General Gaming Discussion

Anyone playing Maplestory or Korean Maplestory2 here? Iā€™m playing Maplestory SEA Server :smiley:

Recently iā€™ve been playing alot of indie games that i didnā€™t get a chance to play before. Right now iā€™ve been playing alot of ā€œCrypt of the necrodancerā€ and ā€œShovel knightā€. Iā€™ve been playing Necrodancer non-stop last week (god, its so addictiveā€¦).

This week iā€™ve been playing alot of ā€œRocket Leagueā€ on ps4. One of the best games iā€™ve played this year so far! So if anyone wanna play some rocket league with me (or any ps4/ps3 games), add me on psn!
PSN: joelr75
If you donā€™t have rocket league on ps4 but have ps plus, go download it! Its free!

And also for all Portal 2 guys out there, i have some maps i made with hammer editor up on my steam workshop! It isnā€™t the best maps ever made. Still getting used to making maps on hammer. If anyone wants to check it out, here is my steam workshop:

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Nothing interesting to comment on except for this game that is consuming my life

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So this is what happens if I spend about 2-3 hours on detailing my map on Portal 2 using ā€œHammer Editorā€ā€¦


Have you ever considered making any Key-themed maps? I know itā€™d take a lot of work, but itā€™d be so cool to see~

I was thinking about doing something like that. :stuck_out_tongue: But what would a Key themed portal 2 map beā€¦?

Not sure about portal 2, but I can think of something from Little Busters! EX which would fit well as a half life 2 mod whistles


That would be pretty cool but i suck at mapping on HL2. Thats why i usually stick with portal 2.

Here is a pic of the final result of the map of portal 2 i was making if anyone is intrested

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Sooo apparently ā€œFive Nights at Freddys 4ā€ has randomly been released on Steam. It was supposed to be released in november but the dev thought it was super clever to released it 3 months earlier than its initial release date.

Do any of you guys here even care about FNAF anymore? And do any of you guys still like the game? Me myself got tired of the game pretty quickly. Kind of interrested what you guys think thoughā€¦

Garbage series.


RIP Matpat. Heā€™s gonna rage at the start of his next video.

Iā€™ve never played the games. They donā€™t look like they are worth buying really. Eh, they probably arenā€™t even worth the time it takes to download them.

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Matpat is gonna get all that monay from ad revenue because that Five Nights at Freddyā€™s 4 game theory video is gonna blow up in just hours probably.

I just wonder how much time the dev actually spends on making the games because he pushes them out sooo fast. And you can see that too because the games are just a unpolished mess. But hey, we can all agree with what @Aspirety said:

Never played any of the games, but I just donā€™t see how they couldā€™ve pushed out four full games in less than a year and come up with a decent product??? The first game had a huge following, but Iā€™ve only seen it diminish a lot as time has gone on and new games have come out which speaks volumes about the state of the series.

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5 nights at Freddieā€™s is nothing better than slender, it may be a fun way to pass a bit of time but it is in no way a very good game. When it comes to horror Iā€™ll stick with silent hill, though I did just finish outlast and I found it quite brilliant

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I finally got around to pre-ordering Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. I know itā€™s gonna be great and Iā€™m looking forward to the last true Metal Gear game.

Also, Galgun 2 coming overseas surprised me a LOT.

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Currently playing (and teaching) Terraria with @Yerian
Day 1. We built a house. Mined some ore, and there was a lot of dying, lol.
Will post more about our misadventures on my Twitter. I considered recording it and posting it as well but I donā€™t know if itā€™d be worth the effort.


So I was playing Team Fortress 2 and to be honest, I got pretty tired of the normal default hitsound that the game has.
So this is what I did, I deleted the normal hitsound that TF2 has and replaced it with a Kotori voice clip from Rewrite. And this is the resultsā€¦

It gets pretty annoying after awhile Iā€™ll tell you that! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Iā€™d watch it^^

A bit late, but some more info on XCOM 2, Iā€™m so excited for that game

When I was bored the other day I watched an LP of Alice Madness Returns which I played a while back, and I still say itā€™s pretty underrated, and Iā€™ve discovered a bunch more symbolism-things and metaphors that I didnā€™t get when I played it, especially in the Dollhouse level which totally isnā€™t creepy as hell

I also finally caved in and started KanColle, and goddamn does RNG hate me

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I have Terraria but Iā€™ve barely ever played it either.