Introduce Yourself!

Welcome @ghagler! Glad to find such another huge Angel Beats! fan. Have you read Heaven’s Door?

Welcome @ghagler. Nice to meet you. :smiley:

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I have not! I’m only a beginner in Japanese, so I can’t read anything yet. Is it translated?

Well, part of it. As of last week its been translated up through Chapter 35!

Ah, gotcha. I’ll look into it then. Though I hope to get my Japanese to readability soon, since AB 1st is coming out soon…I already have the trial, but I can’t read it haha

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It’s very good. Like, much better than the anime in almost every aspect. I don’t know why every Angel Beats! fan hasnt read it…

@Kerticana @ghagler welcome! Hope you guys enjoy the time with us :p.

Welcome @onic1000, @Kerticana and @ghagler! I hope you all enjoy your time here at!

Hi, I’ve been reading visual novels for some time, even though I started out as a light novel translator. I remember the first visual novel I played was symphonic rain, but I didn’t know it was called a visual novel back then. I thought it was just a mini keyboard piano game with lots of dialogue and story.


Ah, Symphonic Rain was a good one. Never got very good at the keyboard game, though.

Anyways, welcome!

Hello everyone,

I suppose it is polite and appropriate to introduce myself here. I’ve been reading visual novels more or less regularly for more than 3 years.
I’ve been also following the news on this site since September, when the version 2.0 of the site has been released.

I decided to make an account and check out the forum after listening to the Planetarian Bookclub podcast and hearing about all those wonderful things one can read about in here.

I’m writing my thesis currently, so I probably won’t be able to actively participate in discussions this month.

Oh, and I really hope I won’t accidentally offend anyone, so I’ll try not to be unfriendly.


Welcome to @Pudding321 and @Puvleek I hope you enjoy your time here. :smiley:

Ah, I’m a bit late, sorry, but hey there @ghagler, @Pudding321 and @Puvleek, nice to see this community growing so fast :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hey there folks, name’s Exenorate, most people just call me Ex at this point.

I live in the midwest United States, MN to be specific, 25 years old and tall.

I’ve been lurking here for a while, but decided to finally register a post a bit. =) I’ve occasionally chatted on Twitter with @Bizkitdoh regarding our mutual love of the C&C series, and a couple other fine Kazamatsuri denizens.

I’ve read Kanon, Clannad, LB, and Rewrite, several non-Key titles, and plan to read more in the very near future. A lot of VNs to cover! My favorite would probably be Rewrite. Shizuru is best girl, that is all.

Outside of VNs I enjoy Blizzard games, mainly Hearthstone and Diablo.

Something interesting about me? I have a very deep voice. I very frequently get told to get a job in commentating or radio. Maybe someday, heh.

I look forward to making friends with the awesome people here.


Welcome to @Pudding321, @Puvleek, and @Exenorate!

Please enjoy your stay, hope we become great friends!

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@Exenorate Yay for more deep voices! Welcome to the family XP
Welcome @Puvleek! It’s really heartwarming to see people following the site all this time.

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I think I may have seen you on twitter before. I went ahead and followed you! :smiley:

Good to see you on here, yeah!

You have the option to test out that skill of yours in Kazamatsuri~ coughcough

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Followed back. :slight_smile:
I’ll test that skill. I’ll test it to the extreme!~

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Welcome, @Exenorate and all of the other people that joined recently. I haven’t been welcoming people much, since I’ve been so busy. XP

[quote=“Exenorate, post:1099, topic:49”]
Shizuru is best girl, that is all.
[/quote]Amen to that. :wink:

[quote=“Exenorate, post:1099, topic:49”]
I look forward to making friends with the awesome people here.
[/quote] Same to you and all the other newcomers here. Welcome to our small, humble family of Key fans. :slight_smile:

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Welcome, @Exenorate: looking forward to getting to know y’all more :slight_smile: