Grisaia Series Discussion

You’re gonna get SO disappointed, you might as well start giving up already.

Nyan~! This isn’t fair! I was just searching another kamige to play!

But I’ll keep my hope. After all, opinions are different. I can like it more than I expect.

To be fair Yumiko’s route isn’t that good compared to the others. I know I liked it, but when you read the others, you’ll know for sure that the company ran out of money or something when it came to main girl Yumiko.

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I’ve finished Makina’s route and I can say it was much better than Yumiko’s. But it was just good, nothing extraordinary. It started off slowly, but it was much better than a silly, underdeveloped plot. It didn’t have much romance but it was okay the way it was. Yuuji and Makina’s relationship didn’t feel really romantic.

Yumiko’s route had a better flashback scene, though. It was longer and we got to see more of Yumiko’s inner self. My major complaint about Makina’s route is that on the second half it kept jumping from dark moments to happy moments every time, breaking the mood, instead of slowly progressing the tension as a whole. The plot also didn’t move exactly, it was just repeating itself and emphasizing itself until it hit a certain point.

And we got to see more about Yuuji. That was good.

Anyway, next route will be Michiru’s. Makina’s route didn’t surpass my expectations. I just hope the next routes can do it…

If your expectations are still anywhere near Rewrite level, you will continue to be disappointed. While Makina’s route wasn’t the best, the others aren’t much better either.

Also, a little late, but Rakuen anime ended up skipping dumbest plot twist and after story despite all that rushing. Definitely would’ve preferred more cutting on Meikyuu instead if they weren’t going to do after story.

Nah, by this point I know it’s nothing like Rewrite. I also thought it would be more plotwise, but it’s more character-driven, even being a chuuni.

I’ve just finished Michiru’s route and I really liked it. It was the best of the three I’ve played until now: Yumiko, Makina and hers. I liked the way it dealt with egoistical suicide I’m also liking the way Grisaia plays with common character archetypes, giving them more depth and also the sociology themes. This route made me like Michiru much more, now she’s my favorite heroine.

Just bought the series, IDK if I should take it lightly and play to improve my Japanese. or just download an English patch for it, people’s opinions are strange about this one

I feel like this would be one of those VNs that is full of tricky characters to read.

I don’t see much merit in reading Kajitsu in Japanese for studying purposes, but for what it’s worth, reading Meikyuu/Rakuen improved my Japanese quite a bit. The mahou shoujo spin offs are somewhat worth it as well since they’re so absurdly short and more or less just comedy. Of course, it also depends what level your Japanese is at.

I’ve just finished Amane’s route. Gotta say it was the best until now, even the CG set was the best (despite some flaws…) Really really good imo. Not only did it have an interesting story, but it also presented a romance that was somehow unique and actually made sense.

So far, I can say that Grisaia as a whole is already a good VN, looking at the full picture.

Next route is Sachi’s. (I dunno if this will persist in this route, but coincidentally seems like I did the routes from the worst to the best…)

Only if you pretend like the stuff prior to Angelic Howl, the bad ending and the epilogue didn’t exist…

I didn’t read the bad ending yet, the ending was sweet and okay… And the stuff prior to Angelic Howl… It was… How can I put it… Like, it made sense, different from Yumiko’s romance development. And it was interesting how the two kept evaluating their relationship. The relationship between Yuuji and Amane was the most ‘insightful’ and interesting up to now.

I wonder why they didn’t put Amane as the main heroine… Not that I like her, it just would fit more.

Really? To me, the blowjob selfie and other similar “endeavors”, which Amane’s route prior to Angelic Howl consisted of, made very little sense. I think there’s a comment by Yuuji that summarized that part of the route really well. It’s been a long time, so don’t blow up on me if I’m off, but according to my memory, it went something like this: "Look, Amane, I’m trying really hard to figure out a way to change my life so that we can be together and your contribution is ‘Blowjob vending machine, only 10 Yen’?! "

Concerning the epilogue, I found it pointless and even disruptive. I mean 40 years later? Who cares about that stuff? But they didn’t stop there. They went out of their way to mention that even after that long time, Amane was unable to overcome her feelings of guilt. Doesn’t that mean that Yuuji failed to completely save Amane? And not only that, the thing that finally did save Amane and brought her inner peace was a line spoken by a child.

Uh… Keep in mind that I’m reading the steam version…

This is a somewhat fair point considering the first half of Amane’s route was almost pure H scenes. I don’t know how much they changed, but as someone who ctrl’d through them, I didn’t have much to read before Angelic Howl, and most of it was commenting on their sexual relationship. That said, the route was still very poorly done. What makes Amane’s route “good” is Angelic Howl (which I thought was fairly boring, predictable, and drawn out). Almost immediately after, Yuuji “cures” her issue with a few lines and then they add in the finale which more or less serves the only useful purpose of being an excuse for a certain scene.

Apparently I have an uncommon opinion on Angelic Howl itself, but my main problem with Amane’s route is that about 90% of it was either H scenes or a flashback. The resolution was flimsy and rushed at best because regardless of how good you may perceive the writing, there is a hugely disproportionate amount of time spent in the past versus the time spent resolving that past.

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I finished Grisaia no Kajitsu (Steam Version) a few days ago, and I enjoyed it a lot. It’s nothing remarkable in the story department, but I liked the characters and their interactions as well as the comedy. Haven’t laughed this much reading through a VN in a long time. I guess the best way to say it is it was plain fun to read.

If I had to rank the Grisaia routes, then I’d rank them as Sachi >Yumiko >Michiru >Amane > Makina.

The game itself definitely got a lot more praise than it deserved. I only really ever considered Sachi and Yumiko’s routes as the only ones worth reading. Amane’s route is horribly paced, with an absolutely absurd ending, that was only put together halfheartedly to try and induce feels. Not to mention a horrible romance between Amane and Yuuji. The same problems occur in Makina’s route, except about 60% of the route is spent on incredibly mundane slice of life. Michiru’s route on the other hand is better than those, but never amounts to anything truly amazing.

And, I’d just like to say that Yuuji is a pretty boring protagonist. He occasionally utters something funny, and has some great moments, but I feel like it’s bogged down by his annoying inner monologues. They go on forever and really bring down the pace of the game. Yuuji really pales in comparison to Kenichi from Sharin no Kuni, who is very similar, but who is a whole lot more likable.

Finished the game. My route ranking would be: Amane > Michiru > Sachi > Makina > Yumiko.

Story was good. Characters and voice acting were very good. Art and soundtrack are “okay”. Soundtrack is definitely the weakest aspect of the VN.

In the end, Grisaia is not a masterpiece, but certainly not as horrible as some claimed it was. I hope Meikyuu can fix its mistakes.

Sachi’s route drag too much after what is supposed to be the climax. It would be fine if the next conflict was something stronger, but it isn’t… Not to mention the very inconsistent art.

Yumiko’s route was the worst imo. The beginning was silly, the CGs were the worst of the whole game and the development of romance was even worse. What saved the route was the second half, that had some good romantic moments and a nice epilogue and resolution.

Really, those two routes you mentioned… My eyes were just filled with that inconsistent art it was tiresome… Those two definitely had potential, but it wasn’t well executed.

I found the conflict after the climax of Sachi’s route to actually be very strong. You could say it dragged on, but I didn’t feel that way because it didn’t feel unbelievable to me. It was actually foreshadowed, and I felt as if it only added to Sachi’s character more than what was already presented. Plus, we get to switch to Sachi’s perspective again, and Grisaia is at it’s best when it switches perspectives (except with Amane’s route).

Other than the turkey scene, I don’t see how exactly the beginning of her route is all that silly. I also see no problem with their romantic development. I wouldn’t say it’s the strongest romance in the game (that title goes to Sachi), but it’s stronger than Amane, Michiru, and Makina’s for sure. They make a decent couple. Also, I don’t see how you found the resolution great. The resolution to the problem had very little build up to it.

I will agree that Yumiko’s route had some really inconsistent art, but I wouldn’t say that for Sachi’s. The only thing wrong with Sachi’s art is the way they draw her hands.