan is basically not involved except for useless cameos.

Ooo! I’ll definitely check those out too. Can’t get enough phantom thievery! :slight_smile:

I’d recommend both of them DNAngel has a bit more SOL antics built into it but it has plenty of phantom thief hijinks with some magic mixed in. Jing is a little less phantom thief, and a little more smash and grabby, but still a really good show.

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Speaking of phantom thief shows… I watched two.

The second one was DNAngel. Kinda liked it. It was pretty ‘sweet’. Still listening to that Opening theme from time to time.

The first one was Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne. I watched it when it was on TV in my country and I liked it for some reason. Quite unusual, really, considering that back then, I only watched shounen stuff like Detective Conan and Digimon. I think that was over a decade ago…

I know exactly what you mean, I was like that when Bleach was still airing and I was waiting every week for a new episode. For some reason I liked that way because bleach was already pretty long at that time. It was nice to see there is going to be more in a week but sometimes the waiting almost killed me XD.
Still yeah, there are animes that are still going (Pokemon, Fairy tail etc.) that wont end up that quickly so its more reasonable to start them BEFORE it ends :D.

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So as of late, I started watching Black Lagoon (only saw first 2 episodes) and so far it’s a fun and addictive anime. The action scenes are intense and fun to watch, the characters so far are likable and I love the pre butt kicking one liners that they say during the fight scenes. Not to mention the show can be quite hilarious and the English dub for the series is great. So if you’re looking for an enjoyable action series I say give Black Lagoon a try.

Additionally, I’ve also been watching Dragon Ball and it’s a nice trip back down to memory lane considering I remember watching Dragon Ball Z when I was 6 or 7. Speaking of which on the note of AIR, I want to see a fanfiction of Goku meeting Misuzu maybe in Earth or even in the afterlife .

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Finally finished Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu! Probably the funniest show I’ve seen in awhile. It takes itself so seriously, yet its so in-your-face ridiculous and it knows it. Hope they make a season 2 at some point in the future. Maybe I’ll give the LNs a try.

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I watched that when it was airing last season and loved it, the only problem I had was the decline in quality in the middle (like one time when Aika’s uniform changed colors between shots) but that got better again towards the end, and I guess they fixed all that stuff in the BR version

So why do you watch them?

I found Kiniro Mosaic boring, so I dropped it. But as for NonNon and Gochiusa, what attracted me was the friendship and the relaxing atmosphere, specially NonNon (I love everything that relaxes me).

How many Takas are there? I just know two (didn’t know the other liked cuteness, though)

I don’t.

There are 100. They are all numbered to make it a bit easier to recognize which is which though. For example, number 77 is the lucky one. He’s golden, apparently… I’ve never seen him myself, but that’s what the rumours say.


Tomoyo’s brother, you, and more ten according to facebook: 12 in total, not 100.

Meanwhile I’m here, doing my thing, watching Katanagatari and Symphogear s2 in preparation for s3 in 2 weeks…

NNB has been on there since it started airing. Haven’t gotten around to actually starting it. I still plan to, because it had pretty visuals or something, but it’s low priority.

I’m not on there, so it’s wrong.

I’ve stalled that show sooo many times. Never managed to finish it before.

I’ve been rewatching Toradora! simply because its the anime that really catapulted me into this world. From there I watched a couple more, then Clannad, loved that, friend of mine told me it was a game, and the rest is history.
Also, same friend recommended D-Frag! so I was watching that too. Pretty good.

Same, but I think I can finally pull through this time^^

[quote=“Exenorate, post:232, topic:27”]
I’ve been rewatching Toradora!
[/quote]Top Tenori Taiga

[quote=“Exenorate, post:232, topic:27”]
[/quote]I liked that show when it aired, but when I read the manga afterwards I noticed that they cut stuff involving best girl… at least they released one of the arcs as OVA later
Water ftw!

edit: finished Symphogear G, I still don’t know why I like this show so much…

edit 2: should do this here since it’d be off topic in the Introduction thread

I quite enjoyed Gatchaman Crowds, mostly for its interesting take on social networking in society and “what makes a hero?”, and I didn’t think Hajime was annoying, but I understand people who do complain about her :smiley:
Hyped for Insight as well, there was an Ep0 released the other day but I don’t think anyone subbed that yet :frowning:

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It’s kinda watchable unsubbed? /Kinda/. Like most of what is conveyed in the episode is done visually. Not that I know what I’m missing from what I don’t understand. ^^;; Also half of it is a recap so yeaaahhh. (Insight 0 spoiler)Though you get to see Hajime booting Berg Katze outa her way so it’s all worth it.

Ok I just watched it, was more a reintroduction of most of the characters with a little teasing of the plot for Insight, Hajime telling Katze to shut up was nice^^

Now to count down the days til the season starts…

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Are we going to discuss the spring season soon? I’m actually all set, just waiting for @Takafumi ^^

No need for discussion, not like anything will be better than the new Gatchaman Crowds