Charlotte - Episode 7 "The End of the Exodus"

Discussion topic for Episode 7 of Charlotte, which premièred on the 15th of August, 2015. All references to outside works and to future episodes must be tagged with a [spoiler] tag.

This topic also hosted Charlotte Anime Bookclub discussion, and was referenced in our Episode 7 Podcast.

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I’m not sure if this was the best episode we’ve had thus far, or the worst.

At the very least it was very Clannad. Which is something I suppose.

And Nao is still Nao-ing. Which is important no matter what.


Just amazing. Perfectly well pictured, the pain of losing the most important thing in your life and how you fall down because of it only for then somebody to appear to save you from doing that one thing, that cant be undone. Good job Maeda.


I definitely didn’t expect this. I knew it was Key, but…so soon…

I was deeply disturbed by what he did, which was perfect. Definitely seemed just like our MC to do that. And then that last scene was touching.

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Wonderful. Yuu being Yuu, Nao being Nao, at their best and worst. Kinda wish it didn’t resolve itself that quickly, but oh well, this works too.

Unexpected Yumi-chan cameo O.o I half expected Yuu to just confess his actions in anger, but nope. Makes me wonder if those cameos are something we’ll see more often, or if the whole thing with her ever gets further resolution.


Well this certainly was something…
Very understandable what Yuu went through there, and nice scene at the end with Naonao
I’m curious to see where it will go from here and how it all impacts the rest of the story

And a little +1 Bonus for Yuu watching Angel Beats


Yeah, same here. I think the feels in the last scene would’ve been a ton stronger if this had been stretched out longer, or enhanced more. The surprise twist of “I was with you the whole time” was rather sudden. Still neat, but it didn’t have the impact it could have. Not to mention the emotional pain and angst didn’t build up much in just one episode. But, at the same time, I wouldn’t want this to become stretched out. There’s only so much of “imma shank you cause i’m evil” that I can take.

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On that note though that twist was well-played. I totally didn’t see it coming even though I really should’ve.

lol, same here. I thought she might follow him, or something, since she has that power, but I didn’t expect it the whole time. I wonder if there was foreshadowing besides the “extra salad”? Maybe some of the thugs saw her or glanced at her? I dunno. Though I wish it were something delayed. Some of the best VN twists are awesome because the entire novel led up to it.

And a little +1 Bonus for Yuu watching Angel Beats

That made me laugh. It’d be even funnier if he started crying b/c of it. Shameless Maeda self-promotion.

Yea, I half expected that actually, that’d have been such a nice touch

Showing the complete collateral damage of a tragedy and how it gets resolved within a single 24 minute episode, that’s quite something. Well, if anyone could pull that off it had to be Key.

Pizza Sauce . . . first introducing an item just as a little gag for each episode and now that; Really well done.

So well done that it’s one of those episodes that can be hated and loved at the same time.

The Crunchyroll site had tons of comments about the Angel Beats! reference, more so than the sudden death in the beginning. If Maeda sprinkled even a few seconds of AB! music, I think all the fans would’ve died.

I feel like the length of it was perfect. Any longer would have made it feel dragged out in my opinion. He wasnt doing much and I dont think there was much else he could have done besides that and he got stopped at the right time.


On the length of the parts, I think it was fine, but would have been slightly better if they made the “going around punching people” part a minute or two shorter and added that time to the Omelette scene

I don’t think the part that was lacking was his outward actions, but rather his internal struggle. There’s so much richness to what had happened in his heart during this episode: the struggle with despair, with loss, with self-hatred, with wrath, with pride, all healed by a surge of overflowing, powerful love. A beautiful theme, for sure; that’s why (AB! episode 10)the scene with Yui was really powerful for me; the message of deep, absolute love healing her wounds was beautiful. In fact, the most beautiful human stories tend to center on love.

Maeda did a good job touching on that struggle and love in this episode, and I’m certain this theme will continue to build and collapse and bring about an even greater twist by the end of the season. It’s just that this “mini-twist” wasn’t as powerful as it could have been. Perhaps that’s a good thing, since it’ll set up for a larger despair and twist and love later on. He is constrained by number of episodes, after all.

After putting more thought into it, I have come to the conclusion that this episode was pretty much indulgent trash. Like it’s the same ‘kill off a girl for protag’s development’ that we’ve seen alot in Key. Except added onto that we have someone going out of their way to needlessly coddle some wanker as he delves into self indulgent bleghness.

There’s value in what could have been explored here. And it isn’t like there wasn’t anything at all kinda rad about this episode. But I feel the radness of this episode is me trying to force good stuff into it, when the vast majority of it was just trash.

Though Nao’s still rad, and I did enjoy alot of the shot comps and palettes used in this episode. So it’s got that going for it. Also the humour at the start with Yusa was god awful. Like it wasn’t even like NHK level of ebbing and flowing of melancholy, it was just abrupt, meaningless, and out of nowhere.

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Yeah I definitely agree with that, it broke my immersion. The show is at a sad part, it felt so sudden to make a joke like that. I was more expecting Jojirou to be really empathetic and serious for the entire scene. There were missed opportunities to have more development and make Jojirou (and potentially Yusa) feel more like proper worrying friends.

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The part in the beginning with that one girl who came by was heartbreaking. What a kind girl.

“Revenge of the Pizza sauce” is pretty true for this episode.

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