General Issues

It’s apparently the tags box, which aspi thought upp disabled a while ago. Most of us have been aware of this for a while but nobody has bothered telling upp :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s my theory, anyway.

Any thoughts, @uppfinnarn?

That should not be there anymore, hold on, I’m gonna see if I can get it to go away…

There we go, I seem to have accidentally screwed up the rebuild after disabling the plugin =w=

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Calling the almighty @uppfinnarn
This is becoming a regular issue, I find. ^^;
I can’t seem to work around it, either. :c

So I seem to have an issue with editing posts. It seems once my posts get old enough, I no longer have the power to edit them anymore. I’ve debugged the issue, and it seems that all my posts before January 28, I can no longer edit anymore. This is my earliest editable post: Charlotte - Pre-Release Discussion & Speculation

…my bad! I just remembered that this is in fact a feature. After a certain amount of time you can’t edit posts any more. Seems to go against our forum philosophy so I turned it off. Sorry about that!

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I have trouble of changing my profile pic since yesterday. I cannot upload any picture (I tried from 3 different computers in case the computer is the problem source) so I got stuck with this initial H instead.

Try making the picture smaller that’s what made it work for me.

Nope, still not working even though I already made it really small. 100px square is not big, right?

Do you get an error message of some sort when you do this…?

No, but the upload process just… gone?

This is weird… I tried to upload a picture of Misaka Mikoto, but it reverted to my old Naka-chan avatar… I’m gonna try to figure this out.

That’s more like it, now you can send people to she shadow realm-- I mean upload avatars again.

(EDIT: This post makes more sense when my avatar has less muscles!)

oh, I thought I was the only one… ^-^;

Soooo I’m having a problem… It seems my avatar has been changed into a dancing Masato and some weird BGM is suddenly playing in the background causing me to dance in the same manner as Masato. I NEED HELP OR MY ARMS WILL FALL OFF


No issues. Just a new feature to guide you onto the path of KINNIKU YAY YAY


I notice that the invite feature isn’t working.

No email sent.

Not sure if I misunderstand the Invite feature, is it supposed to invite other forum members into a discussion, or to invite outsiders to the forum. No luck searching for Discourse documentations (in fact, I hadn’t found one).

It’s to invite other forum members to PMs they would not be able to access otherwise I believe.

So, uhhh… Polls are broken :frowning: