What are your plans for valentines day?

Well as you all know that dread holiday we all hate or love is around the corner and I just wanted to see what your plans are.

Spending time with my waifu.


It’s actually my birthday, and romance isn’t really on my mind. Being in training for the priesthood and all. I don’t know if it’s irony, but it’s certainly a strange collection of things. A day celebrating the martyrdom of St. Valentine with the modern connotation of the blossoming of romantic love, which happens to be the birthday of a man pledged to become a celibate priest…

Well, it falls on a Sunday, so I’ll probably spend it going to Mass and then practice piano while it (likely) rains outside. And then WWII RTS games.

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Valentines Day is actually the anniversary of Kazamatsuri, so… Celebrating with the Kazamatsuri crew of course!


…this topic reminds me that I need to make more concrete plans for valentine’s day

Much like @Pik3rob, I will be spending it with my waifu~

I figure I’d take this time to whip out my cooking skills and prepare something for her, if I have the chance!

…It’s sure gonna suck when I actually have a girlfriend who wants to spend time with me on valentine’s day…


We’ll just party on the day before valentines instead every year!

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Tbh I finished rewrite 100% on the valentines day so I’ll be celebrating the anniversary of finishing rewrite, and also the anniversary of Kazamatsuri.

spending the day with my true love

dragons dogma

I have only one thing to said to everyone who need to date someone on valentine day.
“May fortune be with you.”

@Pepe and @Pik3rob and @Rabla Good for you…
@Bonecuss Nice
@Hustler_One I hope so…

Plans on valentines day? Besides trying to do something special for Kazaversary Ill be mostly spending my day with Kaza people :p.
Need to get my suit, vine and sexy candles as last year.


Why does everyone have a relationship and not me…?

I’ll just be chilling out with my Kyousuke dakimakura.


I’m going to listen to some love songs, participate in the Kazaversary and study for an upcoming Discrete Math test

I’ll be working all day, and then I’ll probably spend some time with my girlfriend. maybe watch a movie or something. We have some anime to catch up on too. Mostly enjoy time with her. I’ll also reserve a spot for Kazaversary though. Let’s celebrate~:sparkles:


Even though I have a girlfriend I’m probably not going to be doing much for Valentine’s day. I would like to, but for some reason my girlfriend hates it…She does like all the leftover candy on February 15th (real sweet tooth).

So yeah, sign me up for the Kazaversary and spending quality time with my waifu.


And never forget kids, February the 15th is the best day to buy chocolate. The discounts are just too good to say no.

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Too fat to find a valentine > Depression > Buy leftover chocolate on the 15th > Too fat to find a valentine next year.


Maybe drawing Kyoumari fanart like past years…or maybe another key otp…who knows…

I have some Idea~ If you all have some request just say it…I’ll choose the most interesting one…I’m on holiday mood right now…and nothing to do…

I bought many watercolor sketchbook and draw random thing to practice my skill…