
[quote=“IkaCZ, post:14, topic:842”]
I think all of you must have experienced that “falling down” dream in the past.
[/quote]I’ve actually had that kind of dream before and then woken up actually having fallen off my bed XD

Aww yeah man lucid dreaming is sweet. I’ve always wanted to try that but I’ve never gotten around to it…

[quote=“EisenKoubu, post:16, topic:842”]
but the main problem for me is trying to get to sleep. I seem to fall asleep faster with the lights on for some reason.
[/quote]Opposite for me. I sleep best in total darkness. Although recently I’ve been so tired often I can fall asleep anywhere. It also helps me to listen to music to be able to fall asleep.

Now it was about Deathshed from the Wolfenstein: TNO and two of his Ubersoldats somehow entering into the Clannad universe and challenging Tomoyo to a fight… D:

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Yup, Lucid dreaming is the best! When I was new I always did WILD (Wake induced lucid dreams, look it up). Eventually I developed the habit of dream checking so I don’t need to use WILD anymore.

It is a bit scary though, since you’re susceptible to sleep paralysis. I know I have, and damn is it scary.

Only had this happen once, but mother of god was it terrifying.

Last night’s dream was pretty weird. There’s no way I would not share this.

It started with a sleepover at a friend’s house (I don’t remember who, though…), and everyone had brought several game consoles, but I only brought a dinky Game Boy Color. I spent a lot of time playing this game where the main character had a very floaty jump, and before I knew it, I was playing the game, fighting a boss. I had to use fire extinguishers to destroy it before the room started flooding. After beating it, I remember playing something resembling SoulCalibur V with someone.

Skipping the part of the dream that was NSFW, the next part of the dream was about a sports meet. The game we were playing was a weird cross between baseball and weight training. Our team consisted of five guys, and we all wore rugby uniforms. I think Kyousuke was one of our teammates, too. Anyway, I was chosen to send out the heaviest weight onto the field, and it sailed up in the air, and landed with a crash about six feet to my right. After that, the credits rolled, and the team had to do a march around the field. It took me a while to get into marching position, though, but Kyousuke was polite enough to save my spot in line. :slight_smile:

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Oldschool gamers has the best tastes, you clearly are one of them. Game Boy Color is still awesome and brings a lot of memories, I dont think it would be weird since you can get really anything in your dreams. Maybe you missed the times when you had a game boy (if you had one) or something I cant really tell.
But what is really interesting is the part with Kyousuke :p, good that you had some of the Key characters in your dream…
I do get some of them too, but… mostly girls ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


A couple of nights ago I had a dream that I was dating Kotomi Ichinose. It was a very pleasant dream :3 We hung out in a place that looked kinda like her backyard.


[quote=“IkaCZ, post:26, topic:842”]
Maybe you missed the times when you had a game boy (if you had one)
[/quote]I own a really old Game Boy Advance that I’ve had since 2002. I had it taken away from me for a good ten years before I got it back two years ago. I hardly play it anymore, though.

[quote=“IkaCZ, post:26, topic:842”]
Oldschool gamers has the best tastes, you clearly are one of them.
[/quote]I’ll be happy to discuss those tastes in the gaming discussion. :wink:

someone psychoanalyze me

I keep having dreams where I’m in a car that drives itself

and also dreams where my teeth turn into mush and fall out

You want the nice version or the deep version?

Nice version: both of those dreams are pretty common and nothing to worry about.

Deep version: you feel like you’re not in complete control of your life and/or you are not headed in the right direction with your life. The other one implies that you are not satisfied with your appearance and/or you feel like you are losing power or control


I think it’s common that falling teeth may sign that something bad is going to happen, something like losing a family member or something important. My mom had that dream and few days later our house got robbed. Hah! (But I still don’t believe in such superstition)
But I also had one dream where one of my teeth fell but I put it back to where it belongs and it sticks perfectly. What the hell it implies I wonder… (To be fair, I just got my tooth extracted so I could put braces on > so maybe it’s not just some random dream but a representation of the fear of having braces stuck inside my mouth)

Now it reminds me that I had a dream of losing my dad. I don’t even like my dad that much but I realized how important he is to me when I lost him in the dream. Then I woke up crying and there was no one in the house. It made me really afraid. Apparently he just went to minimarket. He asked me why my eyes were swollen, but I was too shy to admit the reason why. (He’s still alive and well btw.)


So… last week something really “interesting”/scary happened to one of my friends.
And yep it was sleep paralysis.
One of my friends called me in like 3am in the morning. At first I tought it was some kind of joke but when he started to explain things my BPM heartrate went up really fast. It was the FIRST experience of sleep paralysis, his voice was shaking and probably his body too.
I had to clam him down with words and everything, but I was glad that I was the one he wanted help from.
Basically if you dont knnow what is sleep paralysis, it is a state of sleep where you are half sleeping and half woken up. You can see everything but you cant move your body by your will, you just cant do anything until it fades away. Thats why its called “paralysis”. Now to the scary part. Sleep paralysis has this kind of … scary thing… i dont really know how to explain it myself, but form what I have heard, there is this “person” in front of you in a mist, you cant see it clearly. Something like a ghost/demon or whatever. And trust me it IS terrifying because that whatever it is… is coming towards you. My friend said it was grabbing his head and right before the touch happened he finally broke free from the sleep paralysis. I still dont know the cause why people have sleep paralysis… and I hope im gonna avoid them in the future.
I just want you to know if something similiar happened to you I want you to be calm and not think about it for a while because none of that is actually “real”.

I had it ONCE, but thankfully I somehow managed to erase all of the memories of those horrifying stuff. I just remember I couldnt move my body and that I was in a half-sleep.
I hope I didnt scare you with this, but also I think you should know something like that exists.

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This isn’t wrong, but it’s not quite correct. While sleep paralysis is often accompanied by hallucinations, it’s certainly not always the case. Regardless, it’s pretty freaky even without hallucinations, especially if you don’t know what’s going on.

Although I’m hardly an expert on the topic, sleep paralysis can often be tied to lucid dreaming. Especially in the case of the WILD technique, where your mind is likely to still believe you’re awake in your bed, even when you’re actually sleeping. The best way to combat sleep paralysis is to stay calm if possible, but I think that unless you have expeience with lucid dreaming and are prepared to face sleep paralysis it’s unlikely you’ll be ready for it and you’ll probably end up freaking out. It feels like you’re awake, so normally your mind will just assume it’s real and that you can’t move for some reason.

Personally, I’ve experienced a few cases of sleep paralysis, but not a ton. For me, there were no hallucinations, and it was just an inability to move. It ain’t fun, that’s for sure.


Yup @LinkThinks is right on this one, Sleep paralysis does not guarantee hallucinations.

I had sleep paralysis where there were hallucinations (my most memorable one was *aliens!), and there were times that there were none.

Seriously it was so vivid that I thought I was abducted by aliens (that I was injected a paralysis serum or something, then taken to their ship and stuff, then just brought back to bed). I even thought of sharing it to the world and stuff - “Hey, I was abducted by aliens last night, I don’t know why! Help!”

Thankfully that idea did not materialize. I was like at 4th grade at the time, and as time went on and I got into lucid dreaming, I was able to realize the whole thing was sleep paralysis.

Or was it? dun dun dun


I had this dream several years ago. It starts out with me riding a dinosaur on the perimeter of a small island. I was holding this wooden club, chasing a tyrannosaurus. The bright blue sky and glistening ocean water are in my peripheral view. The dinosaur I was chasing turns around suddenly, causing the dinosaur I was riding to fall over. Now I’m falling into the ocean water… except the water gives way to nothing but blackness. I become aware of myself from a third-person perspective, but am still experiencing this in first-person. My body falling, forever. I try to say something, but can’t. I try to move my arms, but can’t. My body begins heating up, rapidly, and I feel that. Despite having feeling still, I can’t move at all.

Then I woke up. That’s probably the only “falling dream” I’ve had that I can recall.

I had this other weird dream after playing through Rewrite. (Rewrite pseudo spoiler / dream) I’m walking through a college campus. There are people all around. It comes to my attention that the landscaping was redone. A new tree has been planted with a type of berry in it. As it so happens, I’m hungry. Reaching out for a berry, my hand brushes against a leaf. I pull the berry down, with this strange sensation in my head… The leaf gave me information. A strange nostalgic feeling… Who cares? I ignore it, because I’m thirsty. I drink some water from a water fountain. Someone bumps into me, causing me to spit out the water I was drinking.

The person who ran into me is running. Why’s he running? A girl is with him, and they’re running together. Curious about this I run toward them. We keep running for quite awhile, until we reach a rural (almost steam-punk style) part of town. There’s hardly anybody here. Just a building made of rusty metal and rope, its structure difficult to describe. I catch up to the guy, but the girl is nowhere to be found. “Where is she?” “…” he turns to me without saying a word. His body turns to ashes, it seems like. From the strange building of rope and metal emerges an angry dog. It’s growling. Then it starts chasing me. Naturally… I run.

A house enters my view. There’s a bus outside of the house. Some friends I know are loading the bus with weapons. I head inside the house to do the same. Upon returning from inside the house, the bus is gone and only a few friends remain. They are no longer alive. The dog from earlier, somehow larger than before, is sitting still in front of the house. A girl, seemingly the one who was running earlier, steps over from behind the dog. “You’re the tree. You control this world.”

At that point I realized I was dreaming and woke up. (That seems to always happen just before I lucid dream…)

Okay, and one more (short) dream. This was the first and only time I’ve ever lucid dreamed. Let this serve as a cautionary tale.

I’m sitting in my lawn, by the sidewalk. Several men in McDonald’s suits show up with heavy weaponry. This war veteran shows up next to me. “I’ve got a 'nade, it’s alright.” He throws the grenade. Realizing that this is very unlikely to be happening, I make the connection that it’s a dream. So I stand up. “It’s a dream, I can do whatever I want!” And I grab the grenade. The soldier guy looks at me strangely. Then I realize that the grenade can blow up. And it blows up. Then I woke up, so shortly after assuming control.

So, don’t do something crazy right away, I guess.

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Last night…I dreamt about something scary…

As usual–I’m driving my car…And don’t know why…I’m driving in the edge of cliff----then…I fall down and drown into sea…I can’t get out or even open my car–it’s locked from inside automatic-----finally I awaken and my heart pounding so hard…

It’s rare for me to dream–but I often experiences “sudden falling sensation”…
I was waking up suddenly, because I feel my body going to fall from my bed…but apparantly it is just my imagination—because I’m still in the center of my bed. Have you experiences that sensation like that?

I just had a dream where I went to a granola factory and then at the end I wanted to buy a really huge chocolate flapjack but my £5 note was ripped in half so I couldn’t buy it :frowning:

@Ekalina Yeah I do and a lot… I think that is caused because you are stressed or something. But I sure do get that a lot.
@Bonecuss I had a similiar dream once. I know how it feels. brohug

ok, so I hadn’t actually planned to post about any of my dreams here, but something just happened with one that was so weird that I feel like I need to say something about it. About a month ago I started to have a recurring nightmare; or at least I would wake up from it as if it were a nightmare. The dream itself was actually pretty happy, it just always ended in the same spot, which was admittedly not a happy moment. After 2 or 3 times having the dream I figured it probably meant something and started to think about it, but after having it another few times I stopped having it, so I never really got to figure out specifically what it meant.
Now, I’ve been reading a new VN recently. It’s not exactly the best VN or anything, though it is pretty fun, but the weird thing is that the ending scene from the first main route is exactly the same thing that was happening in the dream I had. It’s not just the same events too; it happened in a similar room with the same number of people, each wearing very similar clothing, and the angle that I would see it from in the dream was basically the same angle that the CG shows the event happening from.

Granted, the 1 in 1,000,000 chance that it’s just a coincidence is still more likely than the idea that I might have seen into the future in one of my dreams, but I can’t shake this odd feeling right now.

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There’s also the possibility that your memory of the recurring dream has been manipulated by the scene you saw in the VN. “Oh this is just like my dream.” You convince yourself that it was the same, thereby manipulating your own memories. It’s a very common thing.

That said, if it was a vivid recurring dream, then your memory of it might be more resilient to change. It’s definitely more romantic to think that you had some kind of preternatural experience :stuck_out_tongue: