Introduce Yourself!

Algeria?! ALGERIA?! Yahoooooooooo!! Algerian Nakama !!! I’m not alone anymore! I always thought that there were zero other vn readers, much less Key fans in Algeria but looks like I’m wrong… Welcome to Kazamatsuri :smile:

What’s up @Mad_Scientist! My first Key work I saw was Angel Beats as well. That show got me into Key and anime in general. And Kanade is one of my favorite characters as well. Welcome!

Hi, everyone! My name is Scott Myers, and I come from the South of the Good Ol U.S of A. I’ve been a Key fan since I watched through Clannad a few years ago, and it remains my favorite Key production to this day. I’ve also read the Visual Novel, watched the Little Busters anime, the Kanon anime, Charlotte, and read Planetarian. I love writing and acting, and once I graduate college, I plan to pursue voice acting in the Texas area.

This website struck a chord with me not just because of the sheer number of Key fans, but also because of how respectful and friendly the communities. I’ve been on various forum communities before, and I’ve always felt like there’s a tone of condescension and hostility in their environments. In my brief time skimping the forum? I’ve seen none of it, and for those reasons, I decided today to join your site.

I hope you don’ t mind me asking this question here: have applications closed for your Tomoyo After podcast set to launch on the 15th?


Hey, nice to meet you!

Sounds like Planetarian was your first VN, too.

Nice to meet you, too. :slight_smile:

Mmhm… Tears well up in my eyes just thinking about that story…

I haven’t been greeting people here for a while, but welcome to Kaza! I hope you all enjoy here :slight_smile:

It’s nice to have you, @DangoDaikazoku. I’m sure you will have a good time here at Kazamatsuri. I also felt the same way when it came to other forums out there because of conversations that can be hostile as well as toxic for those trying to post their thoughts and giving out their opinions on things. Other than that, welcome aboard! :smile:

Also, the application for the Tomoyo After Bookclub podcast is still open, but you have to achieve Dango rank status before applying for it. All you have to do is post on any topics you would want to share as well as liking posts for others.


Got ya. Thanks for the tip. :slight_smile:

Thanks man, let’s play some baseball sometime ! :slight_smile: I hope the organization doesn’t capter me tho ;-;

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I debated whether or not this was going too far for a greeting joke…but screw it, it’s fun.

Congratulations on being the 793rd customer! I’d give a prize but those are for round numbers and I’ll get written up if I cheat more than once.

Ah I get it… You must be an agent sent by the organization ! That’s why I don’t get this joke.
Its not because I’m stupid…

Hi everyone my name is Eric Estrella and I live in New York! As of now the Key works I’ve experienced have been the entirety of the Clannad anime and currently going through the visual novel itself, gone through the planetarian novel, watched the Little Busters and Little Busters Refrain anime, and watched all of Angel Beats and Charlotte. My first ever was actually going through planetarian after a friend who is a big Key fan gifted it to me on Steam. Since then Clannad has been my favorite, for now at any rate, because of how invested I became while watching it.

I actually managed to find Kazamatsuri because of a friend I made on Twitter who is @stevenharryw on the site. Outside of Key I have many other interests such as other anime/VNs out there, movies, comics, videogames, and more! If I had to say something interesting about myself it would be that even though I’m currently only 19 years old I am already an uncle of five nephews and one niece whom I love very much!

I hope we can get along and I look forward to interacting and discussing things with everyone whenever I can, as well as continuing to experience more things from Key ^^


Hey everyone, my name is Austin (or Austcar) and I live on Long Island in New York! For Key VNs, I’ve played Rewrite, Little Busters and Planetarian. The anime I’ve seen are Clannad, Angel Beats, Charlotte, Planetarian, and I’m watching Rewrite now. The first Key work I’ve seen is Angel Beats and the first Key VN I played was Rewrite, which is my favorite. I decided to play rewrite when I saw an anime adaptation was announced and figured it was a good time to play my first Key novel. Before that, I had only played Higurashi and Umineko, which I’m in love with.

I found Kazamatsuri because I was looking for a blog I could easily check every once and awhile for Key related news. I’ve been following the main news posts on Kazamatsuri for awhile now, but now I’m finally making a forum account. One of my main interests outside of Key is playing tennis.

Looking forward to playing more Key games and participating when possible!


Nice to meet you, Eric! I share your love of Clannad, man. That anime was awesome! And wow, FIVE nephews and a niece? That’s so cool!

And welcome to the site, Austcar. It’s cool that you can play tennis. It’s one of those sports that I’d always thought would be fun to play but could never get very good at :sweat_smile:

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Hey! Nice, more guys on the East Coast!

Thanks for the welcome, even though I play I still find tennis hard, it takes me forever to improve, but I still always run into people that can destroy me in a match. It’s pretty cool that you want to be a voice actor, it seems really difficult too. I would think it’s super satisfying to hear your own voice in a work. I also always tell my friends that Clannad is an anime that I think everyone should experience at some point because I got so much out of it. :smile:

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Baby Steps, an anime about tennis, is easily my favorite sports anime ever. If you haven’t seen it, it’s worth watching. It’s pretty slow-paced compared to most sport anime, but the title kinda gives away it’s step-by-step nature.

That makes sense. I feel the same way about voice acting, sometimes. There are moments where I think I’m doing really well, but then I hear the professionals, and I’m just like “Shoot, I have a lot of room for improvement, don’t I?” I’m looking forward to continuing to hone my skills once my Blue Yeti comes in the mail.

And yes, tell every one of your friends about Clannad. :smile: My younger brother who watched the series did the same thing, and the results were quite encouraging.

Yes!! You have great taste, I’ve watched Baby Steps and it’s also my favorite sports anime. Though it was slow paced, it was always so exciting during the matches. My favorite part is how true it stays to the sport and that you can actually learn a lot about tennis by watching it.

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Thank you!! ^^