What are your plans for valentines day?

This is a very boring request but… Nagisa x Tomoya~ Because I just finished the route and I am gushiiiing over their relationship~

It would go really well in the bookclub, too~ <3


I’m currently in a LDR so we might watch a movie together online, otherwise I’m in the same boat as most of you (study and buy leftover chocolate haha).


Im on the no love boat XD

No love boat is something better than to be on the board with a person that is not worth it.
Look at it differentely. At least this way you have some time for yourself I guess :stuck_out_tongue:

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I had 10 years time for myself…your point being?

It will be a day of great celebration and revelry that will probably involve me waking up and then doing stuff, and then there will be more stuff later on that may or may not involve the consumption of food materials, and finally I will probably wrap it all up late that night to prepare for work the next morning that will involve sleeping somewhere, like a bed or a couch or something.

@Bowiie That was an impressive way to tell us nothing.

I was going to watch my favourite romance anime Kanon (2006) but I watched it kind of earlier than expected. So instead I am currently amassing a stockpile of romance anime that I am going to try and watch ( although I might re-watch Kanon again anyway ).

By myself of course!

Yeah like me eating ice cream and trying to resit the urge to cry myself to sleep.

My plans include going to work and watching a bunch of couples have a Valentine’s Day frozen yogurt date, then bringing some of that yogurt home and eating it while sitting next to my Komari dakimakura.

So basically a typical day, I guess. Maybe I should get in on this anniversary stuff.


Would like to buy one of those but my parents say I already have too much stuff under my bed.