Tomoyo After Quotes & Screenshots

Use this thread to share your favourite quotes and screenshots from Tomoyo After, and help make this topic the definitive collection of Tomoyo After quotes! You can post screenshots or text. Only rule is to avoid catch phrases like “Uguu”; they’ll be considered spam and you’ll be punished. As a guideline, try to keep the thread in a healthy balance of funny and serious quotes, without drifting too far in one direction. If you come up with a really good quote, I might even include it on the Tomoyo After information page on the main site! I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Anything from the series can be posted without spoiler tags. Since we will be posting direct quotations of dialogue stated in the series, please note that there can and will be spoilers in this topic.

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There’s the titular quote “Let’s go look for the treasure of life!”

“We never knew the world was so beautiful”

I’ll have to go back through and get quotes word-for-word~

“Use your socks”

If possible I’d like to look for a quote that isn’t just a promotional tagline or something. A quote not everyone would remember, but still provides a great introduction to the story.

One of my favorite quotes from TA:

“I had always thought that the day after yesterday would be today. But I guess in this world that is not always the case” - Tomoya Okazaki

As people who have played the game could probably tell, it comes from a fairly spoilerific time, but I still think it’s a pretty good quote.

the other one I have comes from the D&T secret ending:

“The demon, having lost its master, ravaged the battlefield over and over in revenge, leaving almost no one alive. However, after it had placed his weapon and armor next to the tomb honoring Tomoya’s achievements, it is said that the demon disappeared. Even though the magical power has faded, but the star-shaped armor is still there even now” - History book

that’s exactly as it appears in the full patch btw, grammatical errors included.

Not bad. Keep them coming guys!

If you omit the comedy sections, every moment of that VN is spoilerific.

A few more I came across while skipping through the VN and stopping at comedy scenes to pick up a quote or two:

“are we gonna reflect on what we’ve done?” - Takafumi
“everything’s your fault. End of story.” - Tomoya

while trying to see who can lie the best to Tomo:

“What are those people doing on the sun?” - Tomo
“Living a normal life. However because its so very hot out there, everyone is wearing a Hawaiian shirt.” - Takafumi

or just some completely normal daily dialogue that you would totally see every day in your normal life:

“Sorry… but I’m going to snatch away your ice cream and devour it.” - Tomoya

Going to make an effort to skim today and find a few quotes from Tomoyo After.

This entire stretch of Epilogue I love, but it’s wayyyyy too long to add all of it. :stuck_out_tongue:

So I want to find people who are lost, as I was before
and help them now.
So if you keep walking
I have fulfilled my purpose.
And if you’re able to find it,
please help others find it too.
You will not hesitate when the time comes
You will already know the meaning of life
What your treasure may be
and how you can obtain it
is something that nobody knows,
but you will surely find it someday.
So no matter how painful it is right now,
no matter how sad you are,
even if you are angry,
even if you smile,
even if you cry,
even if you scream and cry
please walk on
until the day you find your treasure.
If you, the person on the other side of the screen
were to find yourself alone,
it’s all right.
You’re not alone.
I’m here.
I will always be here.
So rest assured.
This is what I realized
after I walked with him
and learned with him.


Is it too spoilery to use as an introductory quote?

Maybe just the part where she breaks the fourth wall? ^^

Spoiler: She isn’t lol. It’s just really clever~

I liked

So no matter how painful it is right now, no matter how sad you are-
…even if you are angry,
even if you smile,
even if you cry,
even if you scream and cry…
Please walk on until the day you find your treasure.

I don’t think it’s too bad without context. /shrug

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Here’s a few random ones I noticed on the journey to the quote I wanted to get.

“There’s no way I’ll let it end like this. If I did, it would be no different from when I was a student: having goals but never achieving them because of my laziness. I have to keep moving forward too. I won’t repeat the same mistakes.”

“Every home has their problems.”

“Nothing changes by simply letting time pass.”

“Those happy times when I had the most fun… When everyone was there, doing something stupid together and getting all excited about it.”

And finally, the one I actually planned to quote.
The short version:

“There are infinite kinds of families, and each one of them is as deep as the ocean. It won’t be easy to understand, but still, I want to know more about families. If I do, I believe my world will become a brighter place. It’ll help me realize the irreplaceable value of things I take for granted. It’ll help me care more dearly about life, and I want to share these feelings with others. I want them to know the wonders of life.”

And the complete version:

“I’ve seen many families, including my own. I’ve learned that there are few that I can relate to. There are infinite kinds of families, and each one of them is as deep as the ocean. It won’t be easy to understand, but still, I want to know more about families. If I do, I believe my world will become a brighter place. It’ll help me realize the irreplaceable value of things I take for granted. It’ll help me care more dearly about life, and I want to share these feelings with others. I want them to know the wonders of life. People struggle with many things. I want to be their strength.”


Done. Thank you for delivering!

“There were many times when my heart almost tore into pieces from the pain. There were times when I cried. But it is because I lived through those days, that today is so dazzling. The day I met him. The days I lived with him. The days I felt despair. The days I cried alone. The path I continue to walk. The past. The future. All of it, is just like the sunset I saw that day. Dazzling. I was able to find the sparkle in life. So I want to find people who are lost, as I was before, and help them now. So if you keep walking, I have fulfilled my purpose. And if you’re able to find it, please help others find it too. You will not hesitate when the time comes. You… You will already know the meaning of life. What your treasure may be, and how you can obtain it, is something that nobody knows, but you will surely find it someday. So no matter how painful it is right now, no matter how sad you are, if even you are angry, even if you smile, even if you cry, even if you scream and cry, please walk on, until the day you find your treasure. If you, the person on the other side of the screen, were to find yourself alone, it’s all right. You’re not alone. I’m here. I will always be here. So rest assured. This is what I realized, after I walked with him, and learned with him.
…Thank you.
…Thanks to you…
I led a good life.
Let’s go !
The world is beautiful
Life is beautiful.
It’s a Wonderful Life !”


looks at the clock



Did anyone get the full context of this quote?

Spoilers for After!
This is a full spoilers untagged topic, but I’m tagging because the bookclub is going on, so be careful!

These two Clannad references absolutely killed me.

[Tomoya replying a couple lines later]


This is also me right now after reading for 7 hours and finishing the game at 6am ;___;

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I know, right? That totally got me too. When I first saw it, I was like WHAT THE HECK?!