Charlotte - Episode 7 "The End of the Exodus"

I’ll let you guys talk about the neatly made depiction of his depression and focus on a few things.

OH BOY, when Yu was mocking the shit out of the dudes he beat, that was soooooooo NaoNao, his tone and the way he delivered the lines, that was neat.

NaoNao addressed my complaint last episode of being indirect about Ayumi and said she was wrong to do so, so that helps support that it was because of who Ayumi was that NaoNao acted dumb, which helps support that it wasn’t just bad writing.

THE SALAD OF SUBTLY RETURNS ONCE AGAIN. This time to give the viewer a tiny hint that NaoNao was there.

NaoNao still being quite a oddball though, stalking Yu for so long, literally just sitting in his house doing nothing(aside from going though his kitchen I guess), either she has a real care for her friends or Yu’s ‘true power’ is just that valuable to him.
She knew where he was, she could have had him taken in, but she choose to wait for the moment and try and get him back on her side.


I’ve been kind of making giggles about ‘it really is a personality disorder and the only power there is Pyromancy’.
And then ‘Misa’ just said ‘I thought I knew the pain of losing a sister more than the average person’.
S U S P I C I O U S.
‘Yusa’ also went for ‘how did it go’ instead of ‘eeeeeh nani’ after coming back which shows she had a clear idea that ‘Misa’ had taken over.

what a ‘badgered into this by the school because they have no actual idea what Yu wants and still held enough respect for him to give forcing her views on him an honest go’ girl*


Totally cried at the Omurice scene. ;~;

It was scary watching Yuu go off the rails like that… very tense and gripping indeed. I feel so drained after watching this episode. It was a real rollercoaster of emotions.

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Oh. The school sent her there? Totally missed that part. Never mind; I guess that’s not as commendable. For some reason, I thought she had gone to see him of her own will b/c she heard about it, and asked the dorm attendant to let her in so she could check on him.

The school(Or even some other fraction) clearly had interest in getting him out of the room since they sent some burly guys right before his escape.

Using her was likely plan A before resorting to just forcing him with the guys.
Why they went for her and not Team Student Council is up for question, but it’s possible NaoNao rejected them, since she clearly had her own plans for Yu, or may even not trust whatever they wanted with him.

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Ok I now believe that Ayumi isn’t dead but secretly being experimented on by The Evil Scientists™ after @May pointed that out on twitter and feel sad about that now :frowning:
It does sound way too plausible, and a “rescue Ayumi” plot has the potential to involve the mysterious 3rd sibling somehow, with them being held in a lab somewhere, or maybe they find some sort of clue, I dunno


That certainly would be an incredible setting for an even bigger emotional bashing for our poor MC. I think I recall a tagline mentioning he might lose something he cared about b/c of his choice. Also, we heard about him needing to pay back a debt he owed her, right? IIRC, we haven’t heard what that debt is, so that’ll probably play a part.

This is irrelevant, and not at all going to happen; but if Ayumi did really die (or will die, at the end of the season or something), it’d be a neat thing to see her waking up at the Angel Beats! school. Just a hint at the kind of emotional adventure she’d go on next :smiley:

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Minus the awful Takamatsu running gag at the start, the writing was there for this one. Spot on. The directing I feel dropped some, the sharp turns from scene to scene felt weird- Me being unsure if they wanted it to feel broken up or not. But this episode is of course pivotal because we had to bring back Yu from an inevitable state. Much like (Little Busters: Refrain) the end of Rin 2 being blasted through in the anime, I feel like this was an acceptable place to not be too sharp on flow, graying the lines between scenes in Yu just ‘existing’ in place for some more subtle writing and environmental quirks. Good episode.


Oh and

Just ignore TK vs Matsushita, but look on the left.



WOAH. Totally missed that! That’s awesome.

I loved this episode :slight_smile: I mean, yes, it’s not the best episode so far, but it still showed development and the direction that a person like Yu, would choose when he lost a loved one. Though I still don’t believe Ayumi died. We didn’t get a glimpse at her body, for all we know, the bones could be fake

But, the NaoxYu ship :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: THE SHIP IS REAL

And, not to mention the CLANNAD and Angel Beats! reference :joy::joy::joy:

This was quite the episode, however even though some fascinating things happened it resolved so quickly and perfectly that I don’t see it impacting the future of the plot very much, from the sound of it Yuu will go back to the student council and the show will continue as if nothing happened. but while the plot may not be affected much I think it was very important for character development, Yuu became a much stronger character at the end and the bond between he and Nao grew quite a lot.

In terms of Ayumi not being dead I think that’s a very good theory, and her being kidnapped by scientists would certainly give the show the direction that it needs, because even now it still doesn’t have a certain goal.

Man this episode was sooo good can’t wait for more, I was really wondering what was going to happen to Yuu, I had a feeling tomori was going to pop up at the right time because she didn’t come with Yusa and Takajou the first visit. This episode really made me like tomori alot more too.

True, I feel like we’re taking their powers for granted and not realizing what they could help with in terms of the story direction.

Also, here’s the other obvious Angel beats reference if someone didn’t see

I think it was the best, but it’s a lot of bad. It did some key things correctly (no pun intended) though, so it gets some praise.

There was someone outside his booth at one point.

There’s a guy on reddit who, weeks and weeks ago, wrote up Yuu’s exact reaction to the Pizza sauce. Pretty hilarious to notice the similarities.

I enjoyed the randomly stab people stuff. The long scenes of Yuu laughing madly for no justifiable reason could have been cut down for sure though.

“Kill off a girl with barely any development for the protag to start getting development” more like. It was fun to see Yuu crazy, but… I don’t care about him enough to actually feel any depth to it. I don’t know any of the characters apart from maybe Nao. Thankfully she got some decent scenes.
The episode is great in comparison to what Charlotte was, but I was hoping for something of a higher quality… Maybe we’ll get there eventually. At least it still has promise at this point unlike SnM.

It did bring something to question though for me. I don’t know if it’s how the translation was worded, or if the implications were in the original Japanese dialogue, but… Is Misa actually the dead Misa? Do we know that it’s not just Yusa trying to become her memories of her sister? Like… To me it feels like her power isn’t channelling the dead, but becoming the person she idolizes.

Eh, it feels like an excuse to me. They just acknowledged the lazy writing… We don’t know Nao well enough to say, but I feel like she wouldn’t be that stupid… Especially with the brother-sister thing going on.

Oh, someone else noticed! That scene was definitely telling.

I thought that debt was that she took care of him every single day and he rarely if ever expressed gratitude ._.

What Clannad references were there? o.o


Yeah. There was definitely something odd in her dialogue, but it could just be Crunchyroll being Crunchyroll. Would fit in with the weirdness with Yuu I suppose. Noone really understands their own powers would make sense.

At least one of the shots in this episode was very very very similar to one of the background’s of Clannad. The main street of Clannad in fact. Whether that’s intentional or not, I’m unsure. The rest was more inline with the tone and ideas of Clannad than outright referencing though.

Well, not entirely what @Aegair said. I know it’s a common thing to eat in Japan, but the Dango references.

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Holy crap, that was amazing! Key is showing off their skills with feels and they deliver!

Policeman walked in right after Yuu woke up - What the heck, man? How could they let you in so soon??

Woman in black clothes “consoling” Yuu - Whoa, that’s cold. Ice cold. And who are you anyway? (probably an aunt or something)

Yumi came for a visit - Unexpected. She’s such a good person.

Nao never showed up - Figures. She’s bound to feel guilty, unable to face Yuu.

Dealing with men in black suits - Whoa, Yuu is back to being badass. Sadness doesn’t seem to weaken him in that department at all.

Yuu watching Angel Beats! - Angel Beats! Blatant reference, but I like it a lot!

Free salad to go with the Pizza. - Yup, Nao already tracked him down

Yuu playing videogames - Yuu’s “collapse” is going into phase 2

Picking a fight with delinquents - I thought the blonde guy is going to be a relevant character. Just a hunch. (In retrospect, I guess I was mistaken)

Mocking delinquents, provoking them -

Yuu wounding his opponents - This is pretty brutal by Key’s standard. Most brutal Key prota- … oh wait, no

Beating up group after group, getting drunk on victory - “collapse” phase 3. Too flashy. Scientists gonna show up soon if he keeps this up.

Found drugs - oh shi-

Enter Nao - About damn time she showed up! Hurray!

“When did you-” “The whole time” - Wait, what? Not just after the escape? Even back in his room? It’s only then that I remembered that Nao can make herself invisible.

“For starters, how about a decent meal?” - Weird method, but I’m not really surprised. But not everyone loves food as much as she does…

“Just one bite”, then she won’t bother him again - That’s a huge gamble. How is she planning on convincing him before he takes just one bite?

Nao making her way to the kitchen - Wait, I know what she’s gonna make. She’s literally betting on the food! But it’ll work!

It really has been a while since I’ve enjoyed an anime episode this much.
On a side note, Key is underestimating the severety of traumatic experiences again. Yuu was cured too fast. But I guess it’s ok this time.


I loved the episode. It described realistically the pain someone feels when experiencing death of a loved one. As I watched Yuu, I immediately remembered how I felt when I lost my grandmother (the desire to be locked from the outside world, the weakness, the desire to hurt other people and feel powerful…)

And I think it wasn’t resolved quickly or in an unnatural way, like some people said. He didn’t just forget what he was feeling. He just accepted to go back.

Each episode since episode 5 has been the best episode week by week, this one is no exception imo.

First of all.
I knew that he wasn’t going to go School, but i have never expected that the Maiden Girl could have come and Yuu could become…insane (in da brain) i just though he could become a cave man in his house lol.
I really like how they didn’t take the sister away from the opening
, that could really be too much for me to handle.
Now let’s get to the cute things (Yuu’s Feelings) Yuu x Nao incoming? I mean , just look at his smile at the end, we have never saw such a smile coming from Yuu for someone who wasn’t her sister

Lastly,I really liked this episode, it shows the pain of losing someone close to you , lose someone who loved you.
This was a really powerful and amazing episode, I can’t wait for episode 8, also, i think 1 week won’t be much since there was no cliff hanger (so happy) i can be happy and not think what’s going to happen in ep 8 every second like for ep 7 lol.

One more thing, isn’t the name of this episode “The end of the Exodus” ?

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I have to say, I appreciate the ending of episode six now. Having this episode in mind, it makes a lot more sense to me.

As for the Yusa/Joujirou stuff that people are complaining about: remember, they know that Nao is in there with him. Trusting Nao, of course they wouldnt find it necessary to stay 100% serious the whole time, especially since they probably needed to lighten the mood a bit for themselves.

This has absolutely been the best episode yet. Without thinking too critically yet, my only complaint is that, while yes, this episode obviously cover several days, maybe even weeks, I was kinda disappointed when it was wrapped up so quickly.

Last episode I was upset I had to wait a week because I somewhat disappointed and felt like something was missing. This episode I am upset that I have to wait another week because I loved it so much.