Introduce Yourself!

O ic thats a shame but thats alright atleast yo ucan play it at where it was based off on. I wish I could go visit Japan haha but im broke lol.

A bit late but still better than never :p.
@s0ewhat @Kami_chan Welcome!

I didnt know there was a patch that could restore all h-scenes of a VN, well Im new to that stuff too. Nice to know tho :stuck_out_tongue:
@takafumi thanks for the link for g-senjou

@Pepe You know what, why not? Thatā€™d make it twice as fun!

@s0ewhat Oh thatā€™s too bad, you should really travel sometime though even if you think you canā€™t afford it youā€™d be surprised at what you can do to keep yourself afloat. Not that Iā€™m an experienced traveller or anything but that seems to be the general consensus from what Iā€™ve read.

@IkaCZ thanks! Itā€™s been fun chatting about music :slight_smile:


Welcome to the family @s0ewhat!

Ah thank you it was a pleasure to join.

Hi, everybody, I finally decided to join here (I donā€™t know why I didnā€™t do it sooner). I first got into Key back in middle school, when I happened to pick up the first volume of Air at the mall one day. Even then I was blown away by how pretty the art was compared to other anime I had seen at that point. A couple years or so later, in 2010 (maybe 2011?) I read Clannad as one of my first visual novels, and was hooked almost right away. Since then, Iā€™ve read nearly everything Key has put out so far (except for the fandiscs, although I have a copy of Rewrite Harvest Festa sitting on my shelf, waiting for a translation). My favorite is probably Little Busters (with Air in a close second), and Komari Kamikita is one of my favorite heroines from anything, period. I look forward to getting to know everyone here!


Welcome to the family, @SuikaShoujo-san. Itā€™s a good thing you joined. After all, it is better late than never, am I right?

[quote=ā€œSuikaShoujo, post:831, topic:49ā€]
Komari Kamikita is one of my favorite heroines from anything, period.
[/quote]I love Komari, too. Sheā€™s one of my favorites in Little Busters!, because her route really exceeded the other Key VN I had read at the time (Kanon) in terms of story. :slight_smile:


Hum ? Oh ! I forget to post here. I made Ć  very, very court presentation. Why ? Because.

Iā€™am from Bretagne (France), I was born the 8 julyā€¦ Iā€™am 17 years oldā€¦ Damn, Iā€™m not really good for the presentation in englishā€¦ In French tooā€¦ Humā€¦

My first anime watchedā€¦ Dragon ball Z -> Elfen Lied (Yeah, Iā€™ve 10th years old !) My favorite ? Usagi Drop, Angel beats! Dragon Ball, Higurashi and CowBoy Bebop !

VoilĆ , cā€™est pour tout le moment. (How say it in english ? I donā€™t have confiance in Google Translate)


Thank you! Komariā€™s route was the first one I read in Little Busters, so I have to say, I was kind of surprised at how dark it ended up getting. I had only played Clannad at that point, so I didnā€™t know just how dark Keyā€™s VNs could getā€¦


Ahaha, same~ It was a pretty old anime when I watched it!
My little sister (8 years old) enjoyed it quite a bit, but she prefers Higurashi.

Hmmā€¦ ā€œSo yeah, thatā€™s it for now.ā€
Something like that~ :stuck_out_tongue:

Welcome, @drake08pl-san. Itā€™s alright if you donā€™t have confidence in your English. Iā€™m not really all that confident in my French either. XD

[quote=ā€œdrake08pl, post:833, topic:49ā€]
Usagi Drop
[/quote]I love that show. I really need to rewatch it sometime, though.

@SuikaShoujo and @drake08pl

Welcome to both of you, Iā€™m sure youā€™ll both feel at home here! Feel free to bring up any topics, we encourage necroposting~

Also, first member from France!? I know next to zero French, but its great weā€™re expanding our reach in so many different places!

Oh, Thanks you :smiley:

Takafumi > And the first time I see was, I say ā€œWow, cā€™est cool !ā€ Higurashiā€¦ When I buy a coffret intĆ©grale, the anime is very the best for me, the alone coffret I buy itā€™s : Cowboy Bebop, Angel beats and Higurashi.

EisenKoubo > Me too, but, with ADN, all episode vostfr are supprimedā€¦ You learn French ?

yerain98 > Really ? Iā€™am the First French ? Itā€™sā€¦ Cool !

And Iā€™m the first thinks Fujimaki are the best ?

@drake08pl and @SuikaShoujo
Welcome to the party. Hope you enjoy your time here. Donā€™t worry too much on your english, you can learn over time and easier to learn than most other languages.

I enjoyed Komariā€™s route but my favourite was Kurugaya I love characters like Kurugaya and her story was really lovely.

Welcome @SuikaShoujo and @drake08pl

Komariā€™s route was really touching. Cute and emotionally powerful, It is my favorite of the character routes of LB!. Glad to see a new Komari fan here.

Despite not liking girls that tease you, or onee-chan types, I would list Kurugayaā€™s route as my 2nd favorite. Its writer was the same of Komariā€™s.


Welcome @SuikaShoujo and @drake08pl!

Spiral of happiness yay~

Oh, you know her, @EisenKoubu?

or just using senpai as a formality? XD

First time seeing somebody from France here. Thatā€™s interesting! Glad to see you onboard as well :smiley:

Ah! French! I studied some in college but was terrible at it. Seems you and I might be a great duo to speak in each otherā€™s broken languages. (I hope this makes sense)

Welcome @SuikaShoujo and @drake08pl !

I havent read LB! yet, but from the anime I like her YOSH! and the spiral of happiness xd.

Ummm the only words I know are ā€¦ oui, bonjour, merci andā€¦ au revoir? or something like that. Im not learning french or anything I just happened to remember these for some reason lol.

Hi @SuikaShoujo. Glad you could make it over here. :smiley:

Ahh, Komari. One of the sweetest and most optmistic characters Iā€™ve met. The Happiness Spiral Theory is genius. (^o^)/

Also welcome @drake08pl. :smiley:

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I was doing the latter. Why do you ask? Is it customary to address someone I know using ā€˜senpaiā€™? :confused:

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