Tomoyo After and Little Busters to be Officially Released in English!

Huh, neat


On a serious note though, I’m looking forward to reading Tomoyo After and rereading Little Busters. This month has been awesome.

How Happy am I? OMG YUSH

How surprised am I? not at all I actually saw this coming… I knew something was going on because why would doki stall so bad at the end? because it was already scooped up/planed to be official English…

This is the bestus Halloween present ever!!! This news. Also I love the masasto in the background. Hype Hype Hype Hyyyype!!

WOW. Can’t say I could have ever saw this coming. I thought Harmonia was a big step in the right direction but GOD DAMN this just blew that away. WE DID IT BOYS.


Welcome to the Hype Maglev!
(Perfect edition or nothing)
(And Tomoyo After all ages and adult verions).
Little Busters Saikou! YAHOOO! :masgrin: :kgoha:

inb4 Novemeber Fools!
You all fell for it!

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OMG! HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE. I cannot believe this is happening, what a wonderful thing to wake up to after cramming all day and night for my midterms. I can’t wait to play tomoyo after sincei never got a chance to read it and I can finally reread Little Busters with the final three routes that never got finished translating ugh im soo happy. I really wished they also announced Rewrite I really was hoping they would cross promote Rewrite by releasing it with the anime T^T but this is good enough I hope they announce it soon and the games release really soon. I also hope they release physical edition during AX that would be super wonderful ugh soo happy im going to go broke my poor wallet T^T.

omg this is amazing news; really made my day

Christmas really came early, first Rewrite anime announced, now my favorite VN is going to be released in the west.

Since it started with Planetarian, and CLANNAD, and now we’re getting Tomoyo After and Little Busters!, I think they’re going by their linear release date. Meaning if they decide to translate more visual novels (which they will), then we’re getting Kud Wafter next. Although Tomoyo After is just a spin-off of CLANNAD, while Little Busters! is a flag point for Key, that means after they come out, we might get Kud Wafter and Rewrite together too, since Kud Wafter is also just a spin-off of Little Busters!, and Rewrite is also a flag point. Then Harvest Festa and 1st Beat. I’m not sure if they would release Kanon or Air. Considering the CG’s for Kanon aren’t that great, and the CG’s for Air, they’re okay, but not as great, unless the viewer doesn’t mind old CG’s, then Air will be fine. I’m hoping we’ll at least get the 6th beat, during the same day as Japan will.

I also pray we get a Akane After ~ It’s a wicked world.
Ahh, just thinking about it makes me happy.

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You’re missing the fact that they are just updating the fan translation which Kud Wafter doesn’t have. We also went planetarian than Clannad which isn’t in order. I still think they’ll announce Rewrite around the time the anime either starts or finishes airing.

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I don’t know if they will be releasing in those orders but angel beats is prolly going to be released last if it ever comes to NA/EU. Air and Kanon will prolly get released after Rewrite which seems to be likely. Kud Wafter did have a fan translation it was just never completed I think it was around 30-40% complete.

that’s still 60-70% that Visual Art’s has to completely translate. I’m not saying we won’t get it I’m just saying they are likely only paired like this because they just have to update instead of translate.

Yeah I know. I think they chose Little Busters and Tomoyo after since Little Busters is more well known in the general public since it did get an anime and is still well loved series and picked tomoyo after because of the giant popularity of Clannad. My guess that if they do release Kud Wafter I think it might be release after Rewrite if they do release it and release Kud Wafter and Harvest Festa together.

It is hard to say where they will go from here tbh, I think the thought of them scooping up rewrite soon is possible, there is a chance they want to scoop up harvest festa before the fan patch is released. I mean it would help sales for the English a lot if you have no fan patch beforehand, though timing will be pressed to get is “scooped up”. One thing for sure I will not buy harvest festa (JP) before the patch is out because I did that with LB PE and yeah… its okay though cause I never bought reg. Plus I don’t mind buying it twice cause it is so good lol.

They might wait for air and Kanon; if sales are really good overseas for the rest of the stuff they release, we might even see some sort of remaster ed of air and kanon. Don’t count on it too much tough… Angel beats is a massive wildcard, it could be soon or it could be ages. Kud wafter shouldn’t be too long from now, will be awhile though 1-2 years for announcement maybe?

All I really know is the hype train has arrived and that you should probably get on!!! This ride will not end at little busters and will probably go on for basically the rest of key’s life (which will be very long). I was pretty certain that Clannad would cause a chain reaction like this and it did. This really just proved that is a chain of games and not just clannad.

If you see the messages to Visual Arts and the Steam Harmonia page, the most requested novel is clearly Angel Beats, and I think it would be wise for them to ride the AB! Hype train right now. So that’s my bet on which will be next.

Also it’s possible that Visual Arts is having negotiations with Kud Wafter translator, seeing how slow his translation has been going (the same thing that happened to Little Busters translation team).

Kudwafter translator has always been slow since he has carpal tunnel and from what i saw depression? prolly but yeah. I would like to see angel beats translated in english but since it comes out with 6 volumesi think creating it in japanese and then translating it for the english community might be too much for now.

This made my day. I didn’t notice it until way later, but that’s just 'cause I suck. Hooray!

Really looking forward to Tomoyo After and Little Busters! This really has been a great year for Key fans. ^_^ (My wallet weeps though.)

Anyway, I’m calling it now: I predict LB! stickers will be released for LINE. That’d be hype too.

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That would just be icing on the cake. Baba Shachou has been trying for so long to make it happen ;_;

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This is just… I… with Clannad nearly here and now a little busters to look forward to, along with hopefully (if Little busters sells well, which is will) Angel Beats! God all the key anime I have watched and loved, can now be played to see the full extent of the story, amazing!

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Isn’t EX +18? Whilst Steam is sticking to AA? What about us purists? @_@