Introduce Yourself!

Hey guys I’m Jordan from Bristol, England.
I’m still fairly new to visual novels but love what’s I’ve gotten through so far. From key so far I have only gotten through little busters and Planetarian so far but both touched me so much. If anyone could give me tips on how to start learning the Japanese language I would appreciate it.

Thanks for reading.


Welcome to our club! You should check you our Japanese Language topic for discussion and plenty of resources/tips on that~


Nice to meet you @Jordan1992. Welcome to kaza. I hope you have fun with us.
Regarding your question:.[quote=“Jordan1992, post:1897, topic:49”]
If anyone could give me tips on how to start learning the Japanese language I would appreciate it.
[/quote]The best way to learn anything is to take a course ( I know it sounds a bit obvious but let’s call a horse a horse). I myself took 3 sessions of japanese and I have to say, if you give it enough time and dedication, it will come in quickly and quite easily. I’ve got lots of language courses in the past, and japanese is to my own surprise the second easiest I’ve studied besides English.

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Thanks for your advice. Unfortunately there is only 1 Japanese tutor near me and her rates are abit rich for my blood at £85 per hour session.


Hi there! I’m Madekuji, from the Philippines, and I do stuffs! Anyways, I guess I could consider myself a new Key fan, since I’ve only ever known Key works recently. I’m a huge fan of Little Busters! (even though I haven’t played the VN much and most of my knowledge from LB! is from the anime), although I have recently finished watching Charlotte (btw the Bookclub podcasts are amazing) and I do plan to try playing Clannad soon. I somehow in some way managed to find Kazamatsuri through the /r/littlebusters subreddit, through the aphorism generator topic. Interests aside from Key include being a gamer, an otaku, blogging, forum lurking, dealing with software, and other stuffs. I’m very interested in the kind of community stuff that this place has, and I would really love to join in as well!


Welcome to Kazamatsuri!!

Looks like we have an expanding Philippine fandom right here. :))


Nice to meet you, @Madekuji_san I hope you have fun with us on kaza. :smile:


`@SymphoniaXX, @harry_kinomoto, @42Megabytings, @Jordan1992 and @Madekuji_san. Welcome here, “May the good memories be with you.”


Over the past week I’ve had two people try to recruit me here, so I figured I might as well bite the bullet and make some use of this account I made over a year ago. You can call me Skyforger, Sky, Stranger (old handle that still gets thrown around a lot), whatever you want. I’ve been a fan of Key since October 2013. I was taken on as a moderator for the Adventure Time subreddit back then and immediately after the head mod started throwing anime my way. One of the first was Angel Beats. At that point I was probably already hooked in but it followed with Kanon 2006, Air, and then CLANNAD in February 2014. Since then I’ve also watched Little Busters and Charlotte, and then played through Planetarian, Rewrite, part of One Kagayaku Kisetsu e and am now working on the Clannad VN. I’m a pretty diehard Key fanboy at this point. Other than that I’m a massive metalhead, love reading fantasies and history books, and am also super weeb. And just in case you want to follow my unbridled insanity I’m TheSkyforger on Twitter. Thanks for having me, and I’ll try to keep at least fairly active on here.


Oooh, I used to check that a bunch some years ago, but it was always quiet. It’s a bit busier now since the discussion threads came about, but aside from the Stakes series, I haven’t watched the show in a couple years.

I actually haven’t touched Adventure Time since December 2013 and quit as sub mod not long after. They got me so into anime I lost interest in the show…

I’m Razor from Indonesia.
I found this site because recomended from my friend.
Though I new, I already watch this site before I joined.
My fav key project is Rewrite, because plot and chara is nice. Though my first key is Little busters.
My fav chara is Yoshino Haruhiko.

Well, Yoroshiku.


Wow, looks like we’re growing. Hehe, I don’t just feel like the new guy. Welcome, you guys.


Well, here I am. To be honest, this will be my first post/reply ever in an Internet community, so it’s a bit weird, I don’t really know how to start…

So, to start off, I live in Spain and got into anime pretty much 6 months ago. My first Key anime was Angel Beats! It was the third anime I had watched and got me crying for a while when I finished it. After that, I still didn’t know Key so I just continued watching other animes until I came across CLANNAD (anime). That was a story that had me thinking on philosophycal matters for some time. It became my favourite anime and still is. It was at this moment that I discovered what Key was.

I then watched Kanon (2006), Air and Little Busters! I enjoyed all those shows quite a lot, especially LB! After some time I discovered about the Sekai Project translation of CLANNAD, and grabbed and read it as it came out. From there on, I read LB! with an English translation patch.

I have also recently watched Charlotte and I’m now in the process of Reading Angel Beats! First Beat with VNR and the little japanese that I know. I also plan on reading Rewrite before the anime airs.

This pretty much covers the first two questions. As for how I found Kazamatsuri… I have certainly come across it a couple times, but this time, when I decided to join it, it was because I was looking up for a translation of Iwasawa’s letter in Angel Beats! VN.

Interests outside of Key, anime and all this are plenty. I enjoy videogames, building drones, listening to music, learning languages, watching Formula 1…

As of now, I must have bored you to tears. The pity is, I’m not really that funny so I’m afraid I won’t be able to make it up to you. Still, I’m happy that this community exists and I’m looking forward to participating in discussions.

As a side note, I have to thank the creator of this community for the mere fact of creating it, the webmaster or designer for this clean design where everything stands out and information is easy to find, and finally, everyone in the community for being so educated when aswering posts (you really accomplished your goal Aspirety).

tl;dr: Thanks to everyone, I hope I can have a good time discussing with you!


Welcome! :smiley:

And don’t worry too much about not being “funny” enough. We can always have “boring” academic discussions on Key and it will work out just fine. Plus when it comes to a person’s mind jokes typically just come out as randomly as it can get. So yeah don’t think too much about it. XD

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Hi I’m Niles I live in America my favorite series from key is Angel beats and clannad


@Skyforger, @Razor_TD, @Mogaoscar, @niles_wali はじめまして!


Err… Hello everyone, I’m Kyou, but that’s a nickname. (How does one introduce themselves…)

Ah, I guess I could say that Rewrite is my favorite Key Visual Novel, or actually favorite one overall. I like Chihaya the best (does that say something about me?)

I am currently in the process of re-reading Rewrite since it’s been a while.

The first Key Anime that I watched was Angel Beats, followed by Clannad. About the Rewrite Anime in summer? Uh… I am excited. Like, really excited.

Oh didn’t say where I was from. I’m from Canada, BC. I’m 17 years old and I want to continue learning Japanese but I never got around to doing that because I am suuuuuuper lazy. I really should study though, waiting for translation patches is kinda lame.

I enjoy watching Anime (duh), reading manga and VNs, drawing (though I’m not that great yet), playing video games, eating, and sleeping.

I really don’t know what else to say so ask me anything you want to know about me!


Okay, I’ve been slacking for a few months because school, but here it goes!

@LoyalBlue @stevenharryw @CaptainCube @Nuo @RazoRTR @SymphoniaXX @42Megabytings @Jordan1992 @Madekuji_san @Razor_TD @Mogaoscar @Kyou-taku
Welcome, all of you! I’m sorry, I wish I could write all of you an individual post, but I’m unfortunately short on time. I imagine all of you are into anime to at least some degree, so if you have a Hummingbird or MAL account, feel free to follow or add me there! My name is the same there as on here. I’m one of the forum mods on HB, and I have a strong penchant for animated short films (not quite as much as I do for Key though :yahaha:), so feel free to ask me anything regarding those.

@harry_kinomoto Welcome to you too! I had to welcome you separately because I had to thank for sharing that article. It was a fantastic read! :slight_smile: Hopefully sometime this year I’ll be able to get my blog on which I plan to write analyses of anime, manga, VNs, video games, you get the idea. Your article just gave an excellent idea of something to write about regarding the Spiral of Happiness Theory with regard to Komari’s route as well as the Little Busters! narrative in general. Thank you very much and welcome once again!


Hey there, and welcome to Kazamatsuri.
I hope you will enjoy our company here and I am also studying (at least trying to haha) Japanese. Personally, I am aiming to teach English at schools in Japan, but translation patches are also a problem as well.

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