In preparation for Episode 13, I am rewatching the entire show (or rather, select episodes as recommended to me by @Pepe to skip all the filler) to see how I feel about the series in general, as well as to catch up with any plot details I might have missed.
I have said it before, and I will say it again: Episode 1 is a terrible start to the series. It’s not a completely unsalvageable episode, but in comparison to other Key works, this is at the bottom of the list for me. I am a big fan of Yuu’s egotistic character and his antics throughout the first half, but I am not a fan of Nao’s nosy, cold personality. Under the context of later episodes, I can understand why she has to act this way, but she could have done it in a less offensive way. Forgive me for faulting a character based on character flaws, but I just don’t like Nao as a character. I don’t understand why people find her enjoyable at all, especially since we’re placed in Yuu’s point of view.
Our introduction to Ayumi later in the episode is enjoyable as well, although for some reason I don’t feel completely entranced by her moe complexion. She feels like an expy of Kud with sprinkles of Fuko and Ayu mixed in, only without any of the charm either of those characters have. It feels weird to say that she doesn’t give me the same feeling I get with other lolis. She feels like a legitimate moeblob without any defining character traits beyond being cute. And don’t get me started on the fact that she befriends Nao, of all people… >.>
I know things get better, but this episode could have been so much more.