Introduce Yourself!

This! You don’t have to deal with the infinite conjugations of a Spanish verb, the “cases, three genders and composite nouns” hell from German, and the “Unlimited Kanji/Hanzi Works” from Japanese or Chinese

BTW welcome @SuikaShoujo and @drake08pl please enjoy your stay

My exact thoughs VN wise :smiley:

On the flip side, I think it’s odd to address somebody you don’t know with -senpai. But I guess @Pepe would know this better than me.

Also, welcome to everybody I missed! Sorry that I didn’t get around to saying anything sooner, but know that I see you guys and am really glad to have you on board. Feel free to stir up discussion wherever you want, and more people will soon follow you.

Enjoy your time here~

[quote=“LinkThinks, post:847, topic:49”]
On the flip side, I think it’s odd to address somebody you don’t know with -senpai. But I guess @Pepe would know this better than me.
[/quote]Well, I’ve only been here so long…I’m very bad at recognizing when I officially ‘know’ someone. If what I said was the incorrect thing to say to a relative newcomer, I’ll retract it. :confused:

It’s not a big deal at all, haha. It’s just not really ‘correct’ in this context I suppose. I believe -san would be the proper suffix for this. Honorifics can be weird, so don’t sweat it.

Senpai is kinda a weird thing. Technically the way you used it is correct since it’s used for people who have been in a group, company, club or just a colleague who has more experience. It is better to use san but don’t worry about honorifics is kinda annoying to get used to.

It’d be pretty weird calling someone senpai if you didn’t know if they were your senpai :stuck_out_tongue:

But really, it’d be the other way around. The newer forum members would call the older ones senpai, not the other way around~

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Welcome @SuikaShoujo and @drake08pl!

[quote=“SuikaShoujo, post:834, topic:49”]
I was kind of surprised at how dark it ended up getting.
[/quote]I really enjoyed her route as well. The anime didn’t do it justice, IMO. (LB! Komari) Especially the scene with the cat. When I read that I just thought “Damn, all of the interactions here were done so well.” Then when I saw the anime equivalent it was just “… That could’ve been handled better.”

[quote=“drake08pl, post:833, topic:49”]
CowBoy Bebop
[/quote]Hey, I just finished watching that! It was pretty good.

I haven’t seen Usagi Drop yet, but I plan to. It being a favorite, I’ll make it a higher priority to watch. :slight_smile:

Welcome, @SuikaShoujo and @drake08pl to our growing spiral of happiness!


A warm welcome to you two! @SuikaShoujo @drake08pl
Hope you enjoy your time with us :smiley:

Nah, it just seems weird that you would call someone you never met as “senpai” especially since there is no form of seniority on these forums (except the admins, I guess?). Like, I would expect for new members, you’d call them kouhai rather than senpai.
Perhaps I’m just becoming too particular with these things, forgive me XD

I need to save that gif somewhere where I have easy access to

Turn… Turn… Uh… I’am… sick… Now… Ghhhh… Turn…


Hello there,

It’s too late to sleep to soon to rise here, so apologies for my typos or errors.
UPDATE: I’ve fixed some of them, some of them were heavy. My apologies. I can read English very very well, but when I’m tired or rushed I use to make mistakes. BTW, I’m studying japanese to complicate everything. :slight_smile:

Ok, back on topic: I’m a newbie. For several reasons I’ve been exposed to the world of anime in the past years. So, I’ve tried to find something to kill time and have a good time.
Almost without searching a friend told me about an anime called “Puella Magi Madoka Magica”, when I’ve inquired about a picture on her Facebook account.
I didn’t even know what was that anime about, but I’ve ended up in love with anime, drama, music and graphics. After exploring it up to near a fan level, I’ve found Clannad (anime) and it was a wham moment. So much can be expressed in an anime when it is well written, I’ve thought.

I was so in love with its story… I’ve found that it was an anime that reflected a great part of the best moments of my own life so far, some scenes are liek a mirror… but there were surprising ones aswell.
I know that some scenes are written in a very general way so you can easily relate to, but there in my case I’ve found that it exceeded the average. :slight_smile:

I’ve started to watch Clannad with nearly zero enthusiasm, simply curiosity, without any references, and with a lot of patience (thankfully!). Because I think you can’t judge Clannad if you haven’t seen the whole story and reflected upon its meaning and symbolism.
Funny fact, I’ve always avoided dramas, but with Key’s Clannad I’ve discovered that I do like drama + funny moments. A nice combo (if it is in the right hands… Key cof cof). Thanks to this I’ve become a fan of many other animes, almost all of them were based on Key original stories + some studio.

Where in the world do you live?

What Key games or Anime have you read/watched?
Anime: All of them, including films and OVAs
VN: Just Clannad (since I’m new to this wonderful VN world), 4 routes so far. + Tomoyo After.
But this is only the beginning…

Which was your first, and which is your favourite?
Clannad in both anime and VN, Including Tomoyo after. I’m a fan of its music, and the spirit of it.

LIke I said I’m still a newbie. So I can’t really give a true answer.
Clannad (anime) is my favorite, but when I’ve finished -not so long ago- Little Busters I’ve though: “I must be losing something extremely good”.
Because I really loved LB… and before that I’ve enjoyed Angel Beats (with its flaws), Kanon (even the 2002 version), AIR, etc…

May I ask you guys: I’ve seen LB and all its OVAs… as a consequence I know (I guess) some major facts… I’m planning to read the VN after I finish all the Clannad routes BUT: Do you believe in your experience that I’m too spoiled to enjoy it? Should I skip it and go straight to something new like Rewrite? I’m not talking which one is better, I’m curious if I would be able to enjoy LB VN after seeing the anime first.

How did you find
Hunting for more information and for people like minded on Google to exchange information, news, thoughts… But I don’t recall exactly how. First I’ve thought this was an AIR only fan forum, but now that I know it more I realized that it is THE Key forum for people who can read English. Oh, and I loved the visual design, that’s something that caught my eye.

What are some of your interests outside of Key?
Evangelion, Madoka… those along with Clannad are the anime that I like the most so far. But I’ve been exposed to some others. And ended up loving some others like The flower we saw that day (sorry I’m bad with exact names at this time), Pandora’s Heart, Death Note (I wouldn’t even tolerate an episode but I’ve figured out how to enjoy its highs), Le Petit Corset, Watamote, Ghost in the shell, Animatrix (why not?), Robotech (when I was very young), and a long list…
I’m surely forgetting the most important ones Update: Stein Gates. But I’ve wanted to show that I’m quite open and eclectic, although I do have my style, and it is somewhere between emotional/philosophical/scientific stories. Oh, and I’ve always loved wings… something that is quite a recurrent leitmotiv in Key’s universe.


Tell us something interesting about yourself, something about our website that interested you, or something funny.

I really like this website, its design and contents.
I compose music, love to design in 3D, to develop software, studying science and many other topics.

Something funny? It isn’t really funny, but it make me smile: If I would see me as I am now 2 or 3 years ago I would have said: Who’s that?

Madoka was the first anime which made me feel happy and cried quite a lot too. And then WHAM! Clannad… changed everything.

The best is yet to come! Thanks for the forum people!

:slight_smile: Peace


@zetaFairlight Well welcome to the forum

As for this the VN will always out do the Anime. As closely as the anime followed the VN it altered, minimized, and cut out various scenes and moments from the VN, so it is very much worth it playing and getting the full story as the VN goes more indeth in each character’s story and interactions.

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Welcome to the forums, @zetaFairlight!

As someone who also watched all of Little Busters! before reading the visual novel… yes you can still read and enjoy it. Even if you know the plot, experiencing it in visual novel format is still quite different, and very much worth it.

Do you know Steins;Gate? Sounds like something you might enjoy.

Hey there @zetaFairlight and welcome!

Ooooh quite interesting indeed! No other argentinians here yet XD

Definitely not! It’s still a great experience even if you do know the story, I promise :wink:

In that case, you might be interested in our computers topic:

1 Like

Irashaimasen, @zetaFairlight. Welcome to our big, happy family! :slight_smile:

[quote=“zetaFairlight, post:857, topic:49”]
I didn’t even know what was that anime about, but I’ve ended up in love with anime, drama, music and graphics. After exploring it up to near a fan level, I’ve found Clannad (anime) and it was a wham moment. So much can be expressed in an anime when it is well written, I’ve thought.
[/quote]That sounds pretty similar to how I found CLANNAD. I found it because I was trying out different anime in order to find my specific taste, and I heard about how amazing CLANNAD was, so I checked it out. (Still doesn’t beat out Lucky Star, in my opinion…) :wink:

[quote=“zetaFairlight, post:857, topic:49”]
I’ve seen LB and all its OVAs… as a consequence I know (I guess) some major facts… I’m planning to read the VN after I finish all the Clannad routes BUT: Do you believe in your experience that I’m too spoiled to enjoy it? Should I skip it and go straight to something new like Rewrite? I’m not talking which one is better, I’m curious if I would be able to enjoy LB VN after seeing the anime first.
[/quote]I have not seen the anime in its entirety yet, so I don’t know exactly how much you know, but I’m guessing you know enough for me to recommend not reading the VN unless you really want the full story. The VN is pretty much the anime with romance added in, so unless you really want to see your favorite girls get together with Riki, you like baseball/fighting minigames in your VN, or you prefer Muscle over Physics (if you know what I mean), I don’t think the VN is worth pursuing. Considering you watched all the OVAs, I think you actually know more than I do… :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“zetaFairlight, post:857, topic:49”]
The best is yet to come! Thanks for the forum people!
[/quote]I look forward to seeing your contributions, and again, welcome to the forums! :slight_smile:

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Some more Japanese lessons; it’s actually irasshaimase, and it’s usually used to greet customers into a store. I think (but don’t take my word for it), they historically used it to attract people into their stores XD

Good lord, I feel like Kud or TK or whatever character messes up their English in a Key game… :’(

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TK is the best so it’s cool.

Welcome @zetaFairlight! It’s awesome to have more passionate people along, and you even responded to the prompt questions. Sounds like you’ve still got the whole world of Key visual novels ahead of you, so I look forward to hearing your thoughts on what you’re reading.

Glad to have you here~


Hello Karifean and everyone,

I like what you say, sounds like there’s a lot of fun (in Key style). I’ll definitely read it sometime soon.

Back to my beginnings: Having experienced the complete Clannad anime saga, and loving it’s dialogues and story, I’ve found fantastic to know what that it was based on “something” called Visual Novel.
I’ve remember that I’ve thought, wow, an hybrid between a novel and anime, something along these lines.
My eyes were wide open, and I was eager to know more. More happiness were to come… yay!

After doing some basic research I’ve found out that there was a Tomoyo After story… Naturally, I’ve felt compelled to know (feel) more, and that was my first VN, Tomoyo After. Yes, I know it is not the Key’s best exponent, but I’ve enjoyed the journey, and the music.

Now I’m playing Clannad. 4 routes so far completed. Sagare Misae, Sakagami Tomoyo, Miyazawa Yukine, Ibuki Fuko. Now I’m quite curious about Fujibayashi Twins… since I’ve really enjoyed most of that OVA, I’d like to have an expanded story of that arc, since it seemed a little bit rushed.

Anyway, now I think of an anime as an illustration, sometimes a clever one that makes justice to some characters. After being playing the VN now I understand those little fun references, simple things like the tea dialogue between Sunohara and Tomoya (when he asks for tea and bows and so on).

And I love to see the references among Key works in general, being one of the most obvious (maybe) the Sanae’s bread ultimate combo… I’ve smiled when I’ve saw Kanon. Definitely done on purpose, I’ve thought.

I still love anime, but I’ll stick to the VN first… of course, Angel Beats inverted the rules, and who knows what will happen in the future with the upcoming Charlotte.

I wonder if Little Busters should be the next obvious Kickstarter project IF the international version of Clannad sells well.

Thanks for the welcome! :slight_smile:

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