Username Origins

I saw a fake name like this in the credits of a bad vhs movie on a RedLetterMadia video once so I stole it. That simple


Depending on the Kanji used, Tsukishiro can mean White Moon or Lunar Castle. Either way, it presents an image of phantasmagorical and dream-like beauty that I find captivating. I’ve always had a proclivity towards words or descriptions that present a sense of wonder like this one.

It’s also the name of a character in one of the first anime I ever watched. Back then, I just thought the name was cool, but the meanings that I learned later were what left a strong impression on me.


This bad boy right here:


The name ‘MagusVerborum’ is Latin for ‘Magician of Words’. I spent a good month coming back to my Latin teacher in high school to make sure I was getting the grammar right, and honestly? I’m pretty happy with it. A latin name is a little pretentious sometimes but it’s always nice when some either a) gets the reference or b) understands the Latin. I’ve had a surprising number of conversations about the nuances of the Latin grammatical system online because of it (like 3!). :stuck_out_tongue:

But why would I choose to relate to Maebara Keiichi you may ask? Well then, perhaps you should go read Higurashi and find out! As the Word Magician and Pervert King that he is, he has stolen my heart over and over in his quest to look out for those closest to him~

There may be a little more to it than this, let’s just say i have fun rolling words around in my brain and leave it at that. Personal tick, nothing to worry about. :yahaha:


"Homo sum humani a me nihil alienum puto ":smart:

TBH it didn’t dawn on me that you took your username from Latin until you just pointed it out!

Reckon my username is pretty easy to figure out…

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I should also add that i used to go by the username “Snowshark” because of a particularly embarrassing school photo where, let’s face it, I looked like a pudgy shark. It was awful, let us never speak of it again.

“Atqui, e lotio est.”

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That’s taking the piss :uguu:

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First name, and the numbers come from copying my big sis. Back when we were kids and she made accounts for games like toontown, pirates of the Caribbean online, and runescape she’d add 9s and 5s at the end of her usernames so it’d be insertname95. When I finally had to make my own username for online sites I took inspiration from her names for the numbers.


As I mentioned in my introduction post, my Kaza name is MKL, which stands for Mami Kawada Lover. Another handle of mine is madokakaname03 (03 coming from October 3, Madoka Kaname’s birthday), a name I simply chose at random simply because I like PMMM.

As for Mami Kawada Lover, I first used that name on 4chan. Originally the name was a joke and I didn’t intend to use it on a long-term basis, but almost five years after I began using it, I’ve gotten so used to it I never bothered adopting another handle. The original intention was to “promote” Mami Kawada on 4chan. The username itself is loosely inspired by an online friend of mine who goes by the handle kawadaholic; he and I are part of an I’ve Sound circle of fans. Lately I’ve been using Konomi Suzuki Lover as a secondary alias (such as on the Kaza Discord) since I’ve been more into Konomi than Mami lately.


It’s just my middle name.


My username comes from Kotomi Ichinose, 7 is my favorite number, and 95 represents the year I was born which is 1995.


Mine ain’t as deep and meaningful buut…

Prototype sounded cool to my 10yo self, OEZ are my name initials, slap em together badabing badaboom


I originally learned of the name “Kai” in a German class, but learned the name also was a Hawaiian name for “sea”. We were required to use a German nickname in the class, and since that was similar to my real first name (Kyle), I picked it and pretty much stuck with it.

My scrawny ass is certainly no type of warrior though.

“Liang” is a representation of “beam” or “bridge” which made some sense back then since I was at least somewhat popular in high school and always had a fascination with psychology and human biology/interaction and seeing connections between things and events. It’s also the last name of one of the main characters of the biggest video games series in history (Dynasty Warriors) that I happened to really like and still do today. The name fit, but the first letter was changed because it felt more personal and sounded better that way.

Years later, the two were put together and here it is today.

All this said, there has been some serious consideration of a new name in the past few weeks but it’s not certain where it is going to start and what will come up it…yet.


I just put three hiragana together, turns out it is kind of vegetable from a country I am not familiar with, also someone at the exact same time also came up with the same name despite neither of us knowing eachother and is friends with me on Osu. That’s about it w


Mine is a simple one; My Arabic name, Muhannad, means the finest of the Indian swords. Add that to the fact that I love Kotori and you get this.

JK I was an emo edgelord back in middleschool and RyuuTamotsu was the only name to satisfy my chuunibyou
It mean dragon protector btw


That may have been edgy way back when but it sounds super soft now


Mine is from Bernkastel…


the character and…

the town, Bernkastel-Kues

which both have significance for me in many ways!

I added “elle” suffix or the French “she” to match my old twitter handle, which I just created because “Bernkastel” was taken. :sweat_smile:


When I was around 14-15, I was playing this mobile game Strategery a lot. I played multiplayer and was really good. Alongside this I realized I had a strong interest for strategy games overall because I played a lot of this on Steam and generally. So around that time sometime I started using Strategist as a username for my accounts and now it’s my signature username :blush: :sunglasses: :heart:


I am AustinDoujin, the Keeper of Doujins. Ironically I didn’t choose this name because of my love for doujins. I didn’t become a doujin master until much much later. I was just a humble doujin reader with way too much saved on my computer. One day, I was hanging out with a friend of mine and he stumbles upon the doujin folder on my laptop. Because Doujin sounds like my actual last name, he says to me “I’m gonna have to call you Austin Doujin from now on!” He never did call me it though.

Several months later, I was about to start using the social side of an anime site called Kitsu. I made my account with my Facebook so it was using my real name as the user name, and I needed to change that. On a whim, I decided to use AustinDoujin as an inside joke between me and that friend who also uses Kitsu. The name stuck, and I don’t think I will part with it for a long, long time.


Well, my username is not too unique. But anyway, “Sonic” comes from most of the Sonic classic games I played in the past as a child and he’s always been my favorite video game characters. He’s an inspiration to me as he always try to help his friends and cheer people up. And as growing up, Sonic SATAM (the image shown here) is one of my most favorite cartoons in the 90’s that I particularly enjoyed the most. He’s kinda like me tho since I try to say positive things to people and inspire others to do their best.


As for the number “11”, it’s an unique number for me as well as an unlucky number of mine. :yahaha: It was probably the most significant age for me as far as I can remember although I didn’t have the best childhood back then. And as “2003”, that was the year I graduated from high school and also when I first got into anime. And that really took things quite a turn in my life and how I first discovered many anime I watched since that time until now. I don’t ever regret it and it will always be one of my favorite hobbies. Anyway, that’s about it for my name. I would’ve mentioned this when I first came on Kazamatsuri but now seemed like a good time to reveal about it. Thanks for reading!


My name: Evan -> FLIP : Nave -> Didn’t like it, got rid of the “e” : Nav.
I forget exactly WHY I did this, since I usually just use my real name.

It’s fun reading how all these interesting names came to be.

If any of you know the artist VOFAN (Monogatari series), he was a fan of some game that abbreved to “VO”( I don’t remember exactly which game), so he just put VO-Fan, or later VOFAN, as his pseudonym.