Right I was holding my urge to post my opinions/dreams here but now Im going full out.
So, I think all of you must have experienced that “falling down” dream in the past. As a psychologist I did a research on it with my mom and we found out that those kind of dreams are based on your mood or physical condition. If you are under heavy stress you have a 75% chance to get a falling dream.
I had those when I was little and what was really weird about them is the fact, that the hole I was falling down in was almost endless - at the end of the hole was BIG SPIKY spikes that would pierce your body and kill you in a second you land on them. Well but even tho I had those I NEVER FELL on them completely - I always woke up 0,1 second before Im gonna hit them, with a feeling like I was falling down for a really long long time. I had that “bouncy” feeling … something as you would land on your bed.
Dreams overall are really interesting because it reflects your real intenstions. You can basically create sub-universes with a dream and then always get back to them and relate to them what you have seen/heard/felt there. Its something mysterious yet fascinating.
I have this kind of … lets say ability that when Im hyped about something, it gets in my dream.
It can be from a game, or a real life event … basically everything lol.
Yesterday I had a dream about being a fucking president… I have no idea why, but basically it showed me how ridicously people can listen to you and how much power you can have. It was ridiciolous and everywhere I went people looked at me and said “omg its him the president”… no idea why I had that dream, and it was reaaaaally weird.
There is this thing that people can conrol their dreams. It is true and I know how to manage that.
Ill write some simple steps how you can achieve that but ITS NOT GUARANTEED that it will work for everyone.
If you do remember your dream and want to have it again, or rather control it in a way that you can decide how it will be like, write it down on some paper right after you wake up. Then you gotta always read the previous dream before going to bed or sleeping. Your mind should have an image of what you dreamt about and it should give you the same dream you had. Do this for couple of days, and the series of dreams you have written will be in your head, and your mind should automatically choose one of those. If you will have the same dream but wont realise you are in a dream - therefore you cant control it - you have to try that again until you realise you are in a dream and that you are a god in your own small unvierse.
It may sound complicated but its really simple and it worked for me and so did to one of my friends. You can just get wings and fly away, thats he first thing I did 
Phew well sorry for such a long post, and happy dreaming :p.