Introduce Yourself!

Welcome @onic1000! Hope to hear your thoughts around the forum. Feel free to bring back any topic, no matter how dead it seems!


Air anime was also my entry gate :smiley:

Welcome @onic1000. Enjoy your stay

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Welcome to @onic1000, @skyzzed @Tenyasha @eltonsu999 and @Eery hope you have fun with us


Hi there stumbled upon this forum looking for angel beats 1st beat first edition which still eludes me.
My first anime was inuyasha except I was six didnā€™t know what anime was and it scared the crap out of me.
The first full anime I watched was elfen lied then air the movie then kanon planned and so many more I forget.
Well anyway hi!


Haro~ @Kerticana, have a nice stay.

Thanks hope its a long one

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Welcome @Kerticana!

Are you looking to preorder it? If so, you should (first get member status, basically just read and post a bunch) and then hit up @Pepe, heā€™ll help you out.

Sounds great just poked at the site today but have to go to work at 5:30 so Iā€™m going to bed for the night. See you guys tomorrow.

Welcome @Kerticana. Glad you could make it. :smiley:

Welcome @onic1000, @Kerticana!

AmiAmiā€™s page seems to be accepting preorders again as well. I just preordered a couple of days ago through there.

So @Kerticana you can order it here:

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Ya I saw that but it also says it canā€™t guarantee a first edition which is what Iā€™m hoping to find.
Thanks glad to be here @Inuconandoyle and @notkyon

Iā€™m not the newest newbie anymore! :smiley:
Hey there @onic1000 and @Kerticana

Hi @Skyzzed night to meet you!

Welcome @Kerticana, I hope you will enjoy your time with us. :slight_smile:

Hello everyone! Iā€™m from Atlanta, GA (in the USA), finishing up my degree and off to work in mathematics! (yay) Forgive the long post, but I like talking. So I hope you like reading :slight_smile:

My first (and favorite) encounter with KEY was Angel Beats! Absolutely loved it. I can definitely say itā€™s impacted me the most of any KEY works so far (thereā€™s a special reason for that: more later!). Iā€™ve also finished Planetarian (2nd favorite KEY work so far; absolutely loved it!), Little Busters! (deeply enjoyed it) and Rewrite (also enjoyed it). I own AIR and Kanon, though itā€™s on my list to complete, and iā€™ll have the CLANNAD Steam version whenever it comes out. And iā€™ve pre-ordered Angel Beats -1st beat- even though iā€™m still super elementary in my Japanese, haha. Basically, I love KEY stuff.

I found this website through numerous links from, which I found after a guy from /r/twitchplayspokemon (itā€™s absolutely ridiculous, though the golden age is over. Check it out) recommended Umineko to me. I bought and played it and grew to love VNā€™s. Though I actually found Angel Beats! through anime, which I encountered through manga, which I found through my many many hours of childhood spent reading in the bookstore.

Anyway, to finish up my massive intro: one relevant fact about me. The job iā€™m studying for will include serving the dying. Thatā€™s where Angel Beats! tore my heart open. If youā€™ve ever heard of the Missionaries of Charity (cf. Mother Teresa of Calcutta; not my future job, haha, but related to it), youā€™ll know they love the suffering and dying in their last moments. Many in their Homes for the Dying have passed on happy and loved, even if their lives seemed to be meaningless.

Iā€™m sure you can see the connection with Angel Beats! Finding the meaning of their life - moving on to Heaven - experiencing the depths of true, selfless love: itā€™s incredibly beautiful, and itā€™s part of my own purpose. So thatā€™s most definitely my favorite KEY work, and the one I hope a lot of people are able to be inspired by to further seek true happiness, for themselves and others.

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed learning about me! Looking forward to getting to know you all!

P.S. One last random fact. I like writing! Particularly murder mystery novels. So if anyone else writes novels, we should chat :smiley:


Welcome, @Kerticana and @ghagler. Nice to meet you both.

[quote=ā€œghagler, post:1080, topic:49ā€]
Basically, I love KEY stuff.
[/quote]Welcome to the club~ :smiley:

[quote=ā€œghagler, post:1080, topic:49ā€]
I like writing! Particularly murder mystery novels. So if anyone else writes novels, we should chat :smiley:
[/quote]I can see why you like writing murder mystery. XD

Since youā€™ve read Umineko, you should also try reading Higurashi, since itā€™s written by the same guy and itā€™s quite an entertaining read. At least, it is in my opinion.

Iā€™m also into writing as well. I like to write shorter, calmer stories (mostly romances), but Iā€™m also working on a couple ambitious projects at the moment, including a fanfiction about this very forum. :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve heard good things about Higurashi, so I might eventually roll around and read it. For now, my backlist is growing ever longer, so I need to work on thinning that!

Romance? I want to try writing slice-of-life sometime with a love story; thatā€™s the closest iā€™ll get to a full romance. Even then, the main focus will likely be elsewhere. But, for now, I need to get the murder out of my system :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes more south eastern US people represent! Youā€™re actually not far from me Iā€™m southern middle Tennessee right on the border, and I actually went 4 years to a school in Carrolton, GA which is right outside Atlanta small world and all that jazz.

[quote=ā€œghagler, post:1080, topic:49ā€]
recommended Umineko to me. I bought and played it and grew to love VNā€™s
[/quote]Uminekoā€¦welcome to Aspiā€™s good side

[quote=ā€œEisenKoubu, post:1081, topic:49ā€]
Since youā€™ve read Umineko, you should also try reading Higurashi, since itā€™s written by the same guy and itā€™s quite an entertaining read.
[/quote]I second this motion Higurashi is amazing and actually has some loose tie-ins to Umineko so for sure worth picking up when you get the chance.

[quote=ā€œghagler, post:1082, topic:49ā€]
But, for now, I need to get the murder out of my system :stuck_out_tongue:
[/quote]Hilarious without contextā€¦

All that aside welcome to Kaza.

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Carrollton? UWG then? I was enrolled at the Advanced Academy there in junior and senior years of high school: '08-'10. Then I went to GT for math. Small world haha

Nah it was a smaller seminary school called CBI got my bachelors in theology there several years ago.