Introduce Yourself!

Alright, great to know! Feel free to resurrect any old topic if you wanna discuss anything :smiley: We donā€™t mind it at all!

Also, instead of replying individually to people, itā€™d be easier to highlight their messages then quote the text instead :wink:

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thanks @pepe, I will be careful from now on. :slight_smile:

Enfin une personne avec qui je pourrais parler la langue de MoliĆØre, cā€™est bon Ć  savoir ! Another guitarist ? Sounds interesting !

[quote=ā€œDMB, post:1004, topic:49, full:trueā€]
but one of us will turn evil to seek power. however the good one will be victorious because of the power of friendship [/quote]

Haha ! Sorry, but pink haired girl canā€™t be evil. Yui is love, Yui is life.

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@Conk3r, How long have you been playing?

ahhā€¦ Anda belum main Rewrite ya? maaf yah ^-^;
Basically, everyone who has are gypsies. The witchā€™s beloved gypsies.

Well, itā€™ll be nice to talk. Feel free to chat with me in Bahasa whenever you want. Ah, FYI, there are also two other Indonesians around here: @Ekalina and @Whitecrow ^^

Cuma dua? hmmā€¦ -_-

oh, you too!? :smiley:
Salam kenal yaa~
And darn it. I forgot to mention @PRONTO3000

Jadiā€¦saya satu2nya yg ā€˜onnanokoā€™ disiniā€¦saya harus cari member cewek nihā€¦^^;

Hi everyone, tanuki here from California, USA. Iā€™ve started getting into anime last year and one of the first animes I watched was Angel Beats. I found it to be really good, so I tried searching for some recommendations and learned about Key and stumpled upon this site a while back while doing some Googling. Since then Iā€™ve watched Clannad and Little Busters and Iā€™m looking forward to Charlotte later this year. Regarding the visual novels Iā€™ve only completed Planetarian, but my plan is to start reading Little Busters since Iā€™ve heard many good things about it and then after that do Clannad when Sekai Project releases their translation. So with that, itā€™s nice to meet you guys and Iā€™m looking forward to my stay here!


Hi everyone, Iā€™m atingf and I originate from Ireland.

Key has been my favourite Visual novel studio for a long time now and was what really got me watching anime. I first watched clannad in 2009 and was hooked, I spent the next week or so finding about visual novels and the rest of Keyā€™s works. I think Keyā€™s music is what really caught my attention the most but very quickly the characters grew on me. I have a hard time choosing a favourite Key visual novel or anime but itā€™s a pretty close tie between Clannad, Angel Beats! & Rewrite.


Welcome to the family @tanuki and @atingf! And a belated welcome to @DMB!


Welcome @atingf and @tanuki !

@tanuki I was quite suprised of your name because one of my favorite djs/producers is named Tanuki and @pepe knows what Im talking about :D. At first I thought you are him but that is impossible xD.

Anyways I hope you enjoy the time with us guys.

Welcome @tanuki and @atingf!

[quote=ā€œtanuki, post:1014, topic:49ā€]
so I tried searching for some recommendations and learned about Key and stumpled upon this site a while back while doing some Googling.
[/quote] Oh, wow, I didnā€™t get a MISSION COMPLETE for that! Nice to meet you! And indeed, Key visual novels are even better than their anime, you will definitely be pleased :smiley:

We will get along very well, my friend. Canā€™t wait to hear all your thoughts!

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welcome @atingf (do you like lucia? seeing by your avatarā€¦ if so, you have good taste for girls). welcome @tanuki, hope you enjoy our community.

Thank you looking forward to getting involved on this site.

I do indeed, thanks for the welcome.

Welcome @Tanuki @atingf. Itā€™s very nice to meet you all. :smiley:

Welcome @atingf and @tanuki, I hope you have fun with us. :slight_smile:

@atingf and @tanuki
Welcome, glad to see more people are joining.

Rewrite is a must expecially since it never got a chance for an anime.

Rewrite is the most obvious choice, lol jk. For me i really liked Rewrite so thats top of my favourite. Top three for me I would say is rewrite, Little Busters and clannad. It is really hard to which is your favourties tho since all of their games are preety good.

Thanks everyone for all the welcomes!

@IkaCZ, haha, no Iā€™m not a DJ. Tanuki was just something that got stuck in my head after hearing it get mentioned a few times while watching some anime.

@s0ewhat, Iā€™ve heard lots of good things about Rewrite as well and thatā€™s definitely on my reading list!


Hi, Iā€™m Eery. I am mainly here because Angel Beats is my favorite anime. It was the second anime that Iā€™ve ever seen, and it really opened my eyes to the heights that anime could reach. The comedy, action, and drama manage to complement each other perfectly, and I absolutely loved it. I also watched Little Busters and liked it a lot, though not to the extent of Angel Beats. I discovered this site when I was browsing r/AngelBeats and someone posted your video on Angel Beats: 1st Beat. Though they are not from Key, I also really like the Danganronpa series on the PS Vita, Kokoro Connect, and Mekakucity Actors. I guess to end, I really hope to get along with everyone here!