Introduce Yourself!

Howdy there, Eery. If I may ask, does your name have anything to do with Irie? :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh hey, another KagePro fan, too. I hope you’ve seen the other parts of the series, because the anime was hella confusing hahaha

Welcome to @tanuki, @atingf, and @Eery. :slight_smile:

@tanuki: Oh hey, another Californian!

@Eery: Yeah, the VN for Little Busters! is so much better, IMO. I also really enjoyed Kokoro Connect, so glad to see another fan.


Eery is just something I came up with when I needed a name for Xbox Live. :stuck_out_tongue:

I only ever watched the anime, so yeah, some of the episodes were kind of confusing. Particularly the third ep, but I got by just fine.

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Once I learn how to download and patch a VN, I really want to play Little Busters. I think I will like it much better.


Welcome to @tanuki, @atingf and @Eery ! Hope you’ll enjoy our home o/

Say no more. We’re already friends. Angel Beats is love. Angel Beats is life.

When you quoted me I saw that I forgot a word. Added drama to the things Angel Beats gets right. :stuck_out_tongue:

@Eery Wassup and welcome! Another Angel Beats fan, I think you might be looking forward to the new VN huh (I mean almost everyone is lol?
Pepe did a stream yesterday and the VN is looking pretty fucking sweet. Hope you will enjoy the time with us :stuck_out_tongue:

Welcome @Eery ! Hope you enjoy your time with us.

Welcome Eery! Glad you found us~


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Welcome aboard, enjoy the forums and the long wait for 1st beat.

Welcome, @tanuki, @atingf, and @Eery! I apologize for my late welcome for some of you.

[quote=“tanuki, post:1014, topic:49”]
my plan is to start reading Little Busters since I’ve heard many good things about it
[/quote]It varies from person to person, but for me, Little Busters! is one of the best VN’s ever made, so I think you’ll be fine. :slight_smile:

[quote=“Eery, post:1025, topic:49”]
I discovered this site when I was browsing r/AngelBeats and someone posted your video on Angel Beats: 1st Beat.
[/quote]I don’t think I’ve seen that video yet… XD

Should be time I stop being a shadow member haha xD

Hey guys, I’m Elton. I’m a uni student in Sydney. I’ve been an avid anime fan for quite a while and used to lurk the depths of MyAnimeList (some may recognise me in the little busters forums). I enjoy most things about anime, especially Key! stuff of course. I’ve gone through most of the Key VN’s and Little Busters will have to be my favourite. I’m quite the collector with a large range of Key goods (huge thanks to @pepe for the comiket goodies!). I also recently got into concerts after my trip to AFA Singapore. Seeing Lisa and Yanagi Nagi up close was an out of the world experience.

I have also started enjoying drawing recently. If you don’t mind, please have a look at some of my work on pixiv:

Anyway, I hope to get along with you all! ^o^


Welcome @eery and @eltonsu999!
Yay another Australian! We seem to have quite a few of them. But I’m the only melbournian for some reason =w=

Hope you enjoy your time here!

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Weeee new members glad to have you.

@eltonsu999 Welcome!
I really like your artstyle its really damn good! Hope you will enjoy the time with us :p.

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Hey! My name is Diogo, 20 years old and from Portugal. Been a Key fan ever since watching Clannad back in 2012, have read all the VNs (except for half of Kanon) and watched all the adaptations, my favorite works are Rewrite and Air in the VN medium and Clannad in the anime medium (though I like all Key works until now). Very hyped for Angel Beats’ VN release :smiley:


Welcome, @eltonsu999 and @Tenyasha. So many new people this month to greet… ><

[quote=“eltonsu999, post:1037, topic:49”]
I’ve gone through most of the Key VN’s and Little Busters will have to be my favourite.
[/quote]Little Busters is my favorite, too. Can’t wait for EX to be translated! :slight_smile:

[quote=“eltonsu999, post:1037, topic:49”]
I have also started enjoying drawing recently. If you don’t mind, please have a look at some of my work on pixiv:
[/quote]I like your art style. It reminds me of another artist friend I have on Facebook, only yours look less…same-y. XD

[quote=“Tenyasha, post:1041, topic:49”]
Been a Key fan ever since watching Clannad back in 2012
[/quote]That’s about when I started watching Clannad, too. I need to plan a rewatch soon… :confused:

[quote=“Tenyasha, post:1041, topic:49”]
have read all the VNs (except for half of Kanon)
[/quote]To some of us, that’s a crime. Correct it. XD


@Tenyasha Welcome! Another one who watched and read everything, god I should make a step forward and read all the visual novels :/.

My current count of rewatching Clannad is at 11 now.
I cant help it okay? Its just that when I remember something funny or sad I want to see the whole anime again lmao.

Welcome @Tenyasha! You seem to share our passion for Key’s visual novels, so I’m sure you’ll fit right in! Make yourself at home, take your time to familiarise yourself with our rules and guidelines, and click on that little search button in the top right to find topics that interest you! Each series’ General Discussion topic doubles as an index to all the topics relevant to that particular series.

And once you guys have spent a little bit of time here using the forum, you’ll gain access to the Guild, which means you’ll be part of our inner circle :smiley:

[quote=“IkaCZ, post:1043, topic:49”]
My current count of rewatching Clannad is at 11 now.
I cant help it okay? Its just that when I remember something funny or sad I want to see the whole anime again
[/quote]I can’t bring myself to rewatch anime on a regular basis anymore. I just feel overstimulated when I’m finished watching, reading or playing something for the first time. I want to plan a rewatch now because it’s been two or so years since I last watched it and my memory’s failing me. Then again, I can wait another two years so that I can get to the visual novel.