Introduce Yourself!

Oh yeah, we’ve talked on Twitter a bit- nice to see you here! Hope you enjoy your time on!

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Hey @Exenorate! I see a Wanko avatar, that gets a +1 from me :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hi @Exenorate. Glad you could make it over here. :smiley:

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I like it here already. Such a warm welcome wagon. :stuck_out_tongue:


Hello all~
I’m Heizei_koukousei, you may recognize me as the project coordinator for Skyspear Translatiosn. I just wanted to introduce myself here since I have had such resounding support for kazamatsuri since picking up Holy Breaker. Thanks again for that~

A bit about me:
I’m from the United States, Washington state to be more specific
From early on I always loved the works of Jun Maeda. I watched a few Key anime before ever playing visual novels, those were Air and Clannad. Once I discovered visual novels I avoided Key anime and began delving into the stories as they were originally intended. So far I have only played Kanon and Clannad but I plan to read every Key title one day.
Well, that’s about it.

Again, I thank the entire community for its support and hope to receive a warm welcome


Welcome! Thanks for the work you do and hope you enjoy your stay here. :slight_smile:

Welcome Heizei. Glad you could make it. :smiley:

[quote=“Heizei_koukousei, post:1110, topic:49”]
the project coordinator for Skyspear Translatiosn
[/quote]Hey! Thanks so much for joining. I’m very excited to see how you’re project turns out. You are indeed very welcome here, and I hope to see you around!

Hello @Heizei_koukousei… I think I know you from Fuwa… I’m starlessn1ght there… Anyway, enjoy your stay here.

Welcome! Glad to see you on here, and thank you so much for you and your teams’ endeavors to translate Holy Breaker! I’m genuinely looking forward to it :smiley:

And go ahead and feel free to discuss other stuff as well~

Hi, I’m probably new to this page. I’ve been reading comments, on different forums and reading topics posted by this page. Just so we’re clear though. I’m probably Key’s biggest fan. I’ve watched their anime’s such as CLANNAD (Both seasons), Kanon 2006 (And a few episodes of 2002), Air (TV), Little Busters! (All seasons), and Jun Maeda’s anime original called “Angel Beats!.” Though I don’t think we should consider it a Jun Maeda-only now, since it’s being released under Key for a visual novel adaptation. I’m very happy I found this page, funally a page that actually talks about Key, one of the best visual novel companies ^-^ So I guess I’ll do the Introducing me stuff. I’ve watched all Key anime’s, 3 being by KyoAni (Kyoto Animation), 2 being by J.C. Staff (Since EX adapts the routes from Ecstasy, which isn’t in the first LB game), and 2 anime originals coming out. I’ve read Planetarian (Not gonna lie, I got bored throughout the gameplay and got irritated from the Junker’s thoughts, cause Yumemi gave him flowers, even though it wasn’t flowers, and he didn’t appreciate it). I’ve played parts of Rewrite (first parts of the common route, Kotori’s end route, Shizuru’s end route, a bit of Lucia’s end route, moon, and the first and last parts of Terra). CLANNAD was the first anime I watched that got my into anime, and Key. TBH, my all time favorite would be tied with CLANNAD and Rewrite. I found from Youtube. Lol, I was watching one of the openings for Rewrite, maybe the second op I think, and there were comments (Me included) saying their thoughts on how Rewrite could be adapted, then, since Youtube isn’t really the best place to have a good chat, someone in the comments said to come to, saying things like it talks about Key and stuff. My interest outside of Key, is basically playing piano, and creating my own stories, and for my stories, I try to make it like a Key story. Though for piano, I mostly play Key music cause, lets be honest. Key has beautiful music. I can play parts of Koibumi from Rewrite, Reply from Rewrite, Dango from CLANNAD, Song for friends from Little Busters!, Ichiban no Takaramono from Angel Beats!, Unjust life from Angel Beats!, and so on. Something that interested me on this site, was the fact that it was dedicated to Key. I feel like Key is a company that needs to realize that it has a big fanbase outside of Japan, as well as inside of Japan. Some people even said that Key saved their lives. That’s how beautiful Key works are. Well. Anyways, hope I see all of you in the forums somewhere, especially you ! The person with the Hinata picture, since you seem like you like Key a lot ! Though I’m seeing Nao Tomori’s picture now, so I don’t know if that’s you or not, but hopefully we get to know each other on here ! Have a nice day everyone/night, wherever you live.


That’s a big statement to make, and I’m sure many people here will fight you for it :stuck_out_tongue: Hahahaha

Anyways, welcome @Kotarou and I hope you can stick around~


But you’ve only…

…this is not a strong claim.

Regardless, welcome. Maybe we can help mold you into Key’s biggest fan for real.


Welcome @Kotarou I really think you should read all of Rewrite and other VNs.

Have you read HB yet, or are you working on it in the blind?

They are starting to realize. They know about this site, and the Facebook followings, and AniTwitter is up in their face a lot.

Guys, be nice~

Welcome @Kotarou! Hope you will share with us all your thoughts on the works you love so much, and hopefully we can encourage you to delve even more deeply into Key!

;D Sure I might not play the visual novel’s much since I’m not an AVID reader. But trust me. I know things. I would rather write an 100 page essay on Key, than a paragraph on, lets say, the sun. Just because I don’t read the visual novels much, doesn’t mean I don’t know the plot and what’s happening. Plus, I kinda thought that reading the visual novel was pointless, as in reading the whole thing for Kanon Clannad, and Air. I heard Kanon’s anime told everything in the visual novel. CLANNAD’s visual novel only has 2 things that I’d need to see, which is Kappei’s route and the endings explanation, even though I know the explanation. Now for Air, I’d like to skip it. There was to many symbolism in the anime and visual novel to understand, Maeda stated himself. None the less, I like helping people with their Key knowledge. When someone ask about if they should watch LB or AB, I always say yes and give them un-needed background about Key that answers their question ;D

Thank You…! I honestly am obsessed with Key. I just don’t read the visual novels because it’s fan translations. I feel like reading it without being released officially can cause problems. That’s why I downloaded Planetariaan, since it was officially released in English, and that’s why I watched the walkthrough’s for the other Key games. Don’t get me wrong, I do want to actually play it, but I don’t really like doing those fan translated games.

Aren’t you watching the fan translations though?

Yeah ? But it’s a walk through so… I just don’t wanna download something that I know isn’t official, if you know what I mean. I respect the people who do translate the visual novels, but I also respect Key to not download it.

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