
I sometimes have dreams that involve meeting with anime characters haha.

But I think I feel the need to mention the one dream I have of watching the first episode of Rewrite no I’m not hyping

The rest is vague.

TFW something epic happens in your dream and you still fail after all that. XD

I can’t point out any memorable dreams I’ve had in the past few weeks (strange, I know, considering I post the most often here) but looking back through the previous dreams I posted, there’s some good memories here. The one where Shizuru died to save me still makes me cry… :cry:

EDIT (7/5/16) - Had my first vivid dream in months, and it seems like it’s back to basics with this one. I was playing a strange combination of the first Rayman game mixed with Mortal Kombat. It had a 2D adventure mode with ridiculous obstacles and a cool color palette, and a 3D versus mode with a lot of cheap, unblockable special moves. It looks pretty fun in action, but I imagine it wouldn’t be a very good game. XD

EDIT (7/15/16) - Last night’s dream was two-fold; not so much two separate dreams as they were two similar ideas moving in tandem, and switching back and forth between them at random points. First, it started out as an interactive adventure game with choices that led to a romantic subplot, but my choices led me away from the romance and thus I would get a bad ending.

The thing with the bad endings is that I would be thrown into a creepy hide-and-seek minigame with some climbing and platforming involved, where I had to find a certain cat and avoid a different cat. Because the cats all looked similar in the dark, this proved a difficult task at times, and more often than not I would be found by the cat I wasn’t supposed to find. Never in my life have I been so scared of a cat… ;>.>

Anyway, this cycle continued a couple more times, and I remember one scene specifically, where after making a couple different choices, I found myself waiting for my parents to come back from shopping. It was a cold and wet morning, and there was a thick dew all over the grass. I remember how it was making the concrete wet as well, to the point of building up into small puddles. I enjoyed this feeling of being out in this weather, so much so that I wanted to go for a walk with my siblings. When I asked, they ignored me, so I locked myself in the bathroom instead until my parents got back. When they did, the whole house suddenly became dark, and I knew I made a wrong decision along the way. Of course the cat I did not want to find found me, and by then I was ready to take on the romance scenario again. Too bad my parents woke me up. :frowning:

One more thing, I also saw a room-sized game console that used sticks of gum as cartridges. Pretty crazy stuff, if you ask me. :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT (7/20/16) - Last night’s dream was kind of a blur, but I remember quite a few things about it.

I remember the dream beginning with me arriving in a Wild West town square via carriage. I was talking with someone about a book that I remembered reading, but it was a different version published by a different author. When I found the book and tried to read it, parts of it were written in old English, with translation notes at the bottom.

I went outside to fetch something for my mother (she tends to pop up quite a few times in my dreams), and the outside looked like a cross between an abandoned warehouse’s exterior and a snowy Victorian London. People were eating fairly nice English breakfasts, but in my business, I unfortunately did not eat any of the food.

I also remember walking around a strange planet of ice and lava, kind of like the one from Super Mario Galaxy except less cartoonish. There was also a meeting I had to attend, and I had found a peanut butter cookie somewhere down the line, so I hid it in a basket full of magazines. During the meeting, I was helping someone play Jenga with Legos, and when I left the meeting, I found the cookie in the place I left it, only it was partially eaten.

The last thing I remember in the dream was the word kiryuu, written in red just like that. I don’t know if there’s any real meaning to all this, but I suppose it would be fun to find out. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Allow me to share what’s probably the craziest one yet in a while, and probably the one I should’ve seen coming for a while.

All the Planetarian stuff I’d done plastering Yumemi in places, and one night I actually end up dreaming I’m her in one of the weird misadventures I would write her in to friends.

For some reason it reminded me real strongly of this PSP game Coded Arms or some kind of really cyberpunk setting or something like that. I can only guess that was it because everything was, like, beige wherever it wasn’t red light making nonsense pseudo-Japanese symbols on shiny black screens, and there were unnecessary giant fans in my path that I ended up having to dodge as I followed some dude who was wearing matching body armor to the walls around him, and who was armed with the piddliest little pistol I’d ever seen. It was like being in a bad 3D game, everything that wasn’t me or humanoid in some way looked low-poly and badly textured.

And I could tell who I was because every time I looked down or around I got a whole load of skirt, flowing blue hair and ribbon, so I know who I was. Well, anyway, what ended up happening was I followed this idiot through a freaking obstacle course of stupid, unnecessary traps that would make the ship from Galaxy Quest blush, I get to the bottom and run into a load of people who look none too pleased to find a robot who clearly should have been shooed away roughly three electrified death traps (no, really) ago.

Luckily, I’m fluent in Yumemi, so I know a trick to escape this situation! My genius plan is to…assume a standing position and shut myself down. Uhhhh…I guess I thought playing dead or avoiding getting myself hurt right then and there ws better? I have no idea how that was supposed to work. Betcha if I kept dreaming I would’ve woken up strapped to an operating table or something!

I think I subverted the falling down dream that a lot of people were having in a dream:

So, in the dream I was able to kinda moon jump around the world (basically a normal city), but I could choose the height of the jump. So then at some point I jumped too high and thought, “if I stop rising, I’ll fall to my death”, so I kept on rising and rising till I woke up.

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I was gonna write here earlier… but I forgot a lot of details…

So anyways recently I’ve been having dreams that apparently share some similar elements… or something. As if they are smaller chapters in a bigger story. I’m waiting for the next arc in this dream story. So far I’ve had like two or three of these dreams and I kinda forgot what they were about but there’s one thing that they all share.

Apparently, me having a daughter is a canonical thing in this dream story. I estimate her to be ~5-6 years old. This is most likely because well… something Key related. Also I can’t for the life of me remember what her name was but I’m inclined to say Ushio. Anyways, in the most recent dream, I think I was in a first grade/kindergarten/whatever classroom I guess volunteering for the day and basically just hanging out with my daughter and apparently my brother’s son (again not real) and I forgot what happened. I’ll edit or add more if I have another dream like this.

I had a dream that I was in some kind of dystopian world where everything was A mixture of Steampunk and Sci-if laser weapons. I played the role of a boy and I was forced into some space war. It was a really neat dream.

@IkaCZ I know right!

No idea why but the image I got in my head when reading this was really nostalgic. It felt like I knew about this story, and then it made me really sad.
I probably had a similiar dream, other than that It kinda made me depressed, the realisation you have no other choice but to rise up… dayum bro I wish I could have given you a hug after you woke up.
@cjlim2007 that happened to me too few days ago. It was actually connected to CLANNAD because I was remembering all the scenes. It just makes me realise how nice and happy feeling it must be to have a family or something… Maybe you just wanted to have a family of yours of a sort and that desire turned into a dream (I guess).
@0_Yuki_0 sounds like a dream I would like to spend a lot of time in. It could make a good book yo!

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I just had a dream where I was like on stage at a student talent show at some school or something and so all the students were kinda spread out on stage and whoever volunteers and get the mic from the teacher and start doing whatever act. So anyways a few people went before me and then I asked the substitute teacher, “can I have the mic next?” And she was like, “no you fucking growth disordered retard.” And I was like lol what the fuck. Later on I did get that damn microphone and did some speech and then just left.

I had a crazy sort of two-parter that probably would’ve been a really annoying nightmare had it not been for a twist or two. Probaby influenced by what I happened to be listening to overnight.

Who here knows about the game show “Hellevator?” It’s a GSN-exclusive show that basically involves a team of three navigating spooky physical challenges one by one joined by a purportedly haunted elevator. It takes team psychological profiles into account to try to freak them out as much as possible, and I dreamt I was on an episode, backstage chatter and everything.

Now, that would’ve been pretty annoying as I probably wouldn’t have been very appreciative of just being spooked all night, but then I hear something that kind of changed the nature of what I might’ve gotten into for a moment. The crew had a short, interesting conversation about who wrote the episode, and indirectly what I was in for:

Nagisa Furukawa.

As it turned out, Nagisa was on her A-game. Instead of challenges linked by the spooky elevator, there was one house that seemed to be overrun by vegetation full of weird stuff and weapons with runes all over them. Old, supernatural forces that were merely toying with the contestants were the order of the day, and the ultimate goal appeared to be searching for and completing challenges in this house in the grip of…whatever it was controlling it…and that unlike on the actual show, where a single team sends solo members to complete challenges, there were two competing teams gunning for the prize money, and the catch was that it was framed so that one team would have to force the other to fail and be trapped in the house.

Adding to the complexity was that there appeared to be a completely different, neutral third team in the middle of all this, which I immediately started to grill for answers so I could arm myself with info in order to win. I really got into the role, and I think I was really super sharp. I slowly drifted awake mid-interrogation.

…then, I fell back asleep, and dreamt again. Ostensibly, I was traveling in the underground parking structure of this very fancy, large apartment building, when someone confronts me out of the blue, telling me to follow him. He used my name, which got my attention.

So I follow him to an elevator, and as it turns out, this building I’d decided to go to was the production office and the studio of the show! And I’ve been asked to be on yet another episode because apparently, I was an audience favorite.

This time, the elevator they were using was huge and fancy, leading into what looked like an opulent mansion or office building, something really art deco, and the rounds were framed around the instructions for some sort of curiosity that I think was meant to be revealed as an Eldritch horror.

Also, this time there were only three people: me and two other audience favorite contestants. Instead of the previous team structure, this time it was a free-for-all: only one of us was going to walk away, and I was gonna make sure it was me for the first challenge…which didn’t start by the time I woke up again.

…also, for the second “episode,” apparently the elevator worked on Wonkavator physics because it got us to the first challenge by violently firing itself sideways, hard enough for all three of us to whack into one of the side walls. Not a very good way to prime the contestants for showtime!

One dream that I always seem to consistently have is performing on stage. As a musician, the feeling of being up on stage with friends that you play music with is a feeling that can’t be forgotten.

In my dream, I walk up on stage, get on my place on the piano, and wait a few moments before we’re ready to play. The air is still. Then we begin. In my dream, I’m performing, but I’ve always wondered what it’s like to be on the other side of the stage, so somehow I’m both the performer in the band and the face in the audience.

Lately though, I guess my dreams have started to reflect my real life. I’m the only performer. I’m the only ear in the crowd.

And life continues.

I had a dream where Maeda went into hiding for some reason I don’t remember. Authorities found him hiding out in the back of a shave ice shop, where he’d built a secret Saya shrine.


Okay, lately I combined two weird things together…
Got chased by Moge-ko from the game Mogeko Castle and then had to defend myself in a danmaku battle for some reason. In that defending part I had top down vision on myself for some reason. I don’t even quite know why my brain made that connection, because I played neither of the two components on the day before I had that dream.

Okay, I get weird dreams a lot, but the one I had over a month ago stuck to me so strongly because it’s fREAKING ORANGE. AS IN, MANGA/ANIME ORANGE. Y’now how Kakeru died in the future where the letter came from? Well what happened is that, his group of friends attempted to bring him back to life and they started out by literally digging his grave. Never saw (in the dream) how the attempt went. In hindsight, this makes little sense considering how funeral commonly works in Japan. Doesn’t make this dream any less creepy. :stuck_out_tongue:

I had a dream where @Bonecuss replaced the texture of the Lava in Lava Reef Zone of S3&K with a texture of @IkaCZ’s face.


Okay, last night I dreamed being at my old school for lunch, also met some of my former class mates, and @EisenKoubu was also there for some reason. Not knowing how he looks, my mind represented him with his avatar, though. Then, we were all looking at some posts online, and one was asking for a test. One of my classmates then said “Tomoya asking for a test? That’s kinda unusual.” The eating room was also kinda interesting in the sense that there wasn’t a central place to get your food, as is usually the case at cafeterias, but rather several different places scattered around the room. And as we were about to eat, my alarm went of.


OK, I just had one of the best dreams in my life, but before explaining, let me put you in context. Yesterday I’d been looking for a piano teacher to take classes, so I had that around my mind. Also, there’ll be a manga convention in Barcelona in a month (although anime and videogames get shoved in that convention). I also tend to go to sleep while listening to music from my iPod, and more often than not, I end up falling asleep with the music still on. This time, I had it on a KEY playlist which included pretty much all of the GirlDeMo songs.

Also, another reason why I found this dream amazing is because while I was dreaming, I was fully aware that it was a dream but at the same time I could feel everything within the dream as something completely real.

So without further ado, this is my dream:

It’s 6am in the morning, I get up and send a text to my friends to tell them that I’m on my way to the convention, that I’d be by KEY’s booth if they wanted to meet. So I got to the train and got to the convention at 7:30, just perfect since they’d be opening at 8am and I had to be ready for when the regular visitors started coming. I go to the KEY booth and meet up with GirlDeMo (yup, I was the pianist of the band). We were supposed to play some music by the KEY booth to attract visitors, so we mainly played KEY repertoire. Iwasawa had both her voice and Lia’s voice depending on the song we played. Also, during breaks, I’d play piano solos and I found it very interesting that I played hope, a song I’m struggling a lot to properly play with my hands coordinated, but in the dream I played the exact same notes I was supposed to play correctly.

So we played for quite a while. KEY’s booth was announcing both Harmonia and the upcoming Little Busters!, as well as Angel Beats 2nd Beat and an anime adaptation of 1st Beat. Here it was very weird and don’t know what exactly happened, but there was a lot of controversy because the GirlDeMo were just beside the KEY booth but they also appeared in game and many people kept asking about it.

Then, there was an autographing session, with Jun Maeda and Na-Ga. Hinoue showed up later saying that KEY was going to fail and that they should get “his” (because in my dream she was a male) autograph. After a while, some of my friends showed up and also asked how the fuck the Angel Beats! GirlDeMo existed and I played with them.

Finally, @Aspirety showed up with his Little Busters! jumper, mask the Saito’s mask and a baseball bat and started doing crazy stuff until security showed him the way out. With him, came @Pepe who was wearing a detectivesque outfit and claimed to be doing investigation and press work to get more info from KEY for the blog. He also stood there for a while listening to us.

Overall, a really enjoyable dream, if we consider that everything was very detailed and I had the feeling that I truly was there, even though I was fully aware that I was dreaming.

The dream ended as we were taking all the instruments to a van and we were planning to go have dinner at a Japanese restaurant I love.


What a rambunctious hooligan this Aspirety character in your dream is.


Well, you know, somehow that’s the image my subconscious has of you. The Aspi memes had to make effect at some point.


I had a dream that SiIvagunner released a song after “the nutshack theme but the first nutshack is replaced with me ending the channel.” I checked again when I woke up and no new songs still.


A dream come true