
I had a rather erotic dream last night. I don’t remember how it began, but I do remember the last couple minutes of it before I woke up. I was in a class, where the desks were divided into two sections, and were opposite of each other. I was sitting on one side, and then all of a sudden Kotori showed up in her school uniform, sitting on the opposite side. Then for some reason, she took off her boots and thigh highs, and was barefoot. Before I could comprehend what was going on (and maybe enjoy myself), the teacher arrived and said that we were going to present, something that I wasn’t prepared for. And then I woke up all of a sudden, wondering what the heck was that all about. :laughing:


well a complete 180 from @Inuconandoyle. So I had by far the saddest dream I’ve ever had and it’s pretty personal. Like very personal but I decided that there is no downside to sharing it with others. Now I’m not sure if other people will get emotional to my dream but now consider yourself warned. First, some backstory is required.

My dream was a mix events from the day before. Yesterday, my brother’s three friends were over playing poker at my house. Second, there was a shooting rather close to my house. Third, my grandfather and aunt passed away like four years ago but I was never really close to them.

So I started the dream going to go shower. My brother’s friend, we’ll call him A was uh shoveling dirt. Why? Because in this dream, apparently people shovel dirt into the casket before burying someone. In the dream that person was my grandfather. So I went to the shower and one of my old friends was talking to me about how he messaged the bus company asking if they reopened the bus lines but got no reply. After I finished showering I was basically warped outside in my pajamas with my brother’s other two friends. My other friend was nowhere to be found but that doesn’t matter. We were outside to go fetch friend A because he should’ve been done shoveling dirt. When we saw him, he was already done so he took a nap in the casket with my grandfather. Also the casket looked like a huge dog bed lol. So we tapped friend A to wake him up and he got up. But soon after, my grandfather also woke up. I was like, “Wait what is… is this real?” I kept speaking in my mind, “no this can’t be real, what the hell is this?” He got up and kinda waved at me. I was on the verge of tears. Then my aunt appeared as well. They both got into separate boats and kinda just drove off in those boats. I was crying hella hard. I starting thinking about how I was never close to my grandfather because he had dementia. Soon I was just on the floor bawling. My brother’s three friends comforted me and got me back to the house, but when I woke up, huge tears were streaming down my face.

Now, the reason I tell this story is because before I had worries about being emotionless. My Harmonia posts explain more if you haven’t already seen it. I’m quite happy even though I’m still crying a little bit. Maybe I would’ve cried to this dream before joining kaza and reading all these key works or maybe I wouldn’t have known emotion yet. But I am very glad that I was able to experience this myself.


A common theme in a lot of my dreams is driving.

I love to drive. I feel competent and cool when I’m behind the wheel, and with a job like driving a car fairly quickly and getting around safely ahead of me, if it’s just because I like driving or because I have something to concentrate on in front of me, the troubles of the day just go away.

That’s in the real world. In the dream world, it’s almost never that simple.

There was that time when I was in middle school when I dreamt of taking part in a NYC-to-LA rally, and the two-seater I was driving in to contest it was this rounded, sexy design with a fairly hideous purple and green color scheme. The design captivated me so much I wanted to capture it in a design in my waking hours…and I suppose I had to really change tack when I learned my dream design bore more than a passing resemblance to the TVR Tuscan. Whoops.

Then there was the time I dreamt I went karting. That wasn’t nearly that simple when I was tearing around the parking lot where I was doing it when all of a sudden, the kart I was muscling around burst into flame. Because apparently in the dream world I’m a stone-cold mofo, I just kept right on driving while my kart was burning down around me. Except it wasn’t-it was obediently trucking along like it was factory fresh.

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Okay, I’m not even sure if my last dream was a dream or a nightmare. It was definitely very emotional.

So,in my dream I watched a movie while several others from this side watched the same movie at their homes, all while we were chatting to each other on discord. The movie itself was an anime movie and I hope it doesn’t actually exist, if it does, sorry for spoiling you. I didn’t really pay attention during it, only really during the last few scenes. So, it seemed to be the emotional conclusion of the male main character and his love interest, who was some type of animal girl. Basically a girl that could transform into an animal. There were a lot of these people in their animal form cheering on the two, so it seemed to be the happy ending. Then the father of the main character appeared on the scene. After that, the girl went away from her friend and went into a defensive stance, which was confusing to me. The next scene explained why: The boy got a creepy smile and, while seeming to be possessed of some kind, proceeded to brutally kill most people in the room, including the girl. I think I screamed here. And that was the end of the movie.

Next, we discussed on discord if we can open a discussion topic on Kaza and do a podcast on it, even though this wasn’t a Key story to begin with. Next thing I know is that some were on voice being more analytical while we watched the movie again. So I guess maybe Aspi agreed in my dream? This time I paid more attention to the movie. It could generally be divided into three parts. The first part is the boy and girl meeting each other, getting to know each other and falling in love with each other. The second is the two eloping because the boy’s father is against their love, his reason being some bias against animal people in general. The third is basically the scene described above.

During the first part, thanks to knowing the ending, I noticed several dark undertones, basically foreshadowing for the final scene. A combination of this knowledge and the movie using the first part of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata caused me to cry during this part.

The second part involved one plan of the father to seperate the two: First, killing the girl, and second, marrying his son to another woman. It eventually culminated in a last-minute rescue of the boy by the girl and the two escaping with the help of several other animal-people.

And then the third part happened again. I was full of shivers after it concluded again. And then I woke up.

So, was this a nightmare? Was this just an emotionally powerful dream?


I’m considering writing a fake review for this film. Your dream was awesomely detailed and felt as something we would see happening here in Kaza. That was weird but awesome at the same time. I don’t think you should call it a nightmare by any means!


I some times come up with story idea for my manga or characters when I dream.

Recently, I had an exceptionally strange dream where I found myself sitting at a luxurious dining table in some kind of grand hall (possibly in a castle), where the table was laid out with all kinds of delicacies, some of them unknown to me. The people at the table (who I assume were nobles) were all looking at me with gazes of admiration, and some noble girls were even blushing upon meeting my eyes. Then suddenly, a deep voice resounded from the end of the table, bringing an end to all the chattering in the hall. I turned my head to look at the ancient-looking man decorated in a long, flashy robe. He gazed at me dotingly, as he would upon a child, and beckoned me to pour myself a goblet of wine. I reached for the flask, and the strong scent that flew into my nose very much reminded me of orange juice. At that point, I decided to do the most rational thing to do before pouring a drink: shake it. So I grabbed the flask and shook it as hard as I could, without any restraint. However, as soon as I uncorked the flask, I was enveloped by a drowing-like sensation, as the golden liquid blasted my face at an extreme velocity. Eventually, I blacked out. When I woke up in bed, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, so i did a bit of both.


I once again dreamed about the giant locust man that I initially encountered in a theater house inside a hotel-train. Before, whenever it plays its music, people would become violent or act out of conduct. This time people hearing its music would have their head transformed that into a fly’s. this is my rough drawing of it if it was standing upright, but in the dream, it is always in a seated position

it also had a new set of arms growing out of its shoulders.


Well, here’s the wildest dream I’ve had in a while. I point this one out because it led me to think of some good music, and a good idea for a song to compose…if only I could make it a little less generic.

In short: a couple nights ago, I dreamt of the world’s worst Mario sports game.

In long?

I dreamt of a weird sports video game that didn’t show itself to be a Mario game until more than halfway through. The graphics were…unnecessarily dark and badly-lit, perhaps to get the lighting of things like the ball to work out.

Said game wasn’t really a normal ball game. Best I can figure, it played out like some weird crossbreed of Pong, cricket and kickball, that seemed to be entirely played in driveways or in the alleyways between buildings. The rules appeared to be that everyone stood where they were, then a player kicked this glowing ball towards the only active member of the opposing team, who kicked the ball away like in, well, kickball. However, after that, the idea seemed to be that everyone had to bounce the ball at the kicker in an attempt to have it bounce past them, but it had to pass real close so it ended up directly behind, like cricket without the wickets. This meant it was more about rallying the ball back and forth and ensuring that when it stopped bouncing, it was somewhere ahead of the lone kicker, which scored points…some…how.

I assume this is where the irregular field shape came into play. See, that way, the ball would bounce in different patterns depending on where the kicker decided to hit it, and this is where I start seriously overanalyzing imagery from a dream in order to somehow make sense of it.

Here is where things went completely batdookie NUTS.

So the opposing team decides it’s gonna put its captain on the field, who turns out to be this big gorilla man of a dude with greasy hair and a hat that covers his eyes. My call?

With commentators dropping their fudge over my decision…I sent in Donkey Kong.

Immediately, the field changed. Apparently I hadn’t asked DK to go to the game I was already playing, oh no no no, that’d be too simple. I had to make a kick against a serve…thrown at me by a giant robot.

Who shot the ball from a cannon.


With all this buildup, naturally I do what you’d think I would, which is entirely botch this and get DK nuked. But it’s okay, because apparently this game was also built around the concept of entirely changing gameplay as things transpire.

You see, suddenly the game turned into a third person tank/robot arena combat game.

As if that wasn’t enough, this game had a seriously misleading FMV cutscene introducing it, because there were all sorts of giant robots and stuff being shown beating the crap out of each other, including this really cool design that had a giant shield for a face and chest that opened down the middle to act as a giant jaw, and once the match actually started, it turned out my team was made of cardboard. Mostly, just cardboard boxes that shot little red bullets at one another. Except for mine, which looked vaguely like the Mach 5…also made out of cardboard.

This was when the music I was talking about kicked in. It sounded like somebody tried to make their own Misirlou and quit halfway through. Same main guitar sound, same very beachy vibe.

I don’t know how that fight turned out, because people were barely making dents in one another and the fight seemed to drag on for ages until I finally woke up. Presumably, if I slept further, I would’ve only dreamt of the game suddenly switching to a whole new set of mechanics with no score and no win conditions.

It was a bizarre, annoying night.


Well, I had a crazy one that I’m sharing because it was another one where I was/was following Yumemi.

With no, I guess, apocalypse stuff on the docket, Yumemi only got herself kidnapped. …not like I experienced that part, mind, it was just like I started and Yumemi was basically being led around by scary mean people.

It seems like the goal was to try to break Yumemi’s spirit by humiliating her. A lot. Treating her really badly, dragging her around in public, and I think the plan was to run her through this gauntlet of this organization’s guys, who were colorful Hostel-style torturers, if the one guy dressed like a clown who garrotted people was any indicator. They took her hat, took her ribbon, yanked off her hair ties, and sent her through all that BS all with aims to non-specifically break a robot’s spirit. I dunno if I should or shouldn’t have been surprised that the torture murderers who looked like rejected henchmen for The Joker didn’t have a single hacker in between them.

Dream logic. Y’know how it is.

Maybe Yumemi was beginning to hallucinate, because eventually, after all of this abuse which would probably be pretty heartbreaking if it wasn’t so friggin’ absurd, the Junker rescues her because duh, and she sees it as a fairy tale prince coming to rescue her from a tower.

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I actually never posted one of my dreams but this one is a weird as hell one recently, I think I would want to share it since it’s been a bit since I got a weird dream. It has no relation to Key obviously.

So basically the setting of the dream I had was at my aunt Silvia’s house, hence that’s where we usually would have parties and such every time, or a lot of times, including Christmas Eve and such. So basically from what I remember it was one of my cousin’s birthdays (I can’t remember which one but I assume it’s Manny since Tommy isn’t there and he’s old as hell) so I was already there, sitting on my 3DS and playing Pokemon with my cousins. Suddenly there was this clash of weird monsters coming into the scene and then suddenly attacking my family, but it was pretty weird and I knew it was a dream in there, but it was so weird since the monsters aren’t Pokemon, but weird missed shape animals and then a combination of different types. Like a Duck combined with a Snake and a Bear, A Squirrel which is big as hell and then it has a combo of a Dino Tail and Shark Teeth, like that one was scary mostly and it ate my mom in the process, from there, I guess I got too triggered over it in the dream that I screamed over my lungs in that dream, AND THEN SOMEHOW SHIFTED TO ANOTHER SCENARIO FOR SOME ODD REASON, No shifting, no portals, no nothing.

It’s like I screamed and I had my eyes closed, and then suddenly I was shifted to another world. I was literally scratching my head and then it had this one character coming around and telling me who I was, and where I was from, so I told my information and he told me that his name was Kyouma, which I remembered I called one of my fanfic characters as Kyouma before, so from there he asked me to come over to go and just stay with him, until I am cleared over. Clearly my naiveness is there of course still, and besides, the setting I was at was at a forest so why should I deny it? At the point, Kyouma was talking to me about magic and how the world was somehow beautiful, yet I didn’t got a slight about the entire monsters part, why were they there, and why was I even transferred there? it’s so confusing.

At that time Kyouma have already offered me drinks and food, it was delicious from there despite being a dream, and honestly Kyouma was really nice of a character that I met in the dream, so that was a plus on that end? I guess? But he had this funny and charismatic personality along with the quirks and just craziness, that’s kind of the type of people I like when it comes to characters, so basically it was nice to talk and have a chit chat with Kyouma from there, it endured long, not gonna lie.

But then AFTER THE CONVERSATION, somehow there were more monsters approaching? I don’t get this, they’re like pretty much like the Harry Potter types mixed with I don’t know what, I can’t even remember but there were shit ton of snakes, and a shit ton of other stuff, trolls, etc. So I ran with Kyouma and took him, running away from the house, away from the area and staying away from the surroundings, while that came out of the way, I suddenly encountered a monster ahead of us… before I literally woke up, it was a fuse of the monster and my mom.

I WAS LITERALLY JUST WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS. Like, SO WEIRD THOUGH x.x My mom fused with a Monster… EWW~~ I’d say eww and then I woke up, it just feels like I’m being offensive but, it was so weird as hell, not scary, but weird.


Last night I had a dream that one of my internet friends and I met each other in real life and we went to a coffee shop together. After we sat down, she pulled out her laptop, opened a powerpoint presentation, and said, “Ripple, I’ve been meaning to talk to talk to you about this for a while. CLANNAD is poisoning your mind”.
And then she proceeded to show me this powerpoint about why CLANNAD was poisoning my mind.


I don’t know if this will work because I’m on mobile but I told my friend about my dream and she actually made a short PowerPoint for me :joy:


Time to add to posts I’ll make of my backlog of weird dreams.

I find this one kind of ironic because while I’ve had dreams on separate occasions about the TV show Hellevator, I find the previous season terribly lacking. Maybe it was excitement for what new episodes could have been, rather than what they were, that caused them to root themselves in my subconscious?

Anyway, I dreamt of a more conventional episode I was taking part in, it seemed, something about a guy who was turning people into mutants that he experimented on. I dreamt I was in your standard Hellevator challenge: complete the challenge and escape to the elevator before time runs out.

My challenge was pretty simple: I was chained in a cell by my wrists and upper body and staring across a hallway to a monster that looked like a dude wearing a Ghillie suit made entirely of damp kelp hired to jump around and yell at me and be really distracting in an identical cell. The only thing I could move was my legs.

I had five minutes to set myself free by trying one of a confusingly large amount of codes and entering them by kicking a number pad in front of me. The monster was obviously there to be scary, but also to block numbers as it rampaged around, meaning I had to pay close attention and remember where codes began and ended so I didn’t get confused.

I forget how it turned out, actually. I think I escaped, but I don’t remember at the moment. I just woke up thinking to myself that it was a challenge that made a lot of sense, although I suppose it might be too rough on the wrists and upper body of a contestant to be entirely safe.


A bunch of you appeared in my dream just now! A lot of people, that I know from work, uni, and here, were invited to an old abandoned building by none other than @Aspirety himself. After climbing what must be over 10 flights of stairs, we end up in a room with lots of raised scaffolding that makes thin paths, and the ground below it covered in wood chips.

The premise of the game was simple - everyone starts on the scaffolding, and the last person remaining is the winner. Sounds fun, I thought to myself, as Aspirety pulled out a box of matches and lit one. “Here’s the thing though”, he uttered with his back turned from us. The lit match fell from his hand and ignited the wood chips covering the ground below us. “The floor is lava.”

Everyone fled from the flame, or tried to climb onto the scaffolding, thinking this man was insane. I was knocked into a wall by a group that I didn’t know and got knocked concious.

Aspi pls


So my dream last night felt like a short DBZ arc. It turns out that, on my way to church from the library, my younger sister went missing. I went to look for her at a restaurant at night, only to be roped into a bar fight that was stopped by some aged martial artist. He approached me specifically and told me that my sister was kidnapped by Cell, and I had to go save her.

I found Cell and fought him, but midway through he decided to toy with me instead and stood on top of a massive wall and turned it into a vertical obstacle course of death. I had to ascend through climbing the rock, zip-lining past certain sections, climbing natural and artificial stairwells (I eventually discovered that some people actually lived near the top of the canyon), and dodging shockwaves and other attacks directed at me by Cell. Midway through the climb some motivational ballad was playing against snippets of this anime drama, and by the time the song ended and my allies reconvened with me, Cell asked me to play the next episode for him.

Soon, I was approaching the final heights where Cell stood. I told my friends and family to hope for the best, even if I were to die in battle. I took on Cell, and the final battle took on a glorious cinematic fashion (albeit with an awkwardly-placed camera), until both of us were at our last legs. Cell simply laughed, and revealed to me that in the time I had taken to climb the vertical obstacle course, he had multiplied and scattered himself across the world, in order to blow it up instantaneously at his command. In the end, while I was given a choice to kill him, I chose not to. Instead, I returned to my allies, and socked the old guy who recruited me in the face.

My sleep was pretty restless last night, so whatever might have happened next is lost to the nether of my subconscious. Shame, I wanted to see how I would have been able to defeat all the Cells and save my sister. :disappointed_relieved:


I had a couple wild ones over the past weeks that bear talking about.

A Day In The Arcade

I have recurring environments in my dreams. One of them is everyone’s friend, the video game arcade. In numerous dreams I find myself running across one, where numerous machines don’t work and many of the games that to are esoteric and weird, despite how many machines there are and how big the arcade floor is. I blame a childhood of exactly this scenario playing out turning my mental image of the arcade from a place of fun to kind of a crapshoot from “play this now” to “mediocre” to “out of order.”

Not this time. I played a game where I was strapped into a harness like that on a roller coaster with a robotic arm, and needed to put on VR goggles. Why? I was playing a skydiving game.

I controlled it using my limbs and body: if I turned myself to point down, I dove at high speed. If I flipped up to catch the wind, I slowed down. I steered by twisting my body and navigated this purple ice canyon full of crystals.

Being who I am at heart, I wanted to fly as fast and dangerously as possible, and plummeted while using just my hands to steer. I was also wearing a backpack and the robot arm held me in such a way that I didn’t even need to drop it to play. Cool, right?

Belldandy Is Missing

Another dream I had involved Belldandy, beloved main character of Ah! My Goddess. She was in trouble.

See, she appeared in front of a bunch of people, only for a few dudes to blindside her and abduct her in what looked like a Bag of Holding: she just disappeared into the bag and it looked like there was nothing in there.

I don’t know what happened next - it seems her abduction was the entire dream…

Man, I get freaky ass dreams when I’ve been sober for a while. (Doing Dry January because I’m a huge masochist.)

Had this dream where I was walking down steps to this cave, then there’s a guy and a little girl coming down and I call out to stop them and the girl is smiling, I ask her if she knows the guy and she shakes her head so I throw a rock at the guy and pull her away and there’s a car up ahead and I’m yelling at them for assistance, but they are confused and don’t understand why. I get over to the car… and the girl is gone.

Ugh. I can do without creepy dreams, thank you very much. Sober dreams aren’t much fun sometimes.


I’m sure it’s not as creepy as injecting my arm with a large syringe that has a frog in it. And gets into this hell furnace tube maze when breaking off the legs as one tries to pull out a frog lodged in one’s arm.

Getting out of this hell maze consist of solving a puzzle-bar that’s made of poop that one must dive into a pool of innards to obtain while being chased by a lava demon as you find the door for the poop-key you’re trying to figure out.

I’m sorry for maybe ridiculing your dream, but that sounds a bit like something out of Binding of Isaac to me.